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Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Logical Fallacies of a Vegan Diet: Why you shouldn’t feed your child a vegan diet’

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature. For a number of years Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Dr. Mason is also the Chief Medical Officer of Defeat Diabetes, Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

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Leroy Johnson

  • Norman Hooper says:

    After 3 years of a vegan diet back in 2012- 2014…I didn’t know it then…
    But my teeth were becoming unhealthy and there were a few extractions within a short period of time not long after ridding myself of this way of eating.
    I did not have the CORRECT Knowledge!!!
    Thank you…”Low Carb Down Under”/Dr Paul Mason.

    Carnivore is now, my way of Nutrients.
    ps…Eggs are important in my eating also!


  • Roxana Soetebeer MHP says:

    Dr. Paul Mason is on point, as always. Great presentation.

  • Kelvlixi mab says:

    Paul Mason is a true champ. Delivers a goldmine of information in a succinct and easily comprehensible manner. He always does an excellent review of the literature and is a tour de force in any nutritional debate. One of my favorite docs on here and always excited when he has a new lecture. A succinct review on the dangers of veganism are well past due.

  • JMK2921 says:

    Outstanding presentation! Thank you, Dr. Mason, for your ongoing work to improve the metabolic and cardiovascular health of mankind!

  • russ brown says:

    Dr Mason is a GENIUS

  • Poer Guiller says:

    I feel sorry for Mic the vegan, his daughter died prematurely.

  • Aj H says:

    This presentation is superb. I don’t know how vegans can rationalize the B12 deficiency. Crucial point Dr Mason makes, an adult person who goes vegan has a store of B12 in their liver that can last years. But eventually, the vegan diet is not sustainable because the B12 stored will run out.

    • Julien Froidevaux says:

      They have a thing called supplements .

      The animals you eat are supplemented.

      It must work if farmers are doing it .

      Why would they waste their money if it didn’t work ?

    • Unibyte says:

      You do realize that supplements exist, right? Omnivorous diets also tend to have certain nutritional blind spots, which is why companies started fortifying things like milk, salt, and cereals. Doesn’t mean the diet isn’t viable.

    • BigSlimyBlob says:

      “Coincidentally”, the average amount of time a vegan stays vegan is four years.

    • Aimee M says:

      And young women usually need more iron than a vegan diet can supply. Plants can have iron, but it’s not very absorbable.

    • Moira Goldsmith says:

      Yes! At about the 6 year mark it seems!

  • Debby Mustin says:

    I love listening to Dr. Paul Mason. I’ve learned so much from you thank you so much.❤

  • John Martinsen says:

    Many of us knew this stuff was true for a long time. It is depressing thinking about the children and pets of vegans

    • Jim McKay says:

      I remember a vegan was trying to prove her dog preferred veggies over meat, had set up an experiment by both next to each other on a table. When she introduced the dog, she couldn’t stop it from going straight for the meat. I am not sure if it was staged, but it was hilarious and obvious.

    • BigSlimyBlob says:

      There are seriously many vegans out there who try to feed their cats a plant-only diet.
      I’ve even seen a few particularly insane ones consider building a giant fence in Africa to keep the herbivores on one side and the carnivore on the other side. They thought it would force the carnivores to go vegan and they’d be totally fine.
      When you’re that disconnected from reality, there is a serious risk that you will harm your child even if you don’t intend to.

    • debora balles says:

      ​​@Jim McKaylove that video😂 but it was probably staged because if it wasn’t then she wouldn’t have uploaded it
      As a side note, somewhere I read this week that turning animals vegan was recommended for….you know, climate change

    • Mallchad says:

      ​@Jim McKayDogs will eat anything if you pour milk and meat juices over their food. I wonder why 😛

    • Lorraine Gata'nian Hits says:

      It’s their choices. As far as I’m concerned the bigger the diversity of choices the better. Thus we can figure out what choices lead to what consequences, so we may learn more about how to structure our lives.

  • S. Schattenprophet says:

    Thank you, Dr. Paul Mason! Great lecture as always. Sharp, dense and on point.

  • First thoughts says:

    What a brilliantly presented talk! Thank you Dr Paul x

  • Ariel says:

    Amazing talk that even a regular member of my family could understand. Thanks Paul.

  • Ken Jackson says:

    Vitamin B12, Omega 3, Creatine, Iron.
    Now when I refer to a vegan diet as an *”unhealthy vegan diet”,* I’ll remember to mention these nutrients.

    • Mr.Sojek says:

      Yes, strict vegan diet is so unhealthy.

    • Mallchad says:

      Creatine is by favourite, it’s involved in building androgen receptors and have increased fertility rates in people taking ovulation treatment. also installed 4 healing in rats. low carnitine in autistic etc

  • Marc James says:

    Devastating Logic with total clarity. I’m so grateful to you Dr. Paul for making it, and I’m going to note and memorise your points in order to debunk the vegan illusion. After many years on an animal based diet, I’ve still been feeling a little guilty over the atavistic unevolved desire to eat meat. Critics Begone !!!!♥

    • Sinnergism says:

      Try to lose the guilt — you are a member of a truly incredible species which simply would not exist without our hominid ancestors beginning to eat meat. That great grey brain of ours, relative to our gut-structures, would be impossible without it.

      So don’t feel guilty — it’s your genetic inheritance as a member of _Homo sapiens sapiens._ If anything, look at the history of evolution – really look – and be proud that as a species, ours has beaten all the odds!

  • Genevieve Burke says:

    0:37: ⚠️ Vegan diets can be dangerous for children due to the lack of essential nutrients, such as vitamin B12.
    5:56: 📚 Observational studies provide weak evidence and cannot prove causation in a legal sense.
    11:04: 🔎 The video discusses the lack of evidence supporting the use of LDL cholesterol as a surrogate marker in nutritional research and questions the validity of associational studies based on weak surrogate markers.
    16:27: 🥩 Eating red meat can contribute to brain health due to its high-quality omega-3 fats.
    21:10: 🧠 Iron and creatine supplementation have been found to improve cognitive functioning and mental development in infants and children.
    26:30: 🥦 Certain compounds found in plant foods can impair the absorption of nutrients, such as iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
    31:24: 📚 The video discusses various false claims about comparative anatomy, including the belief that omnivores lack digestive enzymes in their saliva and that humans have a less acidic stomach than carnivores.
    36:26: 🌱 Industrial farming techniques are depleting the world’s topsoil, leading to a potential disaster for food production and nutrient quality.
    41:58: 🌾 Over the last 30 years, more than 2 billion kilograms of pesticides have been used worldwide, with 70% of that being applied in the last 10 years.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  • Tom Barrett says:

    Paul Mason is a fantastic researcher and such a credible doctor. Common arguments against meat consumption are so ideologically driven and willfully manipulate data to support bias conclusions. CAFO production of meat is definitely bad for animals and the environment. We need to support regenerative ranchers. So much of the data is driven by global food producers who fund universities, research, and globalist organizations. Support your local farmers and distribution channels whenever you can. I will continue to eat a meat-centric diet and support my local farmers and markets and enjoy profound health benefits.

  • Nelson Beachy says:

    As a farmer, I can tell you that it is almost impossible for a combine harvester to kill mice. With almost all crops, soybeans being the exception, the header of the combine is well above the ground. When soybeans are harvested the header has sensors touching the ground which allow the header to “float” across the surface of the ground. Even then a mouse would have to give a big jump just at the right time in order to be gobbled up by a combine. I’m sure from the road driving by it looks like it is devouring everything in it’s path, in reality it’s not. Mowing hay on the other hand does kill quite a few mice. A hay mower moves much faster than a combine and is cutting extremely close to the ground. You can see clear evidence of this by the birds such as ravens and crows that pick the dead mice out of the windrows of freshly cut hay. I’ve never seen them picking dead mice out of a field that’s just been harvested. I am a carnivore, however I don’t think people promoting a carnivore diet should use bad arguments.

    • Michael Pollard says:

      Then we have to consider the loss of habitat for small animals caused by ploughing and then there’s losses due to chemical spraying.

    • T says:

      Mice are not all running free. They also have nests full of mouselets that don’t jump. (PS I am aware of mouse plagues, and their horrific effects, along with grasshoppers. But the chemical approach to poisoning them away is also poisoning the planet).

      When living on the land in a house with a heated slab floor (in a cold area) I quickly realised that we were supplying a mouse palace. When they “go home to die” and “home” is your walls, you also learn that “dead mouse” smell isn’t quite Chanel No 5 and lasts about 3 weeks. So I feel for farmers but would like them to be able to function regeneratively, without using destructive chemicals, glyphosate/GMO and relying on chemical fertilisers. So it’s hard. But I only buy grass-fed& finished beef as a start. I won’t eat chicken unless it’s genuinely small-farm, genuinely foraging for bugs etc and free-range. Half the grain is fed to cows in feedlots. They are not designed to eat grain. Like us, it makes them fat. That’s why farmers send them to feedlots for finishing (=FATTENING). So we could do with a lot less grain if we stopped it.

      PS 3 years carnivore, with the usual fabulous results (N=1).

    • David Gifford says:

      It’s interesting that Dr Mason used, a number of reliable data points such as behaviour and mouse populations to estimate the kill per hectare, but missed the operational mechanical function of the harvester itself. This is the sort of error jumped upon by plant based advocates to discredit animal consumption arguments and so should be avoided.

    • Justus Faustus says:

      Thanks for mentioning that!

    • Jeff Sim says:

      Yep I’m with you there. He loses me a bit when he strays from his own field of expertise. I am a long time follower of low carb, but I don’t believe the current world population could go low carb, there’s just to many people.

  • KOM says:

    Thank you Dr Paul Mason.🙏
    Thank you low carb down under.🙏
    I hope this info could enlighten all vegans and vegetarians for their own good sake.🤞

  • Toni says:

    Thank you Paul, it’s about time someone told the complete story and you have finally done it.

  • Carnivore Cheer says:

    I always watch posts featuring Dr. Mason. He never fails to provide valuable information in a clear and articulate way.

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