Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Carnivore Diet & Optimal Health’

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For a number of years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

This interview was recorded in October 2019 for Episode 43 of MEAT: The Ultimate Podcast by Vic’s Meat. Dr. Mason and Vic's Meat have kindly allowed us to re-publish this compelling interview.

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Leroy Johnson

  • Nephilimator says:

    As an American I pay an asinine amount of money for healthcare and insurance. The worst part is it’s all based on the foundation of outdated science and nutrition. I would gladly pay the amount of money I waste each paycheck for my insurance and the amount of money I pay for office visits if I could have someone as qualified as Dr Paul. Where do we find educated doctors that are willing to admit what they learned as the foundation of their practice is no longer true?

    • Declan Woods says:

      This is a global list of Lchf/keto doctors that keep updated with nutrition advice, apologies if it’s unable to be read (I’m a diet doctor member). Also worth joining dietdoctor just for the information library, movies, they have loads of content from low carb down under on there also

    • Ella Nola says:

      At least in the USA you have Functional doctors. I guess your insurance doesn’t cover those? In the UK we have nothing but standard clueless, ignorant doctors who try to bully you into taking medication for anything. I stay away as much as possible.

    • 🥩SteakOverCake says:

      @Declan Woods thanks alot!

    • Sandy Zappa says:

      Like the 15,000.00 out of pocket and 6 years of suffering to find out from a doctor in the know that I had a hole in my semicircular canal. Ignorance kills!

    • Ron_the_Skeptic says:

      @Ella Nola, look up Dr. David Unwin.
      David Unwin, General Practice, Norwood Surgery, United Kingdom

  • Laura Williams says:

    Thank you so much guys for doing this video. The information is beautiful and LOGICAL! I love this video. This will help everyone who watches it. Go Dr. Mason! You calmly describe the health benefits of declining carbohydrates. Love love!!!!

  • The Catwoman says:

    Dr Mason is a very intelligent and learned man. Profound admiration for him, and indeed all these trailblazers challenging the status quo. I believe most doctors are trying to do the best for their patients, but such a complex disease as diabetes is not always easy for the lay person to grasp, and many just want a pill to ‘fix’ it. Education needs to happen before full-blown diabetes manifests, but for many of us this doesn’t happen. I had no idea I was on the way to ttd until I was actually diagnosed with it. I’d put on a lot of weight in my very stressful job, developed high blood pressure and then high cholesterol, but no doctor thought to tell me I was pre-diabetic, so I never got the chance to avoid it. I was very disappointed.
    Education should happen before diabetes, not after.

    • Ella Nola says:

      Agree Lola, but many doctors are ignorant themselves. Hope you can sort it out now with right diet and exercise, leaving stressful job & toxic people behind.

  • Reinaldo Morales says:

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge im a 3 year carnivore was500lbs now 220 goal is 200 you made complete sense and validate my personal observations.
    Diet diabetes gone back injury disappeared traumatic brain
    Nerve damage recovery sharp sharp memory and recall.

  • Mo Taatiko says:

    Great interview. Dr Mason is knowledgeable and kind enough to share his knowledge with the World.

  • Sky says:

    Hands down one of the best interviews and guests on! Dr. Paul Mason explains everything so nicely and wonderfully! Bring him back on! Thank you!

    • KenanTurkiye says:

      Dr. Paul Mason is a very intelligent, articulate and kind person, I love him for these qualities, it is a priviledge to listen and learn from him, he doesn’t need much questions asked and is a great presenter of intricate information when allowed to talk.
      (ps: I do not know him, I live in another part of the world but admire him and would like him on as a regular, what a woderfull person)

  • garyfarm says:

    My wife and I also went Keto last Dec 29th and we both lost 1/3 our body weight and are both at or near our goal weights. We are now basically Omnivore /Carnivore and do 18/6 IF and FEEL GREAT ! And we are in our early 60’s.

    • Rain says:

      You should get those body scans to be sure your arteries and heart are ok..

    • Meg Garstang says:

      Same here! Keto/carnivore has changed my life. All I did was mine the trove of info available on YouTube while I was stuck in quarantine. Off meds, weight back to my ballet body from long ago, so much energy, no more constant hunger. I’m teetering on the brink of my 70’s and I’ve never felt better.

    • Mikiee Miike says:

      @Rain I got blood work done while eating mostly just beef, but also pastries, high carbs and sugar. Results were outstandingly well except for Low potassium and mild kidney renal insufficiency. Got blood work because I became dehydrated. Recently moved to high desert. Anyway, Since the blood work I completely cut all carbs and sugar. I added organic pasture raised eggs, salmon, and bone broth. I haven’t eaten any veggie salads or anything like that since Sept 2019. I’ll do blood work again soon.

    • Dawn Carrasco says:

      That’s awesome. I went from a 6 1/2 year vegan to keto and now mainly carnivore. I feel so much better already in a short time and losing exceeds weight I couldn’t on vegan diet. I truly believe it deplated me of true health. 👍

    • Steph Willson says:

      74, carnivore, great labs.

  • Justin Jozokos says:

    0:33 — Dr. Paul Mason’s background
    2:35 — Metabolic health, insulin resistance, and what they don’t teach in med school
    8:06 — The vegan diet and animal foods
    15:14 — How to detect bullshit/How science should be done
    19:08 — Potential nutrient deficiency on a plant-based diet; antinutrients
    23:13 — Why dietary guidelines are misleading
    25:33 — Plant-based and animal-based agriculture; grass-fed jcows are carbon negative
    31:19 — Red meat and vitamin C; nutrients in red meat
    37:05 — The carnivore diet and health
    38:44 — Cholesterol
    45:02 — What tests should a person do?
    51:22 — Lectins, intestinal inflammation, and auto-immune response
    57:39 — Bone health, connective tissue health, and the need for protein
    1:03:02 — Fatty liver disease and matrix metalloproteinase
    1:06:36 — Fasting and metabolic health
    1:10:24 — Athletes and animal-based diets; aged meat
    1:14:02 — Taking good care of farm animals
    1:18:19 — Brain health and plant-based diets; dopamine and iron; inflammation and sequestration

  • Steve Lewin says:

    I’ve been on the carnivore diet for 18 months now. Never felt better. All those ills and issue I’ve had for decades (I’m 66) have all gone away. No more intestinal distress, no more bloating, no more allergies, pre-diabetic completely resolved, no constipation at all. I no longer have to worry about my weight. Great way to live!

    • Francis Galati says:

      Amazing 😊

    • The Alchemist 666 says:

      Do u drink milk or eat any dairy

    • T says:

      Right. I just tried carnivore diet & ended up in hospital. Time for some truth here. Videos on my channel.

      Day 1: 2/10 pain.
      Day 2: 4/10 pain. Craving carbs. Fell off wagon & had a few mouthfuls of salad, then back on wagon again.
      Day 3: 8/10 pain. Feel like I might die. Nauseous. Couldn’t eat all day until 8pm. Shakey. Feels like a temperature even though it’s not.
      Day 4: 6/10 pain, general serious malaise. Can’t get out of bed almost all day- can barely walk to toilet I’m so ill- feeling extremely unwell.
      Day 5 (Thurs): 5/10 general fatigue but possible to work for 10 mins at a time & possible to watch tv for 30 mins
      Day 6: 1/10 constant headache, pounding behind eyes, stomach cramps with 100% pain. Eye pain at 100%, thought I might go blind, head ache at 100% thought I might drop dead, Stomach ache with 100% pain. Pain is all so bad I could not sleep or stay awake, or move. Could not work or relax. Ended up in hospital. Had to stop the carnivore diet at 9pm & eat some carbs just to make sure it’s only keto flu & not something life-threatening. Within 10 mins of eating carbs all my symptoms dropped by 90% & I was fine again.

      I have a high pain threshold & don’t complain easily so this is significant.

      There is no way a hunter 2 million years ago could survive with these symptoms for even a short period of time.

    • Barbyl says:

      You are seriously addicted. You probably needed electrolytes. Gotta hang in there to get through any withdrawal. And a hunter years ago never ate the crap carb addicts eat. They thrived. We started getting sick with modern food practices. Question. Why did you start if you were fine already? That makes no sense.

    • Fedha says:

      @T Most people should literally be able to do a 6-day water fast without any pain. Something else was going on here; probably sodium/other electrolytes as the person above me said.

  • Diane Lautenslager says:

    Dr Mason is amazing! He opened my eyes When he explained the ALT and how markers are based on 95% of the people which the majority of people are not metabolically fit,therefore, those numbers are skewed! Just love this man!

    • Divine Diva💋 says:

      Yes, a light bulb moment!

    • Shelly Smith says:

      @Divine Diva💋 Super light bulb moment. In my last physical everything was in range and I felt proud of that fact. Now I need to go back and look how far skewed from the mean I am.

  • Barry Leddiman says:

    This guy is so good. I’ve listened to a number of people speak on the same subject which has been a real eye opener. My word; haven’t we been misled????

  • Kate Tuhoro says:

    I just love this podcast. I keep watching it over and over. It never gets boring.

  • di brentley says:

    Been carnivore for two years, some cheat days here and there so many things have changed, it helped me with grief, knee pain, lost weight, no more floaters in my eyes, my hair grows stupid quick and its probably twice as thick, teeth have no movement at all, also no plaque, rosacea gone, I had a 722g growth on my ovary that was removed and when they removed they found it was dead – I dont know why it was dead. I joke it was carnivore that killed it. Muscles are a m a z i n g GP was shocked at how low my triglycerides are. OMAD also.

  • Jasia Violet says:

    I have been meat based keto for 3 years! Feel and look so much better. No more fatty liver, no more PCOS, healthy glowing skin, clear mind, stable moods, amazing sleep etc.

  • Tugba Bulut says:

    I am especially so impressed by LDL discussion… My diet mainly dependents on animal products since my early ages and have slightly high LDLs since my 20s. I had no digestive issues despite my family has a genetic tendency. I had no vitamin deficiencies no chronic disease no significant issues with my health. As a biologist I also believe we started as carnivore and evolved to omnivore in order to stay alive on plants in the lack of animal resources. We have canine teeth and one piece stomach as a base. our jaw, teeth and intestines had changed so that we can survive but in any case we cannot digest cellulose which is the main sugar in plants and we cannot tolerate lectins.

  • KawaiiCat says:

    I’ve been eating less and less veggies and went carnivore a few days ago and magically my IBD symptoms went away! I don’t have gut pain anymore. For the past few days I’ve been only eating beef in steak and ground forms. The crazy thing is when I looked up info about foods someone with IBD should eat, they tell you to avoid red meat as it will cause a flare up. Now I will say only do organic or grass fed, mostly grass fed. The chemicals in non organic meat will cause problems. But it’s crazy how the food that heals the gut, all health folks and websites tell you to avoid, including my pcp and gi. When I told my doctor I was having problems a few months ago, they did all sorts of tests and found out nothing was wrong. I told them sugar makes me sick and they told me to avoid it then I mentioned I can’t do fruit but eat white rice. They told me I was sensitive to sugar but fail to understand that glucose in white rice is sugar! My pcp said white rice was better for me and I should avoid red meat! When I first had my flare up they told me to eat the brat diet which is banana, rice, apples, toast… that baffles me because all the foods in brat diet cause IBD and other array of problems. 🤦‍♂️ Drs are so ill informed on nutrition.

    • Yvonne says:

      Doctors generally only get one class on nutrition in their whole academic life, they are not experts and rely on protocols handed down from on high, unless they specialise in nutrition but nutrition is the cinderella of medicine, no kudos.
      You probably know more than your GP who is restricted by protocols.

    • Elaine Gibson says:

      that’s pretty much all i eat too. I always had stomach pain, after my brain injury a doc put me on keto but I also developed more food sensitivites post injury I never had, so kicking just about all vegetables seemed to fix that, I was having rashes and peripheral neuropathy.

    • Icarus United says:

      @Yvonne Truth.

      Doctors tend to be specialists & nutrition is a unpopular field for most doctors. They tend to go for something a little more “special” than food doctor.

  • Maryssa Emerson says:

    I went carnivore for autoimmune disease. Of course I don’t know the long term effects that it will have on my body but I can tell you in 10 years of painful autoimmune symptoms, I finally felt relief. I tried being vegan for three months and it was impossible. I have celiac so no gluten whatsoever. Gluten is the most common thing used to replace meat like texture in plant based foods so don’t tell me it’s healthier than a meat based diet.

    • N S says:

      Try millet like kodo, foxtail, browntop…

    • Luke Fisher says:

      I’ve gone carnivore to fight ME/CFS which seems to be an autoimmune disease. If I may ask, hows progress been?

    • Diego Cervantes says:

      “Gluten is the most common thing used to replace meat like texture in plant based foods”. I am glad you are feeling better but maybe it was just the gluten and not the vegan diet that failed you. God bless.

    • Karen F says:

      I just recently found out that gluten intolerance is often a zinc deficiency.

  • Nick Johnson says:

    Based on research which has shown that cancers grow more slowly on a keto diet, I put our 13 year old golden retriever on keto several months ago after she had surgeries for 4 mass cell tumors in 2 months. Since then she has had no more visible tumors, and surprisingly her fur shedding, which had always been a problem, has been reduced by about 90%. Apparently, keto is good for dogs as well. Update after 10 months on the diet – still no more tumors. Vet recently did an ultrasound and some biopsies and found nothing internally either.

  • Linda Wheatley says:

    This guy is amazing, so knowledgeable and explains in an easy to understand way. Love him ❤️

  • Solace says:

    After 6 month’s of carnivore.

    Lost 60Lbs
    Lost my sleep apnea
    Lost my fatty liver
    No more pre diabetic
    My skin looks amazing!

    And I still have obese family members telling me that it’s not good for me and I’m going to die soon. People are so conditioned.

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