Should you shame people into being healthy?

FREE HUNGER CRUSHING COMBO™ E-BOOK! A FEW DISCLAIMERS 1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs. 2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations. 3) […]

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Stop Your Body From Deteriorating

Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: Feeling like you're aging too fast? You can slow down this natural process by making lifestyle improvements: 1️⃣ Your body naturally deteriorates with age, but inaction accelerates it. 2️⃣ […]

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This Hack Can Increase Your Gym Performance 140%

💯💯Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: Longevity and Anti-Aging Playlist: NEW Shop: NEW Merch: Metabolic Autophagy Book: Stronger by Stress Book: The Mineral Fix Book: The Immunity Fix Book: Metabolic Autophagy Master Class: Total Sleep Optimization Video Course: Metabolic Autophagy 4 Week Meal Plan: Intermittent Fasting Video Course: Check Out My Coaching: Get Self Decode […]

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5 Easy Superhuman Biohacks

Subscribe for videos on becoming superhuman: The Supplements That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: The Diet & Routine That Lowered My Age by 12 Years: Longevity doesn't require magic pills! Here are 5 biohacks to promote a longer, healthier life: 1️⃣ Meditation: Boost neuroplasticity and reduce stress. 2️⃣ Sleep Tracking: Optimize sleep for quality […]

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