11 High Protein Foods To *AVOID* [If You Want To Lose Weight]


Today I'm sharing 11 high protein foods to avoid if your goal is primarily to lose weight and lose body fat.

My Pumpkin Spice Mug Cake Recipe:


Study Mentioned:







0:00 intro
0:47 protein cereals
3:01 protein puffs
3:47 protein cookies
4:44 protein chips
5:42 sponsor
6:50 protein bars
7:22 protein cinnamon rolls
8:20 meal replacement drinks
9:38 protein cereal bars
10:05 protein wafer cookie
10:30 protein pancake or waffle mix
11:20 protein candy bar

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Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Leroy Johnson

  • @ervinsmoviecorner8748 says:

    Nice tips!

  • @dianeweismiller6826 says:


  • @FindingJoey says:

    The food industry is just merciless in taking any reasonable health trend like the focus on protein and turning into crappy ultra-processed food options.

  • @jessicablesses6091 says:

    I love kettle and fire, nice sponsor! Great tips thanks! Most anything processed is crap, and if it has more than 5 ingredients I’m mostly avoiding it

  • @TOSStarTrek says:

    I started putting fruit in my smoothies every day. Not checking how much sugar was in them. Cut back to once every 3 days.

  • @SlingsAxes says:

    Without watching more than the intro I’m going to hazard a guess that most of them I would not consider to be food. If it has more than maybe 5 ingredients it’s not food, it’s only a food-like substance.
    Beef is food. Eggs are food. Chicken is food. Sure, a salad may have more than 5 ingredients, but each one can be found growing on its own plant; none are manufactured in an industrial “plant”.

  • @priscillamorales3130 says:

    I tried to focus and learn everything but all I can hold onto that I honestly didn’t know was … wait snickers has a protein bar with only 4 grams of sugar?!?! Oh snap I know what I’m buying next time lol not even kidding that’s not bad at all considering it still has sugar, depends on the calorie amount I guess but still!

  • @P-M-869 says:

    I was happy to see that I don’t really eat any of these.

  • @guylainelamoureux says:

    You did predict it. Eye opening video. Having real sugar or a faux sugar protein anything makes me crave sugar, even protein pancakes and smoothies, I learned the hard way. Thank you Autumn. 🍯🍁🍫

  • @larapinnix5147 says:

    I am always telling clients, just because the label says “gluten-free“, “keto”, “high protein”, etc, does NOT mean that it is healthy.

  • @kray97 says:

    I would use stock to cook with and save the (much more expensive) bone broth for drinking on its own.

  • @skillsmany2235 says:

    🌞 Great info! ⚘️
    Thanks, Autumn!
    Cheers! ☕️ 🕊❤️

  • @AlaskaBrandy says:

    When I do want a chip or cracker type crunchy food, I will make Parmesan crisps. It doesn’t take very long to melt and lightly toast small clusters of shredded Parmesan in the oven. When they cool…. excellent crispy bite. I love these with soups or stews. I helps me avoid eating crackers or bread with my soup. Or I will fry up some chicken skins in my air fryer. No, these are not the most nutrient dense foods, but it fits the bill when I really want a super crunchy food with great flavor.

  • @Talon6551 says:

    Anything that is highly processed should be avoided. I look for the fewest ingredients

  • @Lost1050 says:

    I never touch any of these junk foods. Sad how many people are duped by these greedy and deceitful companies.

  • @susanmcgee5775 says:

    I find navigating your website for recipes very difficult. What am I doing wrong?

  • @jimscarnivorekitchen4731 says:

    I would have never even considered eating any of these foods in the first place.

  • @suzannecarrier287 says:

    All that stuff stalled my weight loss journey for over a year!!

  • @alimary513 says:

    Hi Autumn I really appreciate you! However the LMNT that you recommend is actually not that great for people. It has “natural flavors” that really aren’t natural at all, and sodium chloride (table salt) that is really more chemical than it is a real salt. If LMNT would switch to real salt, then I would be willing to overlook the crappy “natural flavors”. Maybe you could recommend that to them? Thanks 🙂

  • @sueraikow4721 says:

    Thank you for the critical thinking, we need this now more than ever!!

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