5 healthy foods making you GAIN weight

I’m breaking down five healthy foods that could be causing unexpected weight gain and knowing these could save you months of frustration and help you lose weight faster! 💌 Join My Newsletter:

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Leroy Johnson

  • @carlyhaskins7 says:

    Me automatically stopping what I’m doing because I got a notification that you uploaded!!!❤

  • @ziaakbar2535 says:

    Honestly you have been one of the most beautiful and inspirational people I’ve met on YouTube this year. I love you so much with all my heart ❤️ ❤😊

  • @pattiramos2376 says:

    Very informative!! I am guilty of adding way too much peanut or almond butter to my smoothies! Thanks for all you do gorgeous!💗

    • @Mesem-tp7nx says:

      Thank you 💚🌼My favorite high protein *Peanut Butter* has 30grams protein per 100grammes +most surely since consuming has kept my weight down because it’s just possessing 12grmmes carbohydrates so the 30grmmes protein most surely keeps My Under Control too 💚🥰🌼 Exceptions to every rule hey💚🥰🌼

  • @amiereviews4152 says:

    I can’t live without my coffee, not sure there’s a food I always eat

  • @MindfulArcana says:

    Your hair is looking AMAZING Katie!

  • @sandraboyd1900 says:

    Your videos are the best!!! I look forward to them weekly. Very Informative !!! Thank you so much for sharing ❤️. Avacado is my favorite also!!!

  • @carleyrodriguez4762 says:

    Oh Katie your information is right on point! Nut butter is my weakness and pointing out how to much of these “healthy” foods can knock you off your weight loss goals is eye opening! Thank you for bringing this to light! ❤

  • @heatherlebus9046 says:

    Ooh it’s the nut butters for me. Thank you for the suggestion to keep it to 1 Tbsp💗

    • @Mesem-tp7nx says:

      Bless You Yours Thank you 💚🌼My favorite high protein *Peanut Butter* has 30grams protein per 100grammes +most surely since consuming has kept my weight down because it’s just possessing 12grmmes carbohydrates so the 30grmmes protein most surely keeps My Under Control too 💚🥰🌼 Exceptions to every rule hey💚🥰🌼

  • @dawnmorants4180 says:

    Coffee avocados and peanut butter!

  • @danagobert8328 says:

    Oh wow I love peanut butter in my smoothie bowls

    • @Mesem-tp7nx says:

      ❤Thank you 💚🌼My favorite high protein *Peanut Butter* has 30grams protein per 100grammes +most surely since consuming has kept my weight down because it’s just possessing 12grmmes carbohydrates so the 30grmmes protein most surely keeps My Under Control too 💚🥰🌼 Exceptions to every rule hey💚🥰🌼

  • @montananapier4636 says:

    Such good info!

  • @nikkibleh8045 says:

    My peanut butter addiction made me gain weight so quickly.

    • @Mesem-tp7nx says:

      Thank you 💚🌼My favorite high protein *Peanut Butter* has 30grams protein per 100grammes +most surely since consuming has kept my weight down because it’s just possessing 12grmmes carbohydrates so the 30grmmes protein most surely keeps My Under Control too 💚🥰🌼 Exceptions to every rule hey💚🥰🌼💯🙏

    • @Mesem-tp7nx says:

      Thank you 💚🌼My favorite high protein *Peanut Butter* has 30grams protein per 100grammes +most surely since consuming has kept my weight down because it’s just possessing 12grmmes carbohydrates so the 30grmmes protein most surely keeps My Under Control too 💚🥰🌼 Exceptions to every rule hey💚🥰🌼

  • @aussieland1783 says:

    I eat a full avocado 🥑 because I don’t want it to go off, I tried ways to not to go brown, I gave up. I rarely buy avocados now because it price increases.

  • @courtneysimon154 says:

    I love this information!

  • @weekend_Katy_llc4197 says:

    “I don’t even have granulated sugar in my house”

    THAT SAYS IT ALL 😀 !!!!🎉😂❤

  • @ChairBear56 says:

    Omggg, love your hair Katie!

  • @MarissaDivodi-Lessa-ko8cb says:

    I love my sauces and dressings too. I switched to fat free Italian and Ray’s sugar free bbq sauce and they’re still really yummy. Cutting out peanut butter really makes a difference for me. Love the video. 🥰

  • @katpark1692 says:

    I can’t live without my morning coffee!

  • @Kristeng658 says:

    Coffee is something I can’t live without… I’m trying Nutpods creamer now, staying away from dairy and sugar. I might have to try decreasing the caffeine as a next step, but I don’t know if I could ever cut out coffee completely 🙈

  • @puppypanda1 says:

    I cant live without my almond butter toast 😂

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