How Not to Age Is Out Now

How Not to Age is out now! If you preordered a copy, you should get it today. If you haven’t ordered yet, head to your favorite bookseller or library and pick up a copy. There was so much juicy research on the many aspects of aging and longevity—more than 13,000 citations’ worth!—that I couldn’t even […]

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Dentist Says You Don’t Need a Dentist

Full Podcast: Do we really need dentists? Yes, at least for now because there is so much damage to be repaired For the longterm I’d love to see the future dentist becoming a specialist in optimal health, starting from the mouth. Nature has designed our body to support itself through all essential stages of growth. […]

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Does Lemon Water Make Your Body Alkaline?

FREE HUNGER CRUSHING COMBO™ E-BOOK! A FEW DISCLAIMERS 1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs. 2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations. 3) […]

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High vs Low Reps (Science-Based)

Are high reps or low reps better for building muscle? Do higher repetitions increase muscle definition and does heavier weight make your muscles bigger than lighter weight? What is the best rep range for muscle growth? Find out the answers to all of these questions in this science-based video 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: 📲 […]

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