Leroy Johnson

  • @kaanozdogan9044 says:

    My man ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

  • @TrueWordsRSpoken says:

    This would be much more effective with your shirt off

  • @JourneyJoe says:

    The man!!

  • @GuacamoleBolt says:

    You should continue making shorts! ๐Ÿค™

  • @spinelli6666 says:

    Love when people get creative

  • @luisdavidmunoz8202 says:

    You look like the dude from Nedโ€™s Declassified ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€

  • @Applefan101 says:

    Smart idea

  • @823adlkjf says:


  • @frankfurt1063 says:

    maybe put some hockey tape or grip tape around the ends ? or i guess without it you have to grip even harder

  • @KaylaReisser says:

    Maybe you should contact these companies and give them your input on how to improve their equipment? I wonder if there’s a company that pays for that

  • @jd12377 says:

    Thanks for the info. Glad you did a short, keep doing shorts. Also, you should do these workout ones shirtless. Just saying.

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