Dr. Mary Dan Eades – ‘History of the Low Carb Diet’

Dr. Mary Dan Eades was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas and received her undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from the University of Arkansas, graduating magna cum laude.

After completing her medical degree at the University of Arkansas, she joined her husband in practice, first as a general practitioner in their Medi-Stat Medical Clinic chain and subsequently in a private practice devoted to bariatric and nutritional medicine, gaining first hand experience treating thousands of people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and obesity with their nutritional regimen.

Dr. Eades retired from clinical practice in 2001 to devote her energies to research, writing, speaking, and the development and production of the Low-Carb CookwoRx television cooking show on PBS. She has been a guest nutritional expert on various radio and television shows across America, speaking at medical and scientific conferences and to the general public. She and her husband are currently at work on their 15th book, Protein Power 2.0, slated for publication in 2024.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @colombaoff says:

    Your commitment is greatly appreciated!👀

  • @T-aka-T says:

    Thank you again for bringing these presentations to us. And isn’t it wonderful to see LCDU nudging half a million subscribers! I remember when you were about 20k. You have supported the bottom-up rebellion against faulty medical models, given people the knowledge to stay on the path, and changed many, many lives. Thank you. 🌷🙏

    PS Meat, claret and whisky! Yup! That’s it! Perfick. What a great talk, Dr E. Fascinating, even without the grog.

  • @catcookie6726 says:

    I remember Oprah with the red wagon. Everyone was looking for otifast

  • @TimothyBurki says:

    First comment – Have a wonderful LCHF life my friends 🎉

  • @brucemunro7257 says:

    Thank you Dr Mary. Great info. I always look forward to videos from Low Carb Down Under

  • @brucemunro7257 says:

    Yes! Meat and whiskey. I concur

  • @wandayonder9772 says:

    What is a “protein-sparing fast”? Using catchphrases doesn’t help the general public understand what you’re saying.

    • @T-aka-T says:

      She said “a protein-sparing modified fast – a shake diet”. Her exact words. And there is always Google … 😏

  • @CaptainSteve777 says:

    Thank you for the compelling talk and information.

  • @iss8504 says:

    What is odd about the scurvy issue is that Napoleon cured scurvy with horse meat. That wasn’t that long ago.

  • @knackfarm says:

    Nothing new, nicely delivered though.

  • @Flave2012 says:

    What a marvelous journey through the life of diet – wow

  • @KetoMama777 says:

    ❤ love low carb Doctors

  • @lisagayhart2482 says:

    Great video yet again. Thank you so much

  • @peggykey5570 says:

    Thank you for this. Have a book of yours.

  • @theskyehiker says:

    The first “diet” I went on was called the Cambridge Diet. Not sure about the contents of the drinks but it was similar. Drinks or shakes twice a day with one meal in the evening. I might have lost weight, I don’t remember 🤪It was 40+ years ago.

  • @AKMcF says:

    BREAKING – New Analysis of Heart Scan Data (CCTA) for Extremely high LDL vs Average LDL Cholesterol – LMHR study preliminary data comparison – it’s over on Dave Feldman’s channel. Really is a brilliant study, please have a look !

  • @FlamingBasketballClub says:

    Dr. Mary Dan Eades should talk about Low Carb diet on The Proof with Simon Hill podcast sometime.

  • @martinlang9615 says:

    This is THAT GOOD, that I’m watching it again.
    I’ve lost 44kg (97lb) in 5.5 months, but that’s not the best part which is reversing decades of increasing metabolic diseases including severe suicidal thoughts linked to depression.
    All that is gone.
    No more sugar/carb cravings.

    Even repeated meals (two or more) over two to three plus days of crumbed steak will increase those cravings substantially. In 3 days the cravings are severe just because of the crumbing of steak!
    Other effects are increasing plaque, stomach reactions-wind like pain.

  • @cassieoz1702 says:

    Oh, those must have been the days when ‘Harvard’ was considered a credible source

  • @adelarsen9776 says:

    The closer to Paleo Man we get the healthier we become.

    7 days without beef makes one weak.

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