​5 Tips to ACTUALLY Lose Chest Fat

Here are 5 of the best tips to lose chest fat and get rid of those man boobs fast. If you want to reduce your chest fat, but are struggling regardless of which chest workout you choose this video will help. It'll give you chest exercises you can do at home and also offer solutions to get rid of that chest fat with your diet.
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You have man boobs. This is a phrase no guy wants to hear, used to describe the accumulation of fat tissue around the chest. Maybe you don't even have a medical condition like gynecomastia but you still have some stubborn fat preventing your pecs from looking defined with squared-off edges rather than more of a soft pointy appearance. Well, this video is going to show you exactly how to transform your chest in just a few weeks and you'll want to stick around for the last tip because it'll help you improve the appearance of your chest within just a couple minutes. 
So first realize that the vast majority of you do not have gynecomastia the medical condition, but that doesn't mean that your hormones aren't working against you creating a barrier that makes it much harder to lose chest fat and much easier to store it.

That's why its necessary to address hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Both of these play an important role in regulating body fat distribution. If you have an imbalance, where your estrogen levels are relatively higher and testosterone levels are lower, it can contribute to the development of excess breast tissue in men. This hormonal shift can be caused by many different factors but outside of the rare medical conditions, most men who have moderately elevated estrogen levels have a hormonal imbalance due to poor choices that are fully within their control. For example, excess body fat can create a vicious cycle of raising estrogen levels which makes it easier to store more body fat. This is because adipose tissue, or fat cells, can produce and release hormones, including estrogen. And as many of you already know estrogen is predominantly a female sex hormone. Even though it is normal for men to have small amounts of estrogen, when you have too much you tend to store fat around areas that are more in line with female body fat distribution patterns, like the breast area for example. So if you have excess body fat reducing it is a must to break this vicious cycle. 

And the only way to lose that chest fat is to burn fat from your whole body. There's no way to target the chest area specifically for fat burn, but as you reduce your overall body fat and get leaner, your body will draw the fat from your chest and convert it into energy. However, your body would much rather use the energy you get from your diet, instead of your fat cells. So the only way to get your body to burn body fat and in turn chest fat is by creating an overall energy deficit. This revolves almost entirely around your diet. Even though you can burn some additional calories from cardio, it's very difficult and highly unsustainable to create a calorie deficit purely by increasing activity levels without also cleaning up your diet. For example, one trip to a fast food restaurant where you eat a burger, fries, and have a sugary drink can easily cost you 1000 calories. For you to burn off those thousand calories you would have to run at a moderate pace of around 6 miles per hour, for an hour and a half. It's obviously much easier and much more impactful to simply eat fewer calories than to burn those calories from exercise. 

Now if you start googling which diet works the best for fat loss or you look up YouTube videos on the topic, you're going to quickly get lost. You'll find the keto crowd, the vegan crowd, the carnivore crowd, the carb cyclers, the if it fits your macros crowd, and the list goes on and on. Proponents of ALL of these diet plans will tell you that their plan is the only one that's effective. But the secret truth that almost everyone in the diet industry doesn't want you to know is that they ALL work. That's right they can all be very effective. What it really boils down to is your personal preferences. For example, if you really like fatty foods like butter, cheese, and fatty cuts of meat, and at the same time you don't really care for carbs like bread, pasta, and rice, well then the keto may be the ideal plan for you. If on the other hand, you can't picture yourself sticking to a diet without carbs well then a carb cycling diet gives you the opportunity to reload on hundreds of grams of carbohydrates every couple of days. If you want a diet with total flexibility to even incorporate junk food like ice cream and you intend to track your calories each day, then if it fits your macro plan can be the best option for you. You would simply calculate your calories and macros with an online calculator and then ensure that you're hitting your protein target every day without exceeding…

Leroy Johnson

  • @GravityTransformation says:

    Thanks for tuning in. Here are the 7 Best Chest Exercises that you can start doing right away: https://youtu.be/Nbu5-ZX6CCo?si=VpBP3pZzAdeAYVQA

  • @OGgrinder says:

    Why the diff logo

  • @cimop3404 says:

    Love you guys

  • @pila010 says:


  • @depekthegreat359 says:

    This is one of the most extremely so fantastic videos of all time and I must starting doing all these workout to gain my fitter chest,good friends!!!👍

  • @rounaksubramanian1686 says:

    Wow this is a very amazing and awesome video bro telling about this 5 tips actually to loss chest fat and keep it up and keep up the good work as always and take care
    Keep smiling always

  • @thirtythreeteam2222 says:

    Very informative video, quite impressed.

  • @soroushrahimi8181 says:

    Thank you

  • @if_shes_busy_shes_cheatin says:

    Idk I am 5’8 140lbs and I tried everything to remove the man boobs. Still haven’t taken my shirt off. I am thinking of trying $5k air suckt or something like that here in NYC. When I get the money tho

  • @Kalthandrix says:

    Gotta start hitting incline lifts…thanks for the video

  • @mirdallke2 says:

    sory ale bzdury pan wygaduje – kazda dieta węglowodanowa zawsze będzie powodowała pojawianie sie głodu i to praktycznie toz po jego zaspokojeniu – na diecie Keto to zjawisko nie występuje także mniejsza ilość kalorii potrafi zablokować uczucie glodu na wiele wiele godzi jest to Fizjologia ani kwest osobistych preferencji – takze ejsli ktos lubi sie kartowac przy okazji powoli niszczac swój organzim zmiejszajaca sie ilosci składników odzywczych to smiało słuchajcie tego magika

    • @Craneqt says:

      Więc powiedz mi dlaczego diety Keto WCALE nie sprawdzają się w kulturystyce zawodowej.. wszyscy TOP zawodnicy lecą na węglowodanowych dieta.. keto to jest dobre ale dla otyłych ludzi a nie ludzi mocno wysportowanych

  • @IBISMK1 says:

    “Foods that walked or swam, along the ground”
    Like snakes? Or worms? 🤔

  • @Leo-mr1qz says:

    My father, everywhere we went as a growing child; “Shoulders back! Stand up straight!”

    I’m a 5ft 11″ woman who grew up in the early ’80s. I was always a head above everyone else, even the boys, so I tried to slouch to “fit in.” Not around my dad, it was impossible. To this day, I own my height. I stand up straight and look straight ahead. 😊

  • @Saed_moha. says:

    Thnkz pro 🎉✊️🙌

  • @ronkosciak6501 says:

    Extremely helpful.

  • @bluetextbooks says:

    Tip: It’s the diet, exercise with good form to shape the chest muscles.

  • @XATECK says:

    I can’t I’m bulking

  • @najahgriffin4973 says:

    Bro I’m always pumping hard throw my routine everyday

  • @lobbyofgamer4285 says:

    Can you make a video on aggressive dieting or mini cut

  • @pakistanpoetryandstatus2467 says:

    Change your profile picture

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