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10 EASY Weight Loss Hacks That ACTUALLY Work (…safe, non-restrictive & affordable)!!

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Looking for effective weight loss tips, sustainable fat loss, and healthy diet hacks that actually work? LOOK NO FURTHER! As a dietitian, I provide science-backed tools for long-term weight loss without deprivation, and today we're gonna on how a few simple & evidence-based hacks could help you achieve your weight loss goals. 🏆

For more tips, check out my podcast Bite Back with Abbey Sharp for deeper dives into weight loss, nutrition, and healthy habits! 🎧

#WeightLossTips #FatLoss #SustainableDiet #HungerCrushingCombo #BodyAutonomy #HealthyEating #CalorieDeficit #NutritionHacks

🎙 Listen to my new podcast, Bite Back with Abbey Sharp: www.amazon.ca/BiteBack on @amazonmuiccan

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1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
5) Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and ring the little bell so you never miss out!


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Check out my blog for healthy recipes, parenting tips and tricks and busting nutrition myths and diets: www.abbeyskitchen.com

If you liked this video, please leave me a comment below with your thoughts and let me know who you want me to review next!

With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey 🌸

Leroy Johnson

  • @AbbeysKitchen says:

    Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/ABBEYSHARP to get your free sample pack with any purchase.

  • @Jackiesaltlover says:

    Great info and love the hair!

  • @MistyLake says:

    I’m always cold and having a cold room keeps me awake shivering all night. I get neck pain and migraines from it too.

    • @GreenBeans-sw8pq says:

      This is a really good point! Thank you for putting this out cause I’m sure many wouldn’t consider this! I hope you have/find what you can substitute that practice for❤❤❤

    • @celestialcircledance says:

      I can’t do or I’ll have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning and ironically the more you achieve thinness the more cold intolerant you are likely to become.

  • @9cga4 says:

    For a second i thought she meant people were eating the shells of the pistachios 😂

  • @danastonerock9987 says:

    Yes to NEAT ! Never underestimate cooking and baking in the kitchen! So much back and forth movement from sink, oven, bending down, and cleaning. If I have days I’m cooking a lot or in the kitchen a while or cleaning/ vacuuming, I always get Past 10k steps. Usually end with 12-13k. My fitbit always thinks I swam for an hour when baking or vacuuming lol

  • @arica1798 says:

    When 😂start my day off with a protein shake in the morning. I make better choices for the day

  • @Dailen_johnson says:

    She’s got all the Best tips from cooling starchy foods to walks after meals and sleeping in the cold I heard a lot of this information from Thomas to ! 👍

  • @nsikamarietaylor314 says:

    Absolutely LOVE YOU Abby💜💜💜 I start my internship in the fall then sit for my RDN exam. You inspire me 🎉🍐🍊🥂

  • @tiffanyhp7 says:

    For anyone looking for help with rice consumption, i have been recently lowering the amount of rice I eat by mixing rice with cauliflower “rice” and it really is delicious and helps to make it seem like im,3 eating a bunch of rice but in reality im eating 1/4 cup of cooked white rice with a half cup of cauliflower “rice” and it’s so fulfilling and delicious! i pair that with about 4oz of lean ground beef. Mix it all up and eat it! so good!! You can even do like a full cup of cauliflower rice with the 1/4 cup of white rice and it really just feels like a lot of rice. i love rice but i would eat like 2-3 cups of it in one sitting not realizing how many calories that was. Im just glad i found a fix for this. Hope this helps someone like it helped me! <3

    Edit: just wanted to mention that I use Frozen pre-shredded/grated cauliflower rice. It works perfectly and it's so simple. No need to break out the grater or food processor. This helps you to choose this option since it's so simple and easy than cooking and preparing with fresh cauliflower, unless you want to do that of course. If not, just buy it frozen (labeled "Cauliflower Rice") and warm in the microwave and then mix a 1/2 cup or more with 1/4 cup of cooked rice and you're good to go. <3

    • @saraherfindal7075 says:

      I love mixing my rice with quinoa – it’s so delicious!! I’ll just cook them together, either 1 to 1 ratio, or 3 parts quinoa and 2 parts rice. Really can recommend!!!

  • @kaylac.4797 says:

    1000mg of sodium seems like a if you’re already getting a lot from food …

    • @lynnthompson6927 says:

      I’m with you, I think people in warm places ( not where I live) or folks on carnivore diet, and heavy exercisers need that. But that is not me or most people.

  • @karynstouffer3562 says:

    Abbey, I was wondering if you could cover why some people don’t, or can’t, utilize vegetal proteins. Or, if that’s not something you want to do, could you point me in a direction for research? I can’t seem to be able to find anything without going down deep rabbit holes. I would be forever grateful.

  • @SheilaFerguson-b7k says:

    Thanks Abby another great video! Appreciate your truth and hard work keeping us healthier! There are so many days I just feel like eating everything in sight!!! Usually getting outside helps! ❤

  • @jesssealey6552 says:

    Awesome another video to add to favourites from Abbey. Been looking forward to the next installment in this incredibly useful series. Thanks AK team!

  • @Olala-76 says:

    Great video!

  • @alanaduplessis8681 says:

    Hi Abbey, Not to be a busy body here, but at time stamp 09.34 you mention satiety hormones and include ghrelin. I think you meant leptin. Great advice nonetheless, as always 😊

  • @outoftheklosset says:

    What does it mean to cool those foods? Like make them, cool them and eat them or eat and heat them again?

  • @reviewsbygen5591 says:

    I honestly cannot do intuitive eating. I overeat or undereat. I was sent to the WW by my pediatrician at the age of 6, which was 33 yrs ago. That was when I had to go in front of 50 or so older ladies and share my weight. Weight loss was so celebrated it was toxic. I had to eat the driest most disgusting food because no kids would opt to eat a plate full of grated carrots and cabbage with a can of tuna in water… as a result now I am still struggling with my weight and even my 4 young kids notice I never eat any of the food I prepare.

  • @annieccc13 says:

    Unrelated but your hair makeup and outfit are so wonderful in this video you look absolutely beautiful!!

  • @rachellelewis9389 says:

    I love how people don’t want to tell people they may need to lose weight. How about if you see someone walking into an oncoming train? Are you going to “suggest” they get out of the way??!!
    This country is so obsessed about not identifying as anything, except, physically, mentally and spiritually unhealthy!!

  • @jessicafranco5206 says:

    I would really love to take walks after lunch, but where I live, sometimes it’s 42ºC (107ºF) at noon. So it’s really impossible to do so.

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