How I Became My Healthiest Self | 5 Life Changing Tips






I'm Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner.
I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:


Leroy Johnson

  • @joeg4589 says:

    Great video! That mushroom light looks like an animation in the foreground lol my eyes are playing tricks on me

  • @T1Army says:

    I’ve been vegan for over 2 years and your channel has been with me all the way! Thank you for the great content! ๐Ÿ˜

  • @hicutiecar says:

    I love all your videos. Obvs, I’m here for every one. Even the ones I think I might not be as excited about when I read the title, I ALWAYS end up loving. But this kind of video speaks to me even more. I love the peek inside how you think and how you got from Party Simnett to Peak-Health Simnett. Plus, just sitting down for a chat feels like getting to hang out with you which is never a bad time.

  • @rjaquaponics9266 says:

    Thank you for the motivation to make small change! Great Message! Well done!

  • @Belaina says:

    One thing that helped me recently to change my perspective on things (not only health and fitness, but also at work) is this: “you either feel the pain of discipline or you feel the pain of regret. Either way, you will feel pain.” Sounds a bit harsh and demotivating with all the talking about pain, but in my opinion this is true nevertheless. So, I’d rather feel the discipline-pain ๐Ÿ˜€

    • @pdblouin says:

      The pain of regret is future me’s problem. A beans & greens diet comes easy for me, but exercise…not so much.

  • @LaurieLaR says:

    Thank you, I needed this. I have no problem eating healthy, it’s the exercise motivation I need…

  • @jodimorrison says:

    Thank you for the time you take making all the videos that you do – they are all helpful and inspiring to so…many people.
    I know you have expressed as struggle to continue making content in the past so just wanted to say how much ‘we’ appreciate that you made it through those struggles and have continued to help other.
    Also love to support a fellow Islander!!

  • @womanofacertainage5892 says:

    Crowding out the not-healthy stuff is KEY for me. Also — GREENS. I find when I’m not eating at least one giant salad a day and when I’m not drinking a green smoothie packed with greens in the morning, I crave sugar so much more. Don’t get me wrong – I still love dark chocolate and I eat that often but not in large quantities! I just don’t want a huge amount of the treats when I get enough greens in. I never say to myself “you can’t eat chocolate.” Instead I say “we’re going to eat a lot of greens and at least 5-7 servings of fruit or veggies a day!” When I do THAT, I end up eating well.

  • @tinaking6833 says:

    Great video, as always!!
    My favorite quote I heard years ago is…
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!
    Happy New Year !!

  • @turquoiseescapes says:

    Great tips! ๐Ÿ‘Š Itโ€™s remembering the long term goal over the short term temptation. Always hard but gets easier with time.

  • @Fudgeey says:

    “If it’s in the house, it goes in the mouth” this has been my unspoken motto for every food, especially snack-type foods. I’m the type where if it’s in my reach, I’m going to eat it and this can be a blessing or curse depending on how I shop. Only keep nutrient dense foods around, and I’m going to eat nutrient dense food 9 times out of 10 because of sheer laziness.

  • @Fudgeey says:

    That’s another great point I’ve learned over the last year, food isn’t meant to be this incredible flavor bomb at every meal with endless butters, salts, herbs and spices galore. It’s much easier for me to stay on track when my staple foods and meals are simple, tasty enough to eat it but not so packed so flavor that I want 3 plates of it.

  • @gwynethking640 says:

    Great vlog. Especially in the house , in the mouth. I love being vegan, it fills my life with joy ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • @SherieRodrigues says:

    Changing โ€œ mindsetโ€ applies to every situation in our lives my dear, keep talking. I LOVE YOUR WORK Derek.โคโคโค

  • @br-cr8dd says:

    Thank you for this video Derek, I think we all struggle with motivation to keep exercising and also to make good food choices, itโ€™s just human! Thank you for bringing this topic to light! โค

  • @AncTreat5358 says:

    Great video! I was vegetarian for over 25 years, and became vegan last year and whole food plant based the last two months. I’ve found your channel to be very helpful! I liked this one’s tips, especially the “visualize your future and make choices towards that”. Visualization techniques have always done well by me, so I look forward to trying that out.

  • @jackiefox7224 says:

    Well said. I saw a great post that said โ€˜The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want nowโ€™ โ€ฆ And I remember Chef AJ saying โ€˜If itโ€™s in your house, itโ€™s in your mouthโ€™ and itโ€™s so true. A clean environment I find really helps me. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

  • @RickG-i2i says:

    I was hoping for one of your motivational/mindset videos to start the year and I’m so happy you made one! I’m always grateful when you drop these throughout the year. Thank you for all that you do! You and Crystal are making the world a better place!

  • @fairwearth690 says:

    Happy new year, Derek and Crystal! Inspiring, motivational vlog as usual. It came at the right time as my husband and I have finally decided to quit drinking alcohol and eating addictive, unhealthy junk food, join 12 step groups and form new healthy habits. Thank you for your positivity, encouragement and gentle motivation–all done without shaming and pushing perfectionism! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’—

  • @emanuellerayne7682 says:

    Anytime I come back to your videos, I am always well rewarded. You’re still one of my favourite no non-sense youtube artists. Thank you!

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