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Dr. Belinda Lennerz – ‘Published Research on Carnivore, Ketogenic and Carbohydrate Restricted Diets’

Dr. Belinda Lennerz completed medical school at Friedrich Alexander University in Germany in 2005. She did her pediatric residency at St. Louis Children’s Hospital from 2006-2009, followed by a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at Boston Children’s Hospital from 2009-2011 and 2014-2015.

Dr. Lennerz spent three years from 2011-2014 at Ulm University to obtain credentialing in pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology in Germany and acquire focused training in obesity. She has joined the endocrine division at Boston Children’s Hospital after finishing her fellowship in 2015.

Dr. Lennerz research focus is on understanding cerebral mechanisms that regulate food intake and energy homeostasis in obesity and type one diabetes. Past and recent projects focus on how these brain circuits can be modified by metabolic signaling in relation to food intake.

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Leroy Johnson

  • Damien Williams says:

    The youtube censors will still screew you guys even though you’re armed with the facts.

  • Jim W says:

    I believe 6 month, or even 3 month, dietary RCTs would show clear and marked benefits. 130 days into a carnivore diet, my bloods have been transformed, significant weight loss, 50 points lost on blood pressure, resting heart rate down 10 beats, LDL increased, low trigs, good HDL, etc.

    • Jo Brown says:

      I remitted my diabetes and improved all my other blood markers in three months just by going low carb. I’m also an LDL hyper responder, with low trigs and high HDL. Are you aware that the LMHR trial will be putting out an interim report soon due to the results they have seen? They are also starting new trials for regular LDL hyper responders. And the great thing is that it’s been crowd funded so no big money making industries involved.

  • zhou gongjin says:

    She didn’t go over paleomedicina’s research?

    • zhou gongjin says:

      Check them out, they (mostly) use a 70/30 fat to protein ratio carnivore diet

    • Travis Statham says:

      Time constraint. Better to focus on the studies she’s done.

    • Billy T says:

      Really difficult to listen too unfortunately. I’m sure the message is an important one, but the presentation is very hard to follow.

    • Deez Nutz says:

      What is that?

    • carnigoth says:

      @zhou gongjin Yeah, agreed. Give PKD a read. I’m fascinated by Mrs. Clemens’ suggestion to even cut out butter. Cutting out dairy I can totally get behind, but I was shocked with cutting out even clarified butter. I will give it a try soon though. I’m curious of the effects. Cheers

  • Wanda Yonder says:

    The video content is not about what the title says it is. I watched the first one third and it was all about insulin use in diabetic children.

  • Michael B Live says:

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I want to see studies on 20 grams not 20%. Glad smart people are tackling these important questions.

  • Ash Simmonds says:

    @56:15 – Sorry but that “shoo you” for asking more than one Q got me giggling.

  • Appleblade says:

    Dr. Lennerz’s answer at 51:00 sounds just right. There’s as much or more prima facie reason to expect less eating disorders on a carnivore diet… by freeing a type 1 kid to just eat and not constantly monitor their navigation of a truly toxic mix of foods that aren’t suited to their condition.

  • SHAUN says:

    I have retinitis pigmentosa. Some months ago, my eyesight got better after changing to ketogenic diet and then carnivore.
    Before I did this, I could not see anything on the TV. Now I am watching the presenter and reading the charts.
    I stopped at the point where there was no change reported in eye conditions as I can self report my eye condition got better. From no chart results to 6/15 right eye ❤❤😂

  • Alain Delon says:

    I am interested in knowing what is the healthiest diet for those with heart diseases as according to the BMJ, JAMA, AHA etc a lot fat, polisaturated oils, high carb is a heart healthy diet.

  • Norman Gunstan says:

  • Bruce McKay says:

    My N=1 study of me shows that the only way to control T1D (me for the past 40 years) is a zero carb diet and the smallest amount of insulin to maintain a HbA1C around 5.4%…. IU cannot imagine why anyone would put a T1D on any eating regime that includes carbs… there is absolutely no nutritional requirement to eat carbs and any glucose the body needs it can make as required…. Cos if carbs were required then I shroud be dead. And so far I’m not…

  • Brent C says:

    T1 diabetic, 6 months carnivore. My endo doctor is pleased with my drop in A1C from 6.8 to 5.8, lower BP, weight loss. He said his other carnivore patients are seeing great results. I am taking a lot less insulin.

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