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Cauliflower Bisque from Chef AJ. Garnish with fresh arugula or serve over whole grains of choice.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Patrick Blouin says:

    To be extra fancy, should we blend the cauliflower and wait an hour before cooking? I’ve heard Dr. Greger recommend this and I do it sometimes but it’s not as convenient.

  • Fae Rae says:

    Looks yummy! I want to try it using white potatoes instead of sweet potatoes just for a more appealing color.

  • McFadden Hall says:

    I hate that being on a WFPB diet means you can’t saute the veggies first and add a small amount of salt. Like, a tiny amount of oil and salt would make this taste 1000X better.

    • stavokg says:

      And I think that would be ok! I hope!

    • McFadden Hall says:

      @stavokg  it would not, not according to the people running this channel anyway. I would probably throw in two teaspoons of veg oil to saute (so like 1/4tsp oil per serving), then some no-chicken better than bullion to get a few hundred mg of sodium per serving, so still well within the American Heart Association guidelines.

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