5 BEST Foods for Muscle Growth

We all know what the best high protein foods are, but here are some of the top foods that you may not know of, but have the ideal nutrients to help you build muscle fast.

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Eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, and steak, just kidding everyone already knows about these high-protein foods so let's run through 5 options that'll actually give you some new ideas. First, egg white wraps each contain 5 grams of protein, 0 fats, and 0 carbs. Enjoy really tasty options like soft tacos, low-carb chicken enchiladas, and of course, any kind of deli wrap you can think of. Next is mung bean fettuccini. Regular fettuccini has over 42 grams of carbs and only 4 to 7 grams of protein. Mung bean fettuccini has only 20 grams of carbs and a whopping 24 grams of protein. It also tastes almost identical. Number 3 is beef jerky. Jack Links zero-sugar beef jerky contains 0 carbs, only 2 grams of fat, and 13 grams of protein. That's incredible. Number 4, light string cheese. Each contains 50 calories, 6 grams of protein, and only 2.5 grams of fat. That means you can have 4 light sting cheeses instead of one boring quest bar for the same calories while taking in more protein. Lastly is Seitan a plant-based source of protein that contains all nine essential amino acids and about 25-30 grams of protein in 3.5 ounces

Leroy Johnson

  • @oblivionobliteration311 says:


  • @somerando7191 says:

    Fat is good. No/low fat isn’t a selling point. Carbs and sugar are the enemy.

    • @kylejohnson6775 says:

      You need carbs, fat, and protein. It’s never so simple as “avoid this” and “maximize this”.

      The hard part is getting protein without excessive amounts of the rest, so it’s worth mentioning when they’re low in fat and carbs. It makes it easier to put together a meal plan when adding protein just adds protein & not also all of your targeted fat and carbs.

    • @nlmaster9811 says:

      Fat is good for energy, but when cutting weight without sacrificing muscle mass you want to minimize non-protein based calories.

  • @nlmaster9811 says:

    Just waiting for some Karen to say seitan must be evil.

  • @IngeSchissen says:

    Really? Beef Jerkey?😂

  • @FeloniousSKUNK says:

    Seitan is gluten lol

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