How to Boost Your Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) for Heart Health

Food and lifestyle for heart health. How can we improve the capacity of our blood vessels to repair themselves?

We can also boost the ability of our endothelium to function by eating nitrate-rich vegetables, like beets and greens. See Oxygenating Blood with Nitrate Rich Vegetables ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @Horse237 says:

    Dr Rhonda Patrick said that non-smokers with low levels of Omega 3 scored the same in terms of heart disease and cancer as smokers with high levels of Omega3.

    • @celerywarrior6493 says:

      Fish are vegetables.
      Also, if you want to get your Omega3 from algae it seems like your choices are kind of limited if you don’t want to take pills.

    • @AnHourOfWolves says:

      @@celerywarrior6493why would anyone choose to get omega 3 from algae? DHA and EPA maybe, but omega 3 is readily available in flax and chia among other nuts and seeds.

  • @bestdoom1236 says:

    Amazing research as always

  • @LoriNeighbor says:

    My husband ate a sad diet, drank green tea and jogged 5 kilometers a day religiously for years and at age 54, suffered a near death widow maker heart attack. He’s Whole Foods Plant Based, plant perfect now, according to Dr. Esselstyn, in hopes to save his life from a further heart attack and strengthen his heart muscle to normal again.

  • @JustJulia-qt9nh says:

    I want to follow a Whole Foods plant based diet but it seems like the more plant foods I eat the sicker I get and I my nerve pain gets so bad I wind up in bed for two days. How can all this research point to a whole plant food diet and my experience be so different? 😔

    • @carbondory says:

      There are always exceptions to everything. People’s bodies are different. There are people in their 80s and 90s who have been smoking for decades and still smoke cigarettes everyday.

    • @jdw0426 says:

      Perhaps an allergy/inflammation to a specific plant food commonly eaten?

    • @roseortiz8943 says:

      I agree that food sensitivities can contribute to this, but also if your microbiome or bacterial balance is off you can get those symptoms. Find a good functional nutrition diagnostic practitioner to run your labs

    • @wfpbwfpb says:

      Perhaps it’s kinda like me and poison oak. I’ve never ever had a single problem with it and I bike and hike in and amongst it regularly and two of my buddies who I go with almost always have poison oak rashes. Kind of a lame analogy but the point is you could have an allergy to wheat or nightshades or something. But most likely you just need to titrate up all plants instead of going all in right out the gate. Just bear in mind any severe reactions and eliminate as necessary. Humans are plant eating creatures, this is a fact. We have simply forced our bodies to reject certain plants because we just don’t eat enough of them over time. Stick with it friend……😁

    • @macbev says:

      Are you able to exercise at all? That is supposed to help.

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    The 4-session How Not to Age Book Club starts January 26! Dr. Greger will provide highlights from each section and open the floor for questions. Find out more and register here:

  • @ianfleming7627 says:

    Muchas gracias al Doc y a las personas q traducen! ❤

  • @joedirt1965 says:

    Someone needs to invent green tea that taste like black tea.

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