Mikhaila Peterson – ‘Don’t Eat That’

Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian health blogger who runs the blog “Don’t Eat That”. She is also the daughter of renowned Clinical Psychologist, Jordan Peterson.

Mikhaila endured multiple health problems when she was growing up. She was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 7 which eventually led to her needing a hip and ankle replacement as a teenager. She took multiple prescription medications, suffered from serious skin problems, was severely depressed and had chronic fatigue.

After years of research trying to solve her autoimmune problems, she began to focus on her diet and started eliminating foods via self experimentation. Mikhaila eventually ended up on a Carnivore diet (beef and water only) which has resolved her multiple conditions. She’s now off of all medications and in complete remission.

Leroy Johnson

  • Drake Santiago says:

    I have not gone through a fraction of what Mikhaila Peterson has gone through, and I am just a few years shy of being twice her age. Her resilience and her tenacity is inspiring.

  • Meriah says:

    Mikhaila is living proof that we all need to be our own health advocates and not expect the current “health care” system to solve our health problems.

  • AM R says:

    I’m a radiographer. Ankle replacements are incredibly rare. Just shows how unwell this lady was.

  • Redemption Faith TV says:

    She is so transparent and honest and humble about it all. Love her story. Her dad has a great story too. 😊👍

  • cindy mielke says:

    Mikaila , you and your family have been through so much and still keep going ! Good on You for doing your own research and persevering! I also , like your dear Dad, had an apple out of the bag or clonazepam physical dependence, took as doc prescribed and had a heck of a time through withdrawal ! You are a inspirational family ! Keep forging Ahead !!

    • Cocoa Bane says:

      Did you ever try going down by 1/4 of a pill very week or so? That’s what I did, and it took me like 3 months to taper off because sometimes I would wait two weeks to go down in dosage, but I was totally fine and didn’t notice a thing. I don’t understand why all these people say they had terrible withdrawals, no offense but why the fudge would anyone try to go off of benzodiazepines suddenly

  • Intense Pete says:

    The bravery of Mikhaila is inspiring. To move forward when you have no hope could be the definition of bravery

  • EMO says:

    minus the hip replacement and arthritis and this could seriously have been my life story.
    So glad she shared her story with everyone.

  • Lexie says:

    Man, hearing her story makes me feel a lot better, especially when she said that if you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning something is not right. I always wondered if I was just lazy too, because I would lounge around and sleep all the time even though I’m a fairly ambitious person. I did keto after I found out I had reactive hypoglycemia my senior year of college, and it turned my whole life around. I lost 30 pounds, stabilized my blood sugar, and my mood improved drastically. I went from struggling to get out of bed and falling asleep after eating anything to lifting weights every day and running up to ten miles a few times a week. Amazing! Anytime I slip up I get very ill and depressed, not to the degree of Peterson, but still horrible for me. My mom and brother both have significant autoimmune diseases and I’m trying to avoid going down that route myself. I would recommend carnivore until you feel good, and then reintroducing things to see what works for you- if you have similar issues.

    • Gerald Waldrop says:

      Is this diet OK for hypoglycemia ?

    • Stacey Strukel says:

      That actually sounds sane.

    • Sa Qu says:

      @Gerald Waldrop Hypoglycemia happens when your insulin response “outdoes” the actual available glucose molecules in your bloodstream. Seeing that the idea is to basically eliminate the need for insulin by hardly taking in carbs, one should be pretty safe on that issue. The body learns to utilize fat for energy (generating ketone bodies while using the fat molecules). No insulin – no hypoglycemia. In general, of course and somewhat simplified 😉.

  • Tom Dixon says:

    This lady is a superstar. I have saved thousands on dental bills because keto carnivore stopped my gum disease in its tracks. Thank you Mikhaila.

    • EatMeatandLiftWeights says:

      I had tooth decay and gum problems all my life, since going animal based I get no more tooth decay and my gums are stable.

  • Chad Herczeg says:

    I’m so thankful for the strength Mikhaila and her father have. I too have an autoimmune disorder and am now into week 7 of meat and broccoli. Feeling amazing for a dead man (was supposed to have kicked the bucket by American Medical standards) Mikhaila was a guiding star during my hard times and the value her father has brought to my life as well is unfathomable. Such an amazing family and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them.


      I’m glad your making tough changes. There family is very loving. How long did the cravings last after changing diet?

    • Kosie Koos says:

      I was at a bar the other nite. I had a great time. Took a cab home. The next day i realised somebody punched me in the face😂 thats how out of touch i am with my body. 300 pounds and starting to feel it at 49

  • Marshall says:

    Thanks a lot for the video MK. Doctors now a days only want a fix to the immediate problem without finding the root cause, and it’s bullshit! It’s crazy how similar our story’s are and this video struck a spark in me that’s been shut off for years. Glad your doing well and again, thank you! I’ll do my best to keep this movement moving forward! ❤️

    • Chad Coady says:

      It’s very hard to find the root of an issue though. It takes time. By treating the symptoms, you are helping the doctor search for the cause.
      I agree with you on the BIG issues though. 75% of all hospitalizations and deaths dues to illnesses are treatable issues. 80% of heart disease is preventable and reversible through diet and exercise. 50% of cancers are preventable. 85%+ of diabetes is preventable and reversible with diet and exercise. 90% of liver disease is preventable and many reversible (by stopping the consumption of alcohol).

      The majority of health care spending is on preventable illnesses due to our shitty diets and lazy lifestyles. As a healthy person, I hate the fact that my health insurance is so high because of the people in my group policy are NOT so healthy.

  • Janece Eastwood says:

    She’s so right about feeling lazy and unproductive when suffering from autoimmune-related fatigue.

  • Teenie Queenie says:

    “If you dont wanna get up in the morning something wrong” really hit home for me…years and years ago i went on a wheat free diet and i swore that wheat made my anxiety bad…i was having panic attack and they were awful…i thought for a LONG time it was all in my head and now recently I’ve heard a couple times that ppl experience anxiety from wheat…

    • Tanner Long says:

      I’ve been experiencing crazy anxiety for several years and I’ve cut out gluten and soy and it’s been a lot better. When I eat a small amount of either I get really sick and have panic attacks. It almost feels like it’s crawling back up my throat and I have trouble swallowing. My family and girlfriend think I’m crazy because I won’t eat gluten anymore. They are brainwashed into thinking the unhealthy American diet is the only way to eat.

    • Gert T says:


  • Grace Bennett says:

    I almost died in 2020. During covid, I was so sick with an autoimmune disease that when I was finally able to see a Dr. she could not believe I was still alive when she got my blood work back. I was constantly hearing voices, seeing people who were not there during this time. I experienced seizures collapsing with sudden neurological spasms. All my Drs couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I was one month married when I got sick and thought I was spending my last few months alive with him. Long story short, I’m 99% recovered by doing a lot of the same things she’s done and now am coaching friends and family a new way to live. I have a dream to someday share my experience like her.

  • Julie Hayden says:

    She’s not peddling a supplement she’s just saying how she got well. I can tell she’s honest.

    • Bianca-Octavia P says:

      me too because I’ve been through the same

    • Savage22 Bolt says:

      I don’t have any issues that match hers, but I want to try the carnivore diet anyway.

    • Exchange says:

      and shes right. i follow a more mild form of carnivore but the difference is still night and day. honestly i think a big chunk of my issues with depression were diet related. + a plethora of bodily ailments that are just gone

    • Sylvine says:

      @Savage22 Bolt Same here. I have a healthy BMI, am reasonably fit, no major health issues except feeling low-energy and being prone to depressive episodes. Figured that I’m just built that way, now I’m not so sure.

      I’ve been doing Keto for a while (~8 months) last year with some very good results, but I still had some issues that I chalked up to mineral deficiencies (feet cramps, mainly, ranging from mildly annoying to hellishly painful). I don’t have these when I eat carbs, so I figured that some sort of nutricient deficiency was the problem. And, as mrs. Peterson says, gotta listen to Your body, right? Diet change = cramps, so don’t do that diet. Seems logical enough.

      Now after diving deeper into this whole carnivore thing, I’m beginning to think: Maybe the problem wasn’t “not enough carbs”, maybe the problem was “too many plants”. I did tend to get my fats from nuts, oils and avocados rather than animal sources (I couldn’t stomach tallow and I don’t particularly love bacon, especially for extended time periods…). My live-in girlfriend is going to be away for ~ 4 weeks the week after this one, I’ve already started doing keto again. I plan to do full carnivore once she’s gone – cut out dairy if I can manage it, too, maybe eggs as well – see how it works for me. Despite all the testimonies, I still am a bit scared to cut everything; I can’t afford to buy quality meat and I don’t want to get some severe mineral or vitamin deficiency so I’d like to keep the vitamin+mineral bombs that eggs famously are, and some dairy products just make the meals much more platable to me (creme fraiche in particular) / make it easier to keep my fat intake sufficiently high (butter).

    • Dow Jones Dave says:

      @Savage22 Bolt do it you’ll be amazed. In less than two weeks my guts stopped hurting when I work, and the foamy, amber urine has turned to light yellow with a LOT less foam. Kind of have to step up my intake though. I’ve been doing a pound of 75% fat meat, and eight eggs per day. I lost the little bloat bulge in my gut already, but I was always thin and now I’ve lost some weight and i’m super skinny. I have to add a pound of meat/day I think. But I have to tell you I’m really stoked at the insanely fast results I’m getting.

  • Tammy S Tam says:

    What an inspiring post. I have been low carb, carnivore, and falling off the wagon for a few years now. Time to buckle up and get disciplined. I just feel better when I’m eating carnivore. And no more blood pressure meds, swollen legs, psoriasis, etc. Thanks for the post

    • Christine says:

      Same here Tammy …. When I stay super strict I start to feel better & then I go off track & forget that the reason I feel better is because I’m on track ! You’ll get there & so will I ❤

  • REBECCA Burns says:

    I suffered from age 7-22 yrs old before A Dr finally figured out that I had celiac
    Same skin disorder as you. Dermatitis herpetaformis .
    I’m now 57 and recently started the carnivore diet , was dirty keto before.
    Thank you for sharing your journey!! ❤️🙏🏻

    • Cookie Monster says:

      I am celiac also except I’m just like her. I react to hundreds of different things. I can only eat beef salt… As of right now. It’s extremely perplexing how this is even possible. I can’t figure out if humans are supposed to be only eating basically meat or is there something changing about our food supply? I have no idea. Even though I feel great now it drives me crazy because I just want to know why

    • LR says:

      Ive been through this for last 2 years
      I deffo react to sugar and carbs after my celiac DX
      I bode better on a carnivoire diet
      Eggs beef chicken butter
      I do eat potatoes though 😋 i do t react much to them

    • Rafael Med says:

      Any improvements on the transition? Do let us know.

  • Richard says:

    The fact that she had depression, couldn’t walk at times and auto immune etc, and are now doing talks in front of heaps of people says a lot about what this diet has done for her compared to drugs.


      And 2 joints replaced as a teenager too, it’s heartbreaking what the governments Dr’s will put someone through all in the name of science for money.

    • Mike says:

      and yet people will call her crazy

    • Tracy77751 says:


    • Kahler Nygard says:

      @Mike  she is crazy. It’d been proven we’ve been eating cooked starches for 600k years atleast. Cooked starch is what gave us intelligence. Meat leads to cats chasing laser pointers.

  • Roy Mackey says:

    No question the Peterson family are a Canadian national treasure!!!!! This was extremely inspiring and I heard just what I needed to hear!!! I first noticed I was bloated when I was six years old hanging around with my cousin who always look way leaner than me. Back then I remember thinking… “it must just be baby fat” and wished it would go away. Never been really fat but always had that underlying bloat. Looks like I am going to try all meat.

    • Jewlz4ever says:

      Carnivore is the only time I’ve ever had zero bloat. Helped me figure out that fiber is what makes me bloated. Zero fiber = zero bloat

  • Youniquely Erika says:

    I relate so much to Mikhaila. I would have my face swell up for no reason. I was allergic to everything. I was never as severe but I am so thankful for her to give us a possible solution.

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