30 Minute WEIGHTS Workout for Women over 50

Grab your WEIGHTS for this sweaty and challenging home workout designed especially for women over 50. Killer Bs, we’re boosting our metabolism and shaping our bodies with beautiful muscle tone in just 30 minutes!

And along the way, we’ll chat about WHY lifting weights so beneficial for women of any age. It’s great for:
💪 Increasing your calorie burn
💪 Building bone density
💪 Keeping your mind active
💪 Improving overall strength, and
💪 Shaping your body

Additionally, today’s complex strength training exercises will thoroughly work your upper body, lower body and abs, while also improving your balance. This workout is quick, efficient and effective – all without cardio or transitions to the ground! Warm up and cool down are included.


Timer is set for one minute intervals; complete each mini-circuit 3x

Mini-Circuit 1
Pull Aparts
Split Squats (one interval on each side)
Side Bends

Mini-Circuit 2
Alternating Press Ups
Rear Lifts (one interval on each side)
Twisting Torsos

FINISHER (complete one interval on each side):
Squatted Elbow to Knee Crunches


❤ Pahla B


Leroy Johnson

  • Soliel Miles says:

    Pahla B, thanks so much for inspiring us ladies over 50. I love your workout style. Much respect.

  • Doreen Beitter says:

    Even though I’m still a beginner (level 2) I thought I’d give this a try. Used 5 lbs weights. It is a fantastic workout and now in my favorites playlist. Thank you Pahla for creating this one and all the rest.

  • Nicole S. says:

    I’m not over 50 but I sure as heck like ur videos! I especially like the weight exercise. Keep them coming Pahla!! <3

  • Jessie Mouse says:

    Thank you Pahla! This was a tough one. Working on strengthening my back muscles, especially my psoas. Those balancing leg raises were deceptively tough LOL. Thank you for another great workout! xoxo

  • TheLadySomerset says:

    I am 47 so not quite over 50 but I am really enjoying this series and can feel I am benefiting by not going loony and killing myself with high intensity work. I love the explanations of what is happening to our bodies too as we age. Thanks Pahla.

  • Rosanna Giacalone says:

    Hello Paula, thanks! Happy Saturday. Loved your workout! Love your energy and love that you talk us through and work it with us so we can stick with it! Look forward to joining you again in the next few days!

  • Anita G. Houser says:

    Love your workouts. I feel like you’re in my living room, coaching me! Thanks !!!

  • Laura Beck says:

    This workout really allows you to recognize and feel the muscles that you are using! Loved every minute of it! On a side note Pahla, love the leggings! 🤗

  • Rita Moore says:

    I’m a fitness fanatic at age 84. All my life I have exercised, in England as a child everyone walked everywhere, no cars, no petrol and basic food. Everyone was thin (it was during and after the war). I have never smoked and ate healthily, in New Zealand where I eventually lived I climbed mountains when I was younger. Still walk everywhere, go to the gym, do Zumba, weights and other gym activities. Yoga and weights at home. I’ve been doing a weights on Ytube for about 2 years but started this one, it’s different but really enjoyable.

    • Sue Erdal says:

      Good on you Rita. I am envious. Hope you continue to be strong and healthy for many many years to come

    • Sansash says:

      Good for you, but you’re quite wrong to say ‘everyone was thin’ ..that’s not true. My mother and grandmother were both big ladies, though neither ate much and both as I remember were active, though neither of them climbed mountains to my knowledge. I was always thin till I hit 40 and went back to college. I found a new career and gained a lot of weight. Believe it or not I don’t eat a lot, in fact ppl who come to stay say ..but you don’t eat like this all the time do you ..haha, I do ..lot’s of fish, veggies, lean meat, salad and fruit etc. I’m sixty four now and finding it very hard to lose weight. I always managed to lose easily before 40, now I yo yo and not because I gorge on food when I’m not dieting ..if I go out for a meal and decide to have bread with my soup or salad (I don’t have a sweet tooth at all) I put 2lb on the next day. You are lucky, but please don’t put it out there that all women who aren’t stick thin don’t exercise or eat too much ..that is not necessarily true. Both my sisters have the same body shape as me btw ..we tend to put weight on all over, rather than one particular place.

    • La diva Marilyn says:

      Sansash you’re are no being active enough and not eating clean simple as that. You should eat less calories and move more that’s the key.

    • La diva Marilyn says:

      Way to go! Excellent! Your are very active! That’s healthy!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    • Pap Pyone says:

      @Sansash I think you would find Paul Rivelias channel helpful. It is possible for people to be heavy without eating a lot of calories. It often happens because if previous dieting practices. He has some good videos in reverse dieting to get your metabolism back up if that is the problem. Good luck.

  • Tracey Higgins says:

    Hi Pahla. Omg I just found you and did yr workout. Your brilliant, vibrant, funny and super wonderful. At 57, an ex gym junkie since I was 17, and going through 6 major ops for breast cancer, I need all the motivation I can get, and you, sister, are just the medicine I need. Sending you sunshine from Oz x🌞🌺😊

  • Michal Towber Vocal Coaching says:

    As a just turned 40 year old woman, I enjoyed this workout very much. Thank you for the great content!

  • Donna Carlson says:

    Thank you Pahla for your very inspiring weight workout. It’s perfect!

  • Vicki Powers says:

    Thank you Pahla for that somewhat tough workout. After completing any of your strength workouts, I feel exceptionally strong. Overall , it’s a good workout.!!!

  • Sheri Anne says:

    The slow movements with weights are my absolute favorites! Thanks Pahla! Loved this one!

  • Stan Pilbrow says:

    Evening Pahla,
    I’m a 70-year-old male who is a diabetic with renal (dialysis) issues. These workouts are amazing for me. I’m only using 2 kg weights however by the time I get to the warm down, I know I’ve done a pretty good work out – for my size and age. Thank you from New Zealand!

  • Helen & Paul Wright says:

    I’m loving your energy and enthusiasm, Pahla! I’ve just found you at the beginning of my fitness journey, and I’m appreciative of your explanations of how the muscles work 💜

  • Juli Southard says:

    This morning I got up (didn’t feel like it), got my exercise clothes on (didn’t feel like it), walked into the next room to work out (didn’t…oh you get it) and searched for “dumbbell workout women over 50” and found YOU! I am SO glad I got up and found this workout! You were the exact workout I (mentally) needed. It was awesome! I used 8# weights and that gave me enough challenge to shake a little and sweat a lot. It is 4 hours later and I can still feel it in my thighs and butt. Thank you for this perfect workout! I have subscribed and will be seeing a lot more of what you have to offer ~ Juli

  • Pahla B, Weight Loss Coach for Women over 50 says:

    Everything you need to know about weight loss for women over 50 is in my FREE program, The 5-0 Method. Download it here: https://getyourgoal.com

  • Vanessa Lucie says:

    I love these videos, so great to do different exercises every day. I’m only on day 6but I can already feel and see a difference. I love all the info you give whilst exercising. Great job X Thank you

  • ortizma5014 says:

    Searching for a workout for over 50 (as a beginner). Thank you for this great workout!

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