Some people need to be called out…


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.
2) Please use this video (as with all of my review videos) as educational, not as unique recommendations.
3) Please be kind in the comments.
4) Trigger warning to those with disordered eating tendencies.
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With Science & Sass,
Xoxo Abbey

Leroy Johnson

  • Arsenic Grey says:

    Thank you so much for this! ☺️

  • T says:

    Oh my god it’s so blatant!!!

  • Muckaduck :D says:

    While I do think that there was a joke involved with not actually saying that eating sweets was bad, it is definitely something that shouldn’t really be shared to an audience where ANYONE could see, unless you clarify in the caption that it’s a joke or something.

    • Lilly Tenshi says:

      I think the core of jokes can absolutely be problematic too. I dont think she was absolutely serious.
      But the joke here is that her eating ice as a snack makes her “better”. So that is the joke, and in no light is that a good take. Usually these ugly face – posing pretty face are mocking the first thing with the ugly filter. Again the joke here is “oh you eat sweets as a snack ha ha”. And that is how a lot of mean girl bullying that encourage ED. If someone in person would make this joke, i think it would be clearer.

  • Amanda Vey says:

    Abbey woke up and chose violence! I’m here for this 👏🏾

  • Maddy Harvey says:

    People can say it’s a joke, but we need to remember how influential and malleable young people are. Even as an adult, I have to be careful about what content I consume because media DOES impact our belief systems, and the people who don’t think it does are more at risk in fact. This kind of content was so much worse when I was a teenager, and I bought into all of it without even realizing. A 15 year old might not see this as a joke.

  • JUST3 says:

    Chewing on ice is also just bad for your teeth. Not enough people have dental covered to mess with their teeth

  • Taylor Rose says:

    I don’t understand 😩 someone explain plz

  • Chloe Littlejohn says:

    This is so important.. I was literally addicted to eating ice for almost 2 years because I was insanely anemic at the time but didn’t know it, took a HUGE toll on my teeth, since I would refill my cup of ice like 10 times a day. Ice snacking is an ED thing for sure but to me the actual craving was from anemia.. pls get ur iron levels checked y’all!! especially if u suffer from heavy periods etc.

    • Wrangle Wolfe says:

      Through having anemia, I learned that most plant foods, as well as milk and such, all contain something that hinders iron absorption.

      My anemia is so bad that I literally need liver and bell pepper to restore my levels. Doctors kept saying “eat leafy greens”. I was eating so much spinach, not knowing that it contained oxalates which negated almost all of the iron content in them. Eggs block iron too. Honestly, just finding a couple of safe foods and eating them on their own as a meal every once in a while is the only way my iron gets restored.

      This would be so much simpler if I could handle iron supplements 😅

    • Miren Summers says:

      ​@Wrangle Wolfespinach is a high oxalate leafy green, but it’s not the only green. Kale varieties are much lower in oxalate, so is pak choi and cabbage. Most vegetables contain oxalates at some level but only a few have high enough amounts to hinder absorption of iron, and hinder doesn’t mean prevent entirely. Consuming plant irons with a source of vitamin C aids in absorption. I’m not saying this is what you should do, I’m putting this info here for people who might see your comment and think they have to eat liver as well. Don’t be afraid of supplementation to bring yourself up to a normal range before making dietary changes to maintain that range.

    • Mary M says:

      Chlorophyll helps my iron deficiency and my cramps during my period.

    • Wrangle Wolfe says:

      @Miren Summers Yeah, I was talking about when your body is SUPER resistant to absorbing iron. I really have a limited amount of options.

      For one, cabbage has a low amount of iron present (in comparison to many other plant-based choices), and both bok choy and kale are high in polyphenols (which are good for you, but again, inhibit iron). Two, oxalates are not the only worry: Phytates, tannins, and calcium, and lectins also hinder iron absorption. The combination of these compounds can be so detrimental that the vitamin c doesn’t make up for it (I say this as a person who eats a large, colorful array of many vegetables on a regular basis, and still manages to not be allowed to donate plasma due to my anemia).

      I only don’t supplement because it hurts my body. Iron supplements often have painful side-effects, because the body doesn’t handle pure iron going into your system very well. This can be reduced by eating a meal with the iron, but you may risk hindering absorption with your food choices, or it might not help, but it’s worth a try.

      Heme (meat) iron is more bioavailable, generally. And the most iron-rich meat would be organ meat. I eat it with bell peppers (vitamin c) to increase absorption. I was specifically saying this advice to help those whose bodies seem to really reject iron, such as mine. But the average person doesn’t need to worry, and will usually be able to get a fine amount of iron through a normal diet. People like me aren’t the average person, unfortunately.

  • Erin Howett says:

    I’m currently chewing ice, but it’s not a snack. I just like how it feels. My veggies and dill pickle ranch is my snack!

  • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

    Wow, does Abbey seriously not understand that it was a joke?

    Also, it’s quite ironic that you’re privileged to call people out for their behavior when you’re the one who bullies female celebrities by relentlessly shaming them on their food choices, and making it seem like your diet is vastly superior to theirs.

    • Raccoon 🦝 says:

      Joke or not, those videos are very dangerous for young girls with eating disorders.

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      ​@Raccoon 🦝So, if you’re triggered by a joke online, then maybe don’t watch it and get off the Internet. It’s not that hard, lol. You’re acting like these TikTok actors need to cater exactly to people with EDs, which they never claimed was their job.

      It’s the same for watching certain movies, like you could argue rated-PG movies are dangerous for kids that may trigger violent actions. It doesn’t automatically mean these movies should be banned. Just don’t have certain kids watch them. It’s not that hard.

    • Giuseppe Ferrara says:

      ​@Raccoon 🦝You’re still acting like it’s their job to please all young girls with EDs. We can’t please everyone when we make a video or movie or other form of entertainment. Or else, it’s like saying all forms of entertainment should be banned.

      As for the young girls, it’s a reflection on the parents as they should ensure that their kids don’t watch those videos.

      In addition, you’re making it seem like anyone who eats ice as a snack is automatically anorexic. Just accept that some people genuinely like the taste of ice. I’m not saying it’s healthy or I do it, but it’s not right if you start projecting your own food preferences onto others just because YOU don’t like the taste of ice. It’s interesting because it really reminds me of Abbey, who also constantly projects her food preferences onto others when she reviews female celebrities’ diets and snarks on them when their food choices don’t align with hers.

      Regardless, in the end, we are responsible for our own triggers. Simply get off the Internet if you can’t learn to take a joke (I’m referring to Abbey in this case, not you).

  • Viktóra Várkonyi says:

    I know it’s problematic to make videos like that, but ice is so nice and crunchy

  • heyysimone says:

    “Dentists hate her because….it breaks your teeth”

  • Quinniewinnie says:

    Why tf would frozen water be considered a snack? 😭 these poor hunnies don’t even have the calories to fund the brain power to THINK

  • Blayne says:

    Tik Toc is trash. It’s not even worth calling out. I don’t need PollyAnna, but lot’s of us are here for fun and a bit of learning. I hope you don’t let bitterness take over your posts. There is more than enough of that on the internet already. Love your channel.

  • Just Em says:

    You are such a good influence ❤🎉

  • ripsienna says:

    i’ve seen actual children on tiktok (14 was the most common age) promoting eating like one boiled egg for the whole day to lose weight (they were like 40/50kg in developing bodies and wanted to lose more weight??). it was so bad for my (17F) mental health i had to delete the app all together.

  • Emma Drew says:

    This is the video that made me realize Abbey was Canadian lol

  • Alia,S says:

    Im a registered dietitian and i like u abbey keep going

  • Tony Miller says:

    This is either satire or she definitely wants to speak to the manager a few times a week.

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