Parabiosis Experiments Prove Bloodborne Aging Factors

Macabre experiments surgically attaching old animals to young ones show there is something in the blood that causes aging.

So, Can Getting Transfusions of Young Blood Slow Aging? ( ). That’s the next video.

My new book, How Not to Age ( ), is all about aging, and you can get your copy now at your local public library or wherever books are sold. If you haven’t seen them yet, check out the book trailer ( ) and my new presentation ( ). (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( ) are donated to charity.)

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @pickledbeaker5916 says:

    ah, nothing is more refreshing than virgin blood, muahahahaha!

  • @Comenta-san says:

    😯FromSoftware games make you younger. I prefer Elden Ring than Bloodborne though

  • @chrystalthornton1502 says:

    Similar effect with an old man (preferably rich), taking a young wife. Perks him up every time.

  • @fightingforanimals3961 says:

    Maybe make a sexier title for this video? 😅

  • @AnHourOfWolves says:

    This has to be the beginning of a horror movie. I can just see it now, some wealthy nutrition facts viewer is wondering how to get the blood of the young…

    • @DrAJ_LatinAmerica says:

      Blood of the youth is already for sale. Been for sale for a long time. The real concern is organ harvesting of the living. Presently happening in war zones and conflict areas. 😢 Everything is for sale 😢

  • @MrsCyImsofly says:

    Please explain to me why you are ancient looking and I am not despite how ratchet Cleveland clinic moves?

  • @nneichan9353 says:

    How many animals were tortured to find out if we can extend human life a year or two?

    • @DrAJ_LatinAmerica says:

      Millions every year. Ask Volkswagen. Ask cosmetics manufacturers. Dogs in the military. Since the days of the canary in the coal mine.

    • @leahblackburn3872 says:

      My thoughts exactly. Those poor animals! We live long enough. We don’t need extra years added at the expense of other animals.

  • @lorah3005 says:

    👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!

  • @KJSvitko says:

    Interesting concept.

  • @djayjp says:

    Already some tech bros are doing this (getting blood from the young).

  • @Alex.Luna109 says:

    These experiments feel evil but it would be worse to throw away the results instead of learning something useful from them that could possibly be used for good

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