4 Foods To Help You Live Longer

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Unlock Longevity with These 4 Food!

Boosting longevity doesn't have to be costly! Incorporate these daily foods for a healthier life:

1️⃣ Coffee: Enjoy moderate consumption (1-2 cups) for reduced mortality and chronic disease risk.

2️⃣ Olive Oil: Packed with polyphenols and antioxidants, enhance lipid profile and blood sugar regulation by adding it to meals.

3️⃣ Eggs: Rich in choline, vital for brain protection and liver health.

4️⃣ Crump: A plant-based mince made of hemp and pea protein. High in protein, fiber, and magnesium, it can replace meat in various dishes.

Discover the power of these foods and embrace a healthier, longer life!

#healthcheck #preventivehealth #healthtipsforyou #healthandwellnesstips #ChooseWisely

Leroy Johnson

  • Saradis N says:

    Olive oil this year, is expensive in the Mediterranean area

  • IgneousRocks says:

    Longevity? You’re not out of your twenties!

  • Ryan Hochart says:

    Come on mate, don’t do this! We don’t want unfollow you! What is last food you mentioned!!!!!!😮 no way

  • x Z says:

    Whats your age?

  • verdensrike says:

    What? Cramp? I don’t want to have any cramps 😂

  • Helena_ says:

    I love olive oil but… aren’t olives better? Much higher polyphenol count per calories

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