Friday Favorites: Why People Gain Weight in the Fall

A list of “specific recommendations for the prevention of obesity by improving the circadian system health.”

This was the last video in my chronobiology series. If you missed any of them, here they are:
· Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss? ( )
· Is Skipping Breakfast Better for Weight Loss? ( )
· Chronobiology – How Circadian Rhythms Can Control Your Health and Weight ( )
· Eat More Calories in the Morning to Lose Weight ( )
· Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dinner Like a Pauper ( )
· Eat More Calories in the Morning Than the Evening ( )
· How Circadian Rhythms Affect Blood Sugar Levels ( )
· Shedding Light on Shedding Weight ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Franz Vega says:


  • ALL POWER is from within forever says:

    But why not exercise before bed, I have been doing it all my life 😮

    • Craig Browne says:

      you want to slow down your heart before you go

    • cmntr says:

      It raises your body temperature, making it harder to fall asleep. There are also other theories as to why it’s not great to exercise before bed.

    • Sidilicious says:

      I like to stretch before bed, but not cardio.

    • ALL POWER is from within forever says:

      @cmntr thanks. Not sure if it’s a piece of advice appropriate for a world of couch potatoes and they say having cold shower s keep s you up too but I tend to get deeper sleep although it might take me 10-15 minutes longer

    • cmntr says:

      @ALL POWER is from within forever I suppose you’re right, it’s better to exercise in a non-optimal way than to not exercise at all. It’s just good to know a trick or two if your sleep needs improvement, then you know where to start. Those are just the recommendations for most people, if you’re okay with one less hour of sleep or exercising before bed, I don’t see why that should be a problem if you truly feel great.

  • Healthyketofood12 says:

    I Love Muslim

  • Lo Rah says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

  • James G says:

    I always gain a few pounds in the fall because I know I’ll be wearing sweaters and jackets.

  • Wild Geese says:

    I always gain weight in the summer and lose it in the fall/winter 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I just want to enjoy myself in the summer

  • Jeff says:

    How to prevent seasonal affective disorder from Netherlands 2017 study, “The percentage of SAD patients among Finnish vegetarians was 4 times higher than in the normal population. The percentage of vegetarians among the SAD patients in a Dutch outpatient clinic was 3 times higher than in the normal population. Vegetarians show a higher prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders, and severe tiredness. In Western cultures, it appears that a vegetarian diet is associated with an elevated risk for mental disorders, cancer, or allergies.”

    • Craig Browne says:

      Vegetarian diets tend to have fewer calories, lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, and more fiber, potassium and vitamin C than other eating patterns. Vegetarians tend to weigh less than meat-eaters, and to have lower cancer rates. eating more meat, especially red meat and processed meat, was linked to a higher risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease – a 22% higher risk

    • redauwg911 says:

      this study was only on 84 participants🤡

    • Oskari says:

      Ever consider that people who have problems with mental health or allergies might try niche life styles like plant based diet to fix the issue?

      People who have no major problems usually see no reason to care about their own health. People usually care about things once the problem is aggravated to the extend of a chronic disease like diabetes or high blood pressure.

      You could also make an argument that these individuals didn’t necessarily follow correct dietary recommendations on the diet. Like taking vitamin b12 and perhaps iodine. Iodine deficiency is largely correlated with your anxiety response. But then again the study you quoted doesnt seem to say anything about these variables

    • Sadie Davenport says:

      Did you know that people who own ashtrays are more likely to develop lung cancer? Correlation is not causation. It’s long been known that people who are more sensitive tend to be more compassionate, and are more likely to be drawn to a plant-based–or at least meat-free–lifestyle. There are also longer, more in-depth studies with larger cohorts that support the use of plant-based diets for human health.

    • Jeff says:

      @Craig Browne That sounds like an opinion study from the USA for profit healthcare system. The one I provided is from Finland and Netherlands which have better health and a longer life expectancy than the USA and they want to keep it that way.

  • Linda Ripp says:


  • Gulzt says:

    For the last point, what counts as “physical activity”? Should I avoid loading the dish washer or even brushing my teeth in those hours too?

  • Xero Punt says:

    Fall all year long here.

  • Jason Hsu says:

    An all-healthy-food diet works wonders at enhancing summer weight loss AND reducing winter weight gain. However, this does NOT stop winter weight gain, which is 100% guaranteed.

    The warmer months of the year bring me a smaller appetite and more chances to exercise. So I lose weight very easily By the fall, I have basically no fat available to lose, so there’s no way I can continue losing weight. Also, weighing less means a lower basal metabolic rate. My minimum weight of the early fall is the result of my summer lifestyle, and there’s NO WAY I’m continuing that through the winter.

    Cold weather gives me a large appetite. Bitterly cold weather gives me a HUGE appetite AND a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, winter weight gain is inevitable.

  • G. L. says:

    Wanting to eat more in the fall is NOT a DISORDER and it’s absurd to characterize it as such. It is a natural response.

  • Stoned Ape Farmer says:

    Lol. I always lose weight in the fall. But I’m a subsistence farmer, and fall is the first time the work load slows down enough that my hunger can decrease. I pretty much maintain through the growing season. Lost 50 pounds last fall/winter thanks to WFPB.

  • Diyoza says:

    Hello Dr. Greger. I was thinking, since you already did some videos about yoga, is it possible to do a video (series) about fitness and muscle building? (efficient ways, benefits, risks,…)
    I feel like there is an ocean of information out there, but just like with nutrition information, you are the source I trust the most. Thanks for everything you already did, I learned a lot.

  • Netak Rap Music says:

    nice ! Where can we find this tab please

  • andrew pawley says:

    I love this channel!

  • Humble Courageous says:

    I wonder if it’s the same in Australia during Christmas?

  • M T says:

    Great sleeping tips for any time of year 🙂 thank you for sharing <3

  • bon iverz says:

    I’m your friend.

  • Marc says:

    the genetic adaptation probably can be traced by to our Pre human Ancestors

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