My Evidence Based Longevity Routine

💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: Timestamps: 00:01 Introduction 01:30 Body Composition 02:44 Calorie Restriction and Longevity 04:03 Time Restricted Eating 05:20 What Foods Do I Eat 07:30 Protein and Longevity 08:45 How Many Carbs Do I Eat 10:21 How Many Fats Do I Eat 12:40 My Longevity Workout Routine 16:33 My Longevity Supplements Routine […]

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Ceramic Pans vs Non-Stick Pans

Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: Goodbye Teflon, hello ceramic! 🍳👋 After learning about the dangers of Teflon, it's natural to be concerned about ceramic pans. But the good news is that ceramic pans are […]

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7 Day Holiday Detox!! [join me!!]

Grab your 7 Day Detox here! 👇🏻 Join me for this years 7 Day Holiday Detox!! COMPLETE INTERMITTENT FASTING PROGRAM: SUBSCRIBE + JOIN THE AENPEEPS! *STAY CONNECTED* ~FREE WEEKLY NUTRITION NEWSLETTER: ~BINGE THE BLOG: ~INSTAGRAM: ~PINTEREST: ~AUTUMN ELLE NUTRITION FACEBOOK GROUP: NOTE: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned […]

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