Podcast: Are Plant-Based Meat Substitutes Healthy?

A randomized controlled trial of plant-based meats offers some insight. This episode features audio from:

Visit the video pages for all sources and doctor's notes related to this podcast.

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Leroy Johnson

  • Diane Ladico says:

    Any change to the good is good and if it helps someone on their journey to better health I’m all for it but for me, I’ll stick to WFPB.

    • LizzieB says:

      I agree. Typically I’ll have a beyond burger when we are at a restaurant where that’s the best option.

    • Kathy says:

      I agree. Plant based meats can be helpful in transitioning to WFPB and if that’s as far as one gets, it’s better than where they were. I used them for that reason by now rarely indulge in them.

  • JRP3 says:

    I use Impossible and Beyond products about once a week to satisfy any “meat” cravings for burgers or sausages.

    • Jenna Wingate says:

      I have been working hard to give up processed foods this year, but I still eat the beyond breakfast sausage one or twice a week.

  • Fred Distenbrain says:

    I had a Beyond Burger once and it was just as disgusting as the animal-based original I had already given up eating. Confirmed to me we should eats plants as near to the way they naturally are as possible. Give me rice & beans or potatoes & kale any day over that processed junk.

    • W. 170th St. betw. Aud. & St. Nich. says:

      Clearly we all have different taste buds but though ive been vegan for years, that burger tastes delicious to me

    • Isobel says:

      Yes me too ! Can’t eat food that is tryin to look or taste like meat 🤢 but they r good if it stops others eating meat but people need to realize even though they are vegan they are also a ultra processed food .

    • Mac Tray says:

      ​@W. 170th St. betw. Aud. & St. Nich.that part 😂

  • L G says:

    He didn’t touch on the fact that the Impossible products use GMO soy and GMO yeast and the problems associated.

  • jacksprrow says:

    The NotBurger from NotCo is 10x better tasting and real burger tasting than beyond meat and impossible burger. It is SO GOOD.

  • Susan on life says:

    A simple hack. I’ve stopped using store bought soy milk for cooking or smoothies. Instead, I keep cooked whole soybeans in the fridge. 1/4 cup soybeans blended with 1 cup of water as a whole food substitute. Particularly great in bread!

    • Xperience Evolution says:

      Funny enough I do the same thing. I keep them in the fridge though cause I use them within 4 to 5 days.
      And if you want it a little creamier you just add more Beans or a few cashews/almonds.

  • HPLeft says:

    Beyond products have way, way too much sodium all around. I do eat the Impossible Burger products, given their far superior sodium-potassium ratio (since I do a vegetarian version of the DASH diet).

  • Elodin Istina says:

    Yess! Another podcast. I am so grateful for this. Thank you. <3
    We are both what we eat, & the information we surround ourselves with.

  • Fanny S says:

    Thank you!

  • M85 says:

    I find these products really gross but if it helps people to transition to a vegan diet I suppose it’s ok.

  • Peggy Harris says:

    Well…while at Costco, they were putting out a fresh batch of those rotisserie chickens for $4.99. It was noon and my will was weak.

  • jon tim says:

    If I want to eat all my servings of grains in oats flakes how much do I have to do when still uncooked… is 1 1/2 of rolled oats so before I at water to much or is that the right amount??? ps I cook it in the microwave so it doesn’t soak up a lot of water (I do not at much water because of this) so how much dry rolled oats are 3 servings of grains?????

  • Paul Miller says:

    Lots of good info. Thanks.

  • keith f says:

    The guy is a GENIUS

  • andrew pawley says:

    I love these podcasts!

    • Jeff says:

      2014 study title: Nutrition and health – the association between eating behavior and various health parameters: a matched sample study. “Our results showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life. Therefore, public health programs are needed in order to reduce the health risk due to nutritional factors.”

  • aroundandround says:

    Anyone else who hardly cares about not eating meat, yet watches this channel just out of idle curiosity about what he has to say but totally ignoring his advice?

  • Estrella says:

    Hi Dr. Greger, I am 53 years old and have had low blood pressure since (as far as I know) my teens. A recent check up revealed that I still have lbp. You mainly talk about high blood pressure and what what to do and what not to about it. I’ve been a vegetarian off and on for at least 20 yrs now and I’m going to switch over to your diet. I also do pretty intensive workouts such as HIIT at the gym 3 times week. I am somewhat worried about my life style and I feel dizzy at times. I’m slim, but not skinny. What can I do (or eat) to improve my blood pressure? Would drinking licorice tea e.g. be a plausible option? Hope you’ll answer. Bye, Esther (Netherlands)

  • Dr. Victor Hébert says:

    Dr. Gregor, there is missing information in the WFPB world that needs addressing and unpacking. Plants provide the 8 essential amino acids and our body makes the 12 that constitutes the 20 in a complete protein chain. Animal products supply all 20 amino acids. So, does our body still make its 12, that would bring the number of amino acids to 32 (the 20 from the animal plus the Body’s 12.) for a single protein chain. Then what amino acid from the animal protein chain, creatinine for example, is helpful or hurting the human body. Does the body nullify the extra protein from the egg or cow, eliminate it harmlessly, or something more harmful to the Body. There is a complete absence of information/research on these important facts.

  • Paper Tiger says:

    i was so happy when i saw impossible meat come to grocery stores until i picked up a package at the grocery store and saw the sodium content. I thought to myself, this is not a healthy product and only a marketing ploy.

  • Tnijo O says:

    I wish studies would also look at quality of life, not just mortality.

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