8 Signs You Should Stop Drinking Coffee (If You Get 2 Symptoms You Need a Break)

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This video gives you 8 signs you should stop drinking coffee. If you recognize more than 2 symptoms, then I recommend cycling off caffeine.

Start drinking Pique fasting teas instead of coffee:

Video on Why Stop Drinking Coffee:

Video on Coffee Optimization:

Total Sleep Optimization Video Course:

Metabolic Autophagy Book:

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Leroy Johnson

  • AleksiT says:

    Siim hello, I wanted to ask you if its bad to alternate between 16 hour and 18 hour fasts daily. And also wanted to ask if you had any tips that allow me to fast for longer times since if I fast longer than 20 hours and then eat I will get a migraine. Thanks love your videos <3

    • sneakyfox says:

      Right now I’m doing 48 hour fasts And working out at the end of it. Drink snake juice.

    • Siim Land says:

      No, it’s fine

    • Otnyz Josiah says:

      @Siim Land Hi bro…, I’m being relieved by your video this day. Am having this suspicious for a very long time that coffee is the cause of my hands shivering, which someone told me to stop it long ago, because am always in stress, anxiety, tension, and my heart sometimes beat fast like someone that’s terrified of something, digestive problems, and bloating, which you mentioned all this signs in your video, and I don’t add sugar in my coffee, 2 to 3 times a day, I take it for more than 20 years now, and am thinking of what to do to stop my hands shivering, but not all the time I shake. I saw those drugs you recommended, which I will like to try them, but the fact is that am in France, so I don’t know how can I get the drugs! Please I need your help.

  • Mc Senny says:

    I drink around 2-5 cups a day (small cups though) and I don’t feel the effects. Besides that though, I’m not having any of the symptoms mentioned in this video. I’ve taken weeks off several times before but it hasn’t had any effect on my tolerance.

    Am I good to keep drinking coffee simply because there isn’t any side effects and I like the taste or should I still drinking it?

    • Siim Land says:

      I think it’s fine

    • Otnyz Josiah says:

      @Siim Land Hi bro…, I’m being relieved by your video this day. Am having this suspicious for a very long time that coffee is the cause of my hands shivering, which someone told me to stop it long ago, because am always in stress, anxiety, tension, and my heart sometimes beat fast like someone that’s terrified of something, digestive problems, nervousness, and bloating, which you mentioned all this signs in your video, and I don’t add sugar in my coffee, 2 to 3 times a day, I take it for more than 20 years now, and am thinking of what to do to stop my hands shivering, but not all the time I shake. I saw those drugs you recommended, which I will like to try them, but the fact is that am in France, so I don’t know how can I get the drugs! Please I need your help.

  • Sandi & G says:

    I just did a 5 day water fast Jan 1- Since then I don’t crave coffee. However, I “sometimes” have (around 10 am) organic freshly ground decaf beans maybe once every four days. I am kind of doing green tea or water.
    Weird what a fast will do, eh? 😁

  • A Zhivago says:

    Death certainly is a symptom to watch out for!

  • Trefor Treforgan says:

    The thought of my first coffee gets me out of bed. Not because I depend on it but because I LOVE it. Same with whisky.

  • Papp Istvanne says:

    After not drinking it for about 3 days, the following day I just did not long for it. I was sick and fasted for days. Now I feel better without cafe.

    • Krane says:

      Caffeine is a stimulant. If you truly “feel better” without it, you’re doing a whole lot more than what you’ve listed here.

    • makesense4once says:

      Papp Istvanne I had a near identical experience. I think I drank 2- 5 cups daily for at least 15 years. day 1 w/o coffee I couldn’t eat, the first night I threw up, massive headache, the next day I slowly got my appetite back. Day four the fog lifted and I felt released. I didn’t actually crave it, the first day I felt like I wanted some because I was so tired, but my body was fully rejecting the idea of coffee. Liberating!

    • Jamison says:

      @Krane he’s not lying, the withdrawal symptoms are only a few days long

  • Faris FX says:

    CRAP the symptoms you outlined more specially the “over dose death” i think iv had that one! but for me its was an under dosage” issue once or twice, overdoage usually brings me back 😄

  • Rodney Cox says:

    This video made me want a coffee, in spite of having all the symptoms!!

  • lucas says:

    I feel the same symptons with dark choc in high quantities. I am addicted, and trying to stop. If i eat it at night, I wake up next morning in fatigue

  • Davidi 007 says:

    I’ve always been suspicious of coffee, tea and all caffeinated beverages and foods. The whole world is addicted and it not only effects our health but also our personality. If you go a couple of months without caffeine and then have some you will notice a big change in your thoughts, mood, personality, etc…coffee should be treated as a drug not as a daily addiction

    • blackxcherry22 says:

      Agreed. It made me emotionless aside from pure rage.

    • hans kazan says:

      This! When I stopped drinking coffee after years of drinking around 1000mg a day and iam happier have more energy more dreams when sleeping better digestion better skin lol never go back to that now I drink it once a week maximum same as a beer in the weekend I was stressed out every day recommended to everybody quitting for at least a month to see how you feel

    • Hassan Khan says:

      Use any drug in excess and there will be consequences, even drinking too much water has its downfalls. Coffee has its its benefits so does honey and black seed, acupuncture, colonic irrigation etc but some things benefit u if they’re done occasionally and not daily

    • jaquanta franklin says:

      I agree. I drank half a cup on Tuesday. I’ve had flu like symptoms as soon as it hit my stomach. I’ve been trying to figure out what happened. My body was so dehydrated and in pain after.

  • A. K. says:

    Used to have horrible indigestion when I drank coffee. I’d have a meal for 7am breakfast, and it wouldn’t be properly digested before 5pm.

  • Barry Burbank says:

    First time I’ve got 100% on a test, nice one mate 👍🏼😂

  • solidgold daddy says:

    Your explanation on how coffee affects the digestive system was really good. I’ve been drinking strong coffee 3X a day since I’ve been working from home coz of the pandemic & Ive started to have symptoms of bloating. I just needed validation. I definitely need to stop drinking coffee for awhile.

    • Btouhy1 says:

      More than one a day will cause serious adrenal fatigue and other hormone problems. Quit for 10 days than start back with one per day

    • solidgold daddy says:

      @Btouhy1 thanks for the advice!!

    • George Tzortzis says:

      It also highly depends on coffee quality, in so many ways, which the channel above doesn’t take into account. Instant coffee for example has nothing in common with a fresh single origin espresso or the likes… It’s like comparing freshly squeezed orange juice with super market orange drinks. I say moderation is most always the key, like with alcohol. One glass of wine every now and then can be good for you, but a bottle a day not.

  • Alex Force says:

    the biggest problem with drugs in general and with coffee in specific is – in the begging it makes you feel great! But the more you do it – it feels less and less good and you need to ramp up the dose just to feel ok.

  • neoCHAOSitizen says:

    A week of drinking more than one cup of coffee made me feel nauseous and constipated for many weeks. I just couldn’t find out what’s wrong and one day my mum said to reduce the amount of coffee I drink everyday. But it was a little difficult due to frequent all nighters I pull. So I replaced the coffee with warm lemon juice and in just 2 days I felt better. Not only it did the job of keeping me awake during the night but it was also 100 times more refreshing than coffee

  • WildWarrior says:

    I’m ready to completely give up caffeine. Caffeine is an addictive drug that our bodies don’t need. I’m going to focus on eating healthy nutrient-dense foods and prioritize sleep.

  • Real Lyrics says:

    I drank a bunch of coffee during a busy 4 days at work. When I had time off after and suddenly stopped the coffee, I got the biggest most disgusting migraine ever. It was so painful it made me vomit in my bed 🥴 Never again coffee, we’re done 😞

  • Jeremy Harris says:

    After quitting for a month and a half my spleen and stomach vital force was at 6% and I felt totally crashed. After a few days and focus on building up spleen and stomach. Starting to get strength back.
    Harder road than I thought it would be. Glad I quit before my vascular system quit me. Quit because of migraines a sign of stressed out vascular and digestive system which are kind of essential for life.

  • Glenn Halila says:

    You described a symptom that I exhibit in the morning. I need coffee to Jump Start my Brain. By the afternoon I’m dragging my feet. I have to brew more coffee and then brew more in the evening because I’m working double shifts every day and night. I normally get up around 10am and I work till 2:30 and I don’t get to sleep until 3am – 4am. That’s Ironic that you mentioned energy drinks. I normally drink one of those on top of 2 or 3 strong cups of coffee with cream and Heavy amounts of Sugar. Sometimes I will get a muscle cramping and I immediately have to apply Icy Hot to stop the pain. I find if I drink water that it will make the muscle cramp go away. I recently started to drink more water with my meals to try offsetting the effects of all my caffeine intake. I really appreciate your Video. Thank you

  • Jabbers Art says:

    I’ve been morbidly addicted since I was 12, so much soda and now it’s coffee. I hope I can stop this sh** my anxiety and mania is off the walls. Anyone in this position who was successful, can you tell me what you feel like now?

    • Landen Gibson says:

      Quiet. When it’s under control sleeping feels quiet and easy. You got it bro, just power through not having caffeine. Nothing to it but to do it.

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