10 HIIT Exercises to Lose Belly Fat FASTER

These are some of the best exercises you can do to burn more calories, overall body fat, and reduce your belly fat/love handles faster. Remember that the number one way to lose belly fat is not with a workout, but instead with your diet. However, these fat loss exercises can assist with weight loss and many of these exercises can be done at home.

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➡️ Sandbag:

➡️ Beginner At-Home Fat Loss Exercises:

Belly fat and the fat around your midsection, in general, is really easy to gain, but really hard to get rid of, and carrying around excess pounds of body fat is unhealthy and unattractive. So many people take it upon themselves to fix their belly fat problem, and most of them will try to do crunches and situps until the fat disappears. But crunches and situps are some of the worst exercises you can do because they don't burn a lot of calories at all, and unfortunately, you can't target the fat on your midsection by doing ab exercises. So truly the best exercise that you can do to reduce your belly fat is the exercise of self-control when it comes to your diet and what you eat on a daily basis. However, even though your diet will always be the main determining factor for how many calories you take in, there are certain exercises that burn far more calories than others, and these exercises can be used to boost the number of calories you burn on a weekly basis, which will help you burn more fat from your whole body including the fat on your midsection.

And the first exercise that I want to start with is a simple medicine ball slam. The easiest way to do this is by using either a slam ball, which looks just like a medicine ball or a sandbag. Since slam balls are becoming more and more common in gyms, I'll be demonstrating with a slam ball. So you're going to start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the ball in between your feet. Squat down, grab the ball, stand up, and curl and press it over your head. Then slam the ball down into the ground as hard as you can, in between your feet. So you don't want to just throw the ball to the ground using only your arms. Instead, when the ball is over your head you want to pull your hips back out from under you and put your whole body into the slam by bending at the waist and using the full power of your core to drive the ball into the ground. then repeat for reps. This same exercise can be done with a sandbag in the same exact way, and if you don't have access to either one, then you can make your own sandbag with the bag that I have linked up in the description, just add sand and you're good to go. 

Another great exercise that'll get you really winded is the cable woodchopper. To set this one up you're going to bring the pulley to the bottom of the cable cross and attach a d handle. Then while standing with the D handle at your side, bend down, and grab it with both hands. You can either interlace your fingers or simply put one hand over the other. So this is your starting position, standing straight up with the d -handle in both hands at your side. From there you're going to squat straight down, stand up and with your elbows almost fully locked out, you're going to rotate the cable from your hips at an upward angle over your opposite shoulder. Then, bring the cable back to the starting position, while still keeping your elbows almost fully locked out and repeat for reps on one side before switching to the other. Don't make the mistake of bending and extending your arms on each repetition, this should be a rotational movement. AND keep in mind that most people don't perform exercises that develop rotational strength and this is a big problem because almost all injuries occur when a rotational force is involved. So strengthening with exercises like the woodchop can really help prevent potential injuries. 

Next, we have one of the best calorie-burning exercises period, the weighted burpee. To begin you're going to grab two moderately heavy dumbbells that you can curl and press over your head. Then stand straight up with both dumbbells hanging at your sides. Squat down as you bend your back and plant both dumbbells around the outside of your feet. Then jump your feet back, out into a pushup position and perform a pushup onto the dumbbells. After that hop your feet back in between your hands, and stand straight up with the dumbbells. When lifting the dumbbells off the ground you want to do it with good form, as if you're performing a suitcase deadlift. So make sure you maintain the natural curve of your lower back as you stand up. And then curl and press those dumbbells over your head. Finally, lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders, then bring them back to your sides, and repeat for reps. Now if you're a beginner you can do these with just your body weight and instead of jumping your feet out, step …

Leroy Johnson

  • Shubham Pathak says:

    Thanks for the vid bruv i don’t know how much you care but i went from 116 to 108 right now watching your video…i never though i would get motivation (got from others YouTubers as well but this channel is the one but the only one from exercise) hope you go greater heights in this channel man…one thing i did different from other tomes is balanced my weight and cardio before i only did cardio and was stuck at a certain weight….. genuinely thank you to you and your team man.

  • mizst101 says:

    Perfect for summer shredding thanks so much i was looking for a video like this to take my workout to the next level

  • SchuyFit - Lifestyle Fat Loss says:

    1. Medicine Ball Slam
    2. Cable Woodchopper
    3. Weighted Burpee
    4. Kettlebell Swings
    5. Kettlebell Long Cycle
    6. Battle Rope
    7. Prowler
    8. Mountain Climber
    9. Hammer Swing
    10. Turkish Get-Up

  • Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts says:

    0:25 “Unfortunately, you can’t target the fat on your midsection by doing ab exercises. So truly the best exercise that you can do to reduce your belly fat is the exercise of self-control when it comes to your diet and what you eat on a daily basis. However, even though your diet will always be the main determining factor for how many calories you take in, there are certain exercises that burn far more calories than others, and these exercises can be used to boost the number of calories you burn on a weekly basis, which will help you burn more fat from your whole body including the fat on your midsection.”

    • Nicolás D says:

      Thank you very much for this amazing info! Keep it up. Saludos desde Argentina

    • Kevin Vagadiya says:

      Can you make video on some Indian food which we should avoid and which food should us take while doing exercises.

    • Edgar Allen Poe says:

      But I love eating bad 😭 how do I learn discipline?!?!?!

    • PH says:

      In other words, your video title is misleading.

      No such a thing as limb-targeted weighted that isn’t liposuction, and even that would be a bad idea.

    • PH says:

      @Edgar Allen Poe It comes with the desire to change and improve yourself, and acting on it.

      Also understand that the process is slow, you can’t just cut every junk food out of your daily diet out of the blue or you will just relapse a week later.

  • Brett Owen says:

    Thank you for the detailed, clearly illustrated and explained instructions.

    • Damian Russell says:

      Just for reference you CANNOT target fat loss in any area, you will loose it as a whole so doing cardio is your best option for losing belly fat! With a caloric deficit of course.

  • veyronpc says:

    randomly searching exercises that i can do quietly in my room at 3 am, BALL SLAM!

  • Peter Cianci says:

    Outstanding video, excellent suggestions keeping it simple, clear and concise! My only advice to anyone over 50 watching this is, be very careful with the “Prowler” it can seem simple while performing but it’s extremely heart-intensive, extremely!

  • Moist and Squishy says:

    I didn’t think kettle bell swings were effective until I tried it for the first time a week or two ago. My legs were jelly afterwards. But during my session, of 3 sets of 10 reps of 20 lbs, I was huffing and puffing… Great exercise, great work-out, I need to do some more. That and also burpees

  • Brett Higham says:

    This has been awesome, I have now changed my weekly routine thank you! Love your videos

  • Nandakumar Giri says:

    Really wonderful exercise 9:50 💪🔥

  • Anthony says:

    The editing on this video is fire 🔥🤯 It made it very easy to understand how to do the workouts. Thanks 🙏

  • KShorses says:

    Just started getting into weight conditioning and trying to lose the beer belly. Your video is the easiest to follow and most detailed one I’ve seen. Thank you.

    • Damian Russell says:

      Just for reference you CANNOT target fat loss in any area, you will loose it as a whole so doing cardio is your best option for losing belly fat! With a caloric deficit of course.

    • Keith Marlowe says:

      Get hydrated and increase fiber. You will drop 10 to 15 lbs effortlessly. Why? If your dehydrated you retain water, which causes all sorts of problems. Look up benefits of fiber. A word on alcohol: moderation. Extreme moderation. Especially as you Age. I went to dr feeling miserable seeking cancer screen. ( Long history of smoking but had quit) Diagnoses: Fat, high cholesterol, high triglycerides. I cut back bourbon to almost none and cut coffee back by like a gallon a week. This prompted drinking more water. I Decreased high cholesterol food and increased fiber. Yoga every morning as a start. 15 lbs since December, joints feel better, aches and pains gone, more energy, etc.

    • Keith Marlowe says:

      For men, especially iver 40, working multiple muscle groups is far superior to cardio. Look it up

    • Alientcp says:

      Is it working? I really dont think it does. I did lost a lot of weight doing the push ups and abs, with some 30 mins of actual bike on uneven terrain.

  • tarun chandra Gorrela says:

    Love It. Thanks for the detailed explanation. Gonna include this into my weekly core exercises at the gym.

    • Diamante2016 Lol says:

      Just so you know, you cannot target burning body fat. You will loose fat around your whole body, best thing to do to loose fat is to get in a calorie deficit and do cardio exercises.

  • Matthew Patterson says:

    Awesome video! Weighed 350 pounds when I started my weight lost journey. Down to 315 with fat loss and muscle growth! Love watching your videos to help give me new exercise ideas! Thanks man!
    Update: Down to 305!
    New Update: Down to 290!
    Newest Update: Down to 265!

  • Mark Corey says:

    Nice!! I’ve been doing the weighted burpee thing but I’ve been doing jumping weighted burpee’s. I started at 15lb each hand and now I’m up to 25lb each hand. Your video helped me tighten up a couple areas that I wasn’t aware of. But those things Rock! I only do 5 jumping weighted burpee’s followed immediately by scissor kicks for 40 seconds. 🔥🔥🔥

  • Sunny Bhadani says:

    One of the best videos for reducing belly fat!
    Great work!

  • Video Games & Metal says:

    I love this guys descriptions of movement and slow motion front and side views of how exactly you’re supposed to execute these motions. Super helpful!

  • Jannyn Garcia says:

    I saved this on my Abb Workout playlist and this is the first video in there ❤. Totally detailed and the editing is truly fire🥵🔥

    • Pranjal says:

      Well no harm in asking if you are still doing your Abs workout or have you stopped em after 2 months of making this comment.
      Just curious as I am usually on & off with my abs workout 😅

  • David Ganuza says:

    Max, your the Freakin Man!!! Amazing video as usual. Your videos have helped me understand the benefits of proper lifting techniques and eating clean. Your clear insight is displayed beautifully. I’m 43 years old and my current weight is 190 lbs and I’m 5’8”. Im doing better than the plus 200 lbs I was last year. The goal is to get down to 180 or 175 if I stay focused and disciplined I know I can do it if I listen and apply your advice. Thanks a million brother. God bless you.

  • Carlos Zepeda says:

    Awesome been doing this for a few months and transformation is clear. Thanks for the science based approach and clear visual do’s and dont’s videos u post.

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