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Leroy Johnson

  • @FJano12 says:

    I am probably overdoing it. So the opposite true:)

  • @loewenberg11 says:

    Combine with sauna and you will be immortal🙂

  • @MrKarolWlodarczyk says:

    I think good suggestion to achieve the step target is to walk a bit faster.Just step at it, it really doesn’t need to be this laY stroll, you will get to 9k steps in no time.

  • @EricaBassi99 says:

    Or maybe those people just live all round healthier lifestyles.

  • @CHJM605 says:

    Fast walking for 1 hour per day is not ‘ridiculously easy’, but I appreciate the info.

  • @whoknows8223 says:

    Amazing video Siim. This is the content I want to see. No “buy these supplements” bs

  • @jlvandat69 says:

    Thanks, Siim…..good stuff. 1-1/2 hours a day walking is relatively easy, but it’s still a chunk of time, especially if you’re doing it 7 days a week. It would be interesting to know if there is a significant rise in all-cause mortality going from 7 days to, say 5 days/week.

    • @Parasitophazon says:

      If you do it 5 instead of 7 days a week, that’s equivalent to going down from 8700 to 6500 steps, which still provides -50% all cause mortality according to the graph in the video, still a huge boost. It’s better to aim for a sustainable approach you can keep for life, 5 days of 1h walks still way better than nothing.

    • @jlvandat69 says:

      @@Parasitophazon Makes sense……and I agree 100%, find a habit that’s sustainable versus trying to maintain a pattern that’s not realistic.

  • @bendikkirkbakk1833 says:

    I walk that everyday

  • @VenturiLife says:

    Just walking. A natural human activity

  • @robertludwig5620 says:

    walk or sprint. Don’t jog. zone 2 cardio in excess enlarges the heart. don’t believe me, look into it.

  • @robertdaymouse3784 says:

    My estimate would be that 80% of the subscribers on this channel are already in the top quartile of physical activity for their age group, and that there are not any subscribers in the bottom quartile.

  • @Eric3Frog says:

    In the cities in Japan, people do this normally to get to work, etc.

  • @Eric3Frog says:

    I wonder how much of that is correlation vs. causation. Perhaps people who walk 8,700 steps have other healthy behaviors that are causing the benefit.

    • @sweatybabypowderhands843 says:

      People who walk more are less sedenetary. Sedenetary life = bad. It’s probably that simple.

  • @arcadepiano says:

    twice a month i go to a supermarket which is 6 km away. and i don’t always return on bus the 2/3 of the back. today i did those 12 km and the back carrying 37 kg of food at my 46 years.

    and every 4 days i walk 3 km for the bread and vegetables

  • @pjaworek6793 says:

    Thank goodness it’s walking, I’m walking in a forest right now.

    Please, just a request, i couod be wrong. Try to incorporate the answer into the clickbait somehow. One way is timestamps. Sometimes not being able to watch a video gives us unnecessary anxiety when we want the answer. We’ll watch the video anyway.

  • @wennerstierna says:

    I did 11111 x 90 days/Quarter= 1million steps X 6 quarters = 6 million steps in 2021-2022. I have also done cycle commuting 30km x 2 x 5 days a week on and off. I dumped alcohol 1999. I will outlive all health prophets.

  • @SilverFan21k says:

    For the Algorithm. 🔥😎

  • @AlwaysAudacity says:

    I try to get at least 10000 steps in my sauna every day. Mostly circles though.

  • @kasp7674 says:

    I have to ask. Did they control for obesity?

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