The Side Effects of Quinine (Tonic Water) to Boost GLP-1

Quinine, a common ingredient in tonic water, can suppress appetite and cause weight loss, but it has a host of potential side effects and is an extremely toxic agent in overdose.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @catecurl3790 says:

    Thanks Dr Greger. I WAS thinking to research quinine but nooo, not a good idea 💡

  • @spiph23 says:

    Holy jeepers, do you think maybe you should have just included this with the first video?! Comments showed tons of people wanting to start drinking the stuff. Some of those people are likely to not ever see this video. At a minimum, your warning could have been much stronger using that typical Dr. Greger humor. For example, “What are the downsides, things like…(list 1 or 2 of the worst)? That’s what I’ll cover next.” However, this ignores that most people don’t watch YT videos to the end.

    • @Mr.N0.0ne says:

      If someone watches a video about the benefits of tonic water which ends with the words “What are the downsides? That’s what I’ll cover next” and they go out and start drinking the stuff without at the very least waiting for the next video, but more sensibly doing their own ten minutes of research, they need to smarten up.

    • @BNJ24 says:

      Exactly my thoughts!

    • @cherry7000 says:

      ​@Mr.N0.0ne who would think something u can buy at the store would cause so much damage? He is exaggerating. You would have to be allergic or overdose on it.

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Stay up on the latest news by subscribing to’s free e-newsletter and receive two delicious recipes featured in Dr. Greger’s upcoming The How Not to Age Cookbook as a thank-you for subscribing. -NF Team

  • @memofromessex says:

    Christ. Thank god I don’t like a G&T. I wonder if the Quinine causes the stomach ache get?

  • @sr-kt9ml says:

    wow, who knew?? But it tastes so good 🙁

  • @Alexander-ok7fm says:

    Thank you!

  • @1000rikkeful says:

    I guess i have to find a different favorite soda..

  • @Xanadu2025 says:

    Now you tell me. I saw yesterday’s video and went out and bought several liters. I drank a whole bottle yesterday.

  • @zoombinifleen9362 says:

    So quinine water is bad. Good tangent I guess considering he was talking about food that can mimic GLP drugs, but did he actually mention any food that won’t mess you up which has been proven to increase GLP naturally… or was this whole series a big nothing burger?

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