3 Healthy, Easy Recipes: Appetizer, Pasta, and Dessert
Celebrate the season with recipes from my cookbooks.
Celebrate the season with recipes from The How Not to Die Cookbook ( ) and The How Not to Diet Cookbook ( ).
Get the full recipes and instructions below:
• Vegetable Stacks with Tomato–Red Pepper Coulis ( )
• Gemelli with Zucchini Meatballs and Avocado Chimichurri ( )
• Fudgy No-Bake Brownies ( )
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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My family would 100% complain this is the blandest food they’ve ever eaten unfortunately, although for me personally WFPB is awesome. Food is very subjective and can be very divisive.
Can we have a *reality check* please? Our Western culture is so addicted to excess added S.O.S., that we have lost the true taste of all these diverse food choices. Eat them while we still can as the climate/ecological catastrophes looming ever closer will forever change the supply chain; all the wars and geopolitical upheavals notwithstanding.
all about habits and taste buds stimulation.
@@Julottt Don’t forget *cultural propaganda* to enhance and further those habits and taste bud stimulae.
Calling nature’s original Whole plants and fungi bland only confirms our own additive palate to dead animal products and ultra process junk products.
Those balls on the pasta look amazing!
Thanks for the recipes Doc and Team
And thanks for all the work!
Merry Christmas
The easiest I find is no cooking method. I use 600ml steel thermos with wide opening . I mill flour of 3 grains, flax, oats and barley, add a mixture of whole dried fruits , boiling water, sugar, salt. And it’s cooking itself within a few hours, (preferably overnight). I repeat same 1 minute action right after a meal, so there is always something tasty to eat at any time of a day literally without cooking
Yummy! Happy holidays doc and the NF team!