How Well Do Medicines Like Fosamax Work to Treat Osteoporosis?

Doctors and patients alike vastly overestimate the power of bisphosphonate drugs, such as Fosamax, to prevent fractures. Most people say they wouldn’t be willing to take many of the most commonly prescribed drugs if they knew how little benefit they actually offered.

I recently gave a webinar on osteoporosis, and you can watch the whole recording now ( ). My previous videos on osteoporosis are also available, so check out Fall Prevention Is the Most Important Thing for Preventing Osteoporosis Bone Fractures ( ) and Acid Reflux Medicine May Cause Osteoporosis ( ).

What about calcium supplements? See my videos Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( ) and Are Calcium Supplements Effective? ( ).

What about drinking milk? See my video Is Milk Good for Our Bones? ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @GaloManento says:

    What do you think is important for a healthy lifestyle?🔥

  • @OvidioRothschild says:

    What animal do you suggest for children?🌺

    • @meonyoutubenow says:

      Vegans do not venture into trade with animals anymore than we buy and sell women or black people. Shame on you!

  • @meonyoutubenow says:

    If dr. Gregor continues down this path big pharma is going to put on him soon.

  • @yosf5221 says:

    Please research the low intensity vibration platform Marodyne LiV Platform. There are some published studies conducted by the developer that suggest improvement in bone density. Thank you.

  • @mountaingran9623 says:

    I listened to the doctors at an osteoporosis clinic and followed their advice to take injections for osteoporosis. After experiencing side effects I was told I should continue with the remaining monthly injections before reporting any side effects to the manufacturer. The side effects had gotten worse each month. After having a second bone density scan and personally reviewing both scans I stopped the treatment. According to the imaging company and to the scans in front of me I have a mild case of osteopenia in my one hip. The drug is not shown to be effective for the spine. The doctors had convinced me that I needed the drugs to prevent another fracture of my vertebrae. I never should have been treated with these high-risk medications. I am attempting to get back to being myself. Five months later the clinic that cared so much about me has not contacted me to inquire as to why I cancelled the treatment. Five months later I am fighting to undo what the medication did.

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Thank you so much for covering this! So important <3

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    We just hosted the first of four How Not to Age Book Club sessions. Dr. Greger will be covering Part 2 this Friday. Register now and get access to the next three sessions PLUS the recording for Part 1:

  • @trevorregay9283 says:

    Good information to know, but as per usual, most of these drugs simply aren’t beneficial and actually cause other problems (side effects). What is more concerning is that our Doctors are brainwashed into thinking pushing these meds are the right way to go instead of suggesting alternatives…….you know like a better diet and exercise……..

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