40+ Health Routine to Live To 100

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P.S. This is not professional medical advice and should not be taken as such. The creator of this video is not held accountable for your health. Consult your doctor first.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @bestofjoy says:

    Live to 120? Impossible claim to make

    • @Anonymousextb says:

      120 its easy Impossible if you say 500

    • @VADACHE says:

      It is possible to live till 120

    • @truesight91 says:

      @@Anonymousextb There are known cases of people living beyond 500 in the east. Only in the west 120 – 150 seems old. Western system is severely damaged. People of the Hunza are known to live 120 – 200 quite often. They live in the mountains of asia of wild harvested foods and no radiation/electronics modern world stresses.

  • @Valhalla.Studio says:

    That was a lot of great info in just 7min.

    NAC I can definitely vouch for, it helped me out a lot when I got covid jab injured which wrecked my nervous system and gave me heart issues. Had to stop all exercise for 2 years, resting HR was like 110, just walking made it go up to 160. And I was only 36 and super fit at the time when it happened. But anyway one of the things that helped out a lot was NAC and few other things like Quercetin with Bromelain etc…

  • @DarthNoshitam says:

    Why supplement with gly-nac instead of straight glutathione?

  • @thinking-ape6483 says:

    And yet…the most important factor remains the genes you were born with…

  • @graiden says:

    Should we take melatonin before sleep when +40? Should we cycle it?

  • @scottk1525 says:

    Longevity influencers really do love their old face/young face app.

  • @tayloranderson456 says:

    Too much exercise focus, weak nutrition.

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