Should You Eat Dried Fruit? (Q & A)

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Dried fruits can be a healthy addition to your snack arsenal!

1️⃣ Raisins and prunes are packed with boron, great for bone health, vitamin D, and testosterone.

2️⃣ Drying preserves the vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.

3️⃣ Dried fruits are rich in antioxidants, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

But remember, moderation is key. Some dried fruits may have added sugars and oils, so check the ingredients.

Stick to a handful for a satisfying and health-conscious snack. The best options include raisins, dried blueberries, and prunes. Enjoy!

#bodyhealthy #healthforlife #nutritionforlife #wisetraditions

Leroy Johnson

  • Carma says:

    A little tip, due to the fructose content in dried fruits, I take a little psyllium husk before I eat anything considered healthy but also has the potential to spike my blood sugar. This way I can also enjoy life a little without having to restrict everything with a little sweetness

  • Danielle Duford says:

    Dates are the best. Prunes have a lot of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that we can’t digest

  • JD83 says:

    You didn’t mention that dried fruit is often covered in sulphur dioxide.

  • Scott Guy says:

    No need to read the question. Just answer it

  • D. Aleta Drawdy says:

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