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This is a healthful take on a traditional Mexican drink that is very popular during Day of the Dead.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • Preston Riddle says:

    Just use real milk…

  • Goldie says:

    A suggestion for future shorts: please put ingredient list towards the top, as it’s hard to read on mobile b/c the title of the short remains visible throughout. Also, neat recipe! Never heard of it before.

    • marlys benitah says:

      I don’t see any list of ingredients at all.

    • Goldie says:

      @marlys benitah See? Point proven! They usually are written towards the bottom of the screen as each ingredient is shown, but they’re written in white, and the title of the short is at the bottom and it’s white as well and covers the ingredient names as they’re being listed.

  • Antonio Diaz says:


  • Román Ramos Báez says:

    Would it be healthful to thicken with corn masa?

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