Low Carb Items at TJ Maxx?! Weight Loss Friendly Snacks

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#keto #lowcarb #lowcarblove #ketorecipes #weightloss #tjmaxx
00:00 Introduction
00:38 Nut Mixes
01:36 Edadame Beans
02:36 Protein Powders
03:38 Spreads
04:54 Treats
05:55 Coffee Syrups
06:51 Chips
07:58 Oils
08:52 Sauces
10:37 Spices

Leroy Johnson

  • @cherylgriffin9242 says:

    Oh my God I’m so happy that you shared this with us I didn’t know TJ Maxx carry stuff like that I’m definitely going in

  • @Makeitmakesensejo says:

    Thank you I must take snacks as well, if I don’t it’s a buffet. Your tips are awsome God bless you.

    I went from 267 to 175 lbs holding now for 2 years, it took several years I did it. Low carb & sugar is it, protein, protein good go. I learn how to have what I call party day, and get right back on the norm and stay there 90% of the time.

    It’s a lifestyle I can live with and not dieting all the time.

  • @nicolerodriguez1366 says:

    I always check Ross, TJ Maxx and Homegoods!

  • @nicolerodriguez1366 says:

    The edamame is good on salads or straight from the bag. Big Lots is another place I’ve found Keto gems.

  • @kratino says:

    Great stores! I used to work at HomeGoods. Always hit the clearance section first!

  • @melonnieolson562 says:

    Nice finds. I usually look through the different sauces and spices when I go there. Iโ€™ve picked up the multipacks of nuts but I need to check out the jars. Thanks.

  • @susandellarocca1866 says:

    Crunchy Edamame is yummy! I especially like them sprinkled in salad!๐Ÿ˜Š

  • @patriciaclark7461 says:

    Mayra, the Cafe al Fresco brand of sugar free caramel coffee syrup is concentrated but had a really good flavor. Just an FYI. Bought it two days ago and using it in my espresso drinks at home. Yummy.

  • @taramonique3086 says:

    The best sugar free syrup is the brand JOE. The Salted caramel is sooo good. I like all the sugar free JOE syrups. Hope that helps ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • @christinasykes4736 says:

    I love you’re videos low carb love I’m so happy to watch it so I can start on my weight loss Journey

  • @janetblystone6575 says:

    I love the Skinny Girl Syrups for both my coffee and my water!! Zero calerie and sugar free!!

  • @ElenaVG says:

    Thanks for sharing, I was thinking of visiting TJ Maxx this week or next. Love wisps but now we save & make some at home!!

  • @danatriesit3244 says:

    My home goods had a lot of Torani flavors for coffee, had to grab some

  • @mysunshine0063 says:

    oh my gosh! I am so jealous of your TJ Max. you have so many isles of choices, ours has one isle with food on both sides.

  • @jeanwoodall1523 says:

    A homestead channel I follow recommended the Yuka app. You can scan food and personal care products bar codes to see if they have clean/healthy ingredients or not.

  • @Renee_nf094e says:

    Ive bought snacks like popcorn and sugar free syrups from TJM before and ive seen other foods like pastas, but I’ve never seen a TJM like this one. This is darn near a grocery store and I love it.๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜

  • @natashak3387 says:

    I am absolutely OBSESSED with O’Bean Edamame in all flavors. Yuuuummm!

  • @cassiemercier2217 says:

    I absolutely love TJmaxx. I’m from Covington Georgia, our tjmaxx here isn’t as big, BUT every now and then, I will stop by to check out their snacks. I always refill up on my seasonings, himalayan salt, and avocado oil for sure from there. They always switch up and add newer stuffโคโคโคโค

  • @kat5000 says:

    I’m in Austria, and here it’s TK maxx – I always check the food section. Got the roasted edamame, some chickpeas, and quite frequently they also have seaweed snacks. My most priced finds usually are the sugar free flavour syrups for my coffee… I do drink mostly black, but having the option to have a bit of flavour has stopped me from “needing to snack”

  • @lindabader-acosta7808 says:

    I love eating the edamame snacks. I do put some in a snack baggie & take with me. They have a ranch flavor as well & you canโ€™t go wrong with it having 14g of protein. Itโ€™s a total recommendation for me.

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