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Rainbow Root Veggie Stew from Dusty & Erin Stanczyk #nutritionfactsorg #souprecipe #soup

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Leroy Johnson

  • ecobeautygirl says:

    Please put amounts for these ingredients. It’s hard to tell how much of each is being added.

  • CameronSuter says:

    Looks great, but needs a bit more loving in the seasoning department. 😅

  • Jérémy Mosa says:

    Seems good but…Please, add tumeric, cumin, cinnamon, ground coriander seeds and cayenne pepper, or more but just pepper how dare you

  • IonTrone says:

    looks and virtually smells very colorfully yummy!

  • Miss Wellness says:

    What the hell? How about some seasoning lol. Cumin? Turmeric ? Oregano? Basil? An acid, The list goes on. This is such a turn off.

    • dj121 says:

      If you think this is a turnoff, then you would think that my meals are 100 times more of a turnoff. All my meals are no more than 3 foods, many of them monomeals, and zero seasonings. I love big monomeals of plain potatoes or sweet potatoes.

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