14 Tips to Lose Belly Fat Effortlessly

These are 14 tips that'll help you lose weight and reduce your belly fat fast without crazy strict diets. It's important to reduce visceral fat because not only is it unattractive, but it's also very unhealthy. Most people force themselves to follow a strict diet, but those rarely work. Instead, just by following some basic principles, you'll be able to burn that belly fat as you reduce your overall body fat percentage lower and lower. 

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Our bodies are wired to store fat around our Center of mass which happens to be the belly love handles and hips. And there's a very good reason for this. Storing pounds fat on more distal areas like your hands and your feet would require a lot more energy to carry around and to do the things that we need to do on a daily basis to survive. And this defeats the whole biological purpose of storing fat, to begin with, which is essentially your body trying to stock up on energy in the form of body fat in case of a future famine where there's a shortage of food or in other words a shortage of energy. In sports like wrestling and judo, we can see that our center of mass gives us the leverage we need to carry heavy weight loads without expending a ton of energy. Your body already naturally knows this so that's why one of the first areas to gain fat when you overeat is your belly. Unfortunately, even though your body is wired to view this as very efficient not only in the stomach area the last spot that most people want to gain fat but it's also very unhealthy to carry large amounts of fat around your midsection. Now even though your body is quick to store fat around your stomach it's very hesitant to let it go and will usually be one of the last spots that it pulls fat from. So you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage low enough for your body to burn the fat everwhere else before it starts pulling energy from the fat stored around your midsection. This is done mostly through diet so a lot of times many people follow a strict diet which becomes more and more difficult the longer you try to stick to it. So today I want to give you guys 15 quick guidelines that you can use to start burning body fat and belly fat as soon as possible without having to torture yourself in the process.
And the very first extremely effective thing that you can do is limit the number of high sugar foods that you eat. Sugar doesn't only taste good at the moment but it makes you crave more sugar in the future. When you habitually eat things like cookies ice cream and cake you actually wind up decreasing the sensitivity of your palate which makes natural healthy sources of sugar like fruit taste much less sweet and satisfying. There are also studies that show a direct link between having a high sugar intake and having higher levels of abdominal fat. This is due to the fact that Sugar spikes insulin which is a fat-storage hormone and it also decreases insulin sensitivity. So this doesn't mean that you can never have any sweets you can reward yourself with something like ice cream at the end of the week but it shouldn't be a staple part of your diet throughout the week. Instead, you should do your best to stick to fruit to satisfy your sugar Cravings.
Next, when you go shopping you're going to want to stick to the outside perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the inner aisles. So this includes your produce department Seafood meat eggs and some dairy. This is because the inner aisles are usually where you'll find all the processed food that ends up raising your insulin levels to increase your daily calorie count and of course contributing to the storage of belly fat. However other than high-sugar cereals chips and cookies, there are some things in the inner aisles like rice quinoa and nuts that can actually fill up your stomach and help you reduce body fat.
So when you do go into the inner aisles you want to follow the next tip which is to pick mostly single-ingredient Foods. These are foods that have a low-calorie density which means that for the amount of space that they take up in your stomach the only add a relatively low amount of calories to your daily total. A perfect example of this is comparing Oreos to something like broccoli. Just one Oreo will have 40 calories mostly in the form of sugar. For the same many calories you can fill your stomach with whole cup broccoli. Now on top of that single-ingredient foods require more calories to digest. The Oreo will quickly and easily be broken down into simple sugar without much effort meanwhile the broccoli…

Leroy Johnson

  • Jonathan Cochrane says:

    Been following quite a few of these tips along with multiple others for the last 8-9 months and I’m down 60 pounds, just stick with it and it works guys, y’all got this!

    • History maker says:

      dont forget to never quite those habits. in the last 13 months I lost some of the habits in this video for some personal reasons, and I put up 50 pounds in one year and a month

      almost without noticing I’ve grew a gut…

      I’m compiling information from this channel to return to shape in the next two years.

  • Jeff L says:

    Thanks for the high-quality, professionally produced video. Good, accurate information and just enough humor without getting silly. Nice job!

  • Cindy Briden says:

    Great advice!! As a handicapped person, and knowing other people who walk on a walker, so I (we) cannot run and have limited mobility with our legs. You mentioned in your video about exercise, would you have any suggestions on how we can get our heart rate up without the use of our legs? I found your video inspiring as will use your tips. Thank you!!

    • Tim Palm says:

      i recommend swimming

    • ♡︎PITY♡︎ says:

      You can lift weights, but don’t do snything too heavy and I don’t think you should do dumbells. I’m not an expert, so don’t take too much from me, but I think it would work based off of my knowledge oh physics.

    • Cindy Briden says:

      @♡︎PITY♡︎ Thank you!!

    • Junior Rodigan says:

      hi Cindy … I have polio. So in the same boat as you . And I would DEF say SWIMMING
      go to the local YMCA with a pool. And take some Aqua Fitness classes. You will really like it

  • Melody B says:

    Now this sounds easy and simple to me. Great job! Thanks! 😀

  • Enki Marduk says:

    Great great great advices. I’d add a couple more in: 1) avoid slow sugars (like pasta, potatoes or rice) for dinner to let the body switch to the fat burning mode while sleeping hence leveraging intermittent fasting and 2) Tabata is a great way to start a HIIT routine without too much psychological hurdles and it’s very modular too

    • Honey Moon says:

      You just said 3 things that all my national dishes have. Damn, guess i fast from now

    • Matt Bergamin says:

      @Honey Moon u can eat as much pasta and potatoes as you like. As long as you’re in a caloric deficit you’ll lose weight

  • Unforgotten Tech says:

    Enjoyed the video, great content delivered seamlessly.

  • Ife Love says:

    This was a great video. Very informative. Also truthful and realistic, which I appreciated. Thanks 💪🏽

  • Justin Case says:

    Thanx Bro! I truly appreciate your helpful honesty. I’m 59 yrs old & about 60 lbs over my limit. I’m doing about 75% of what UR suggesting, but not correctly. This is where your knowledge has had a proactive affect on me. Good solid advice, Thanx! Now I must determine for sincere application, Caio!

  • Horm Sultan says:

    You didn’t gain weight in one day
    You didn’t lose weight in one day
    Be patient with yourself ☺️

  • Tuan Tran - Fitness Coach says:

    Thank you for sharing these helpful weight loss tips <3 love how you provide actually tips that helps people lose weight fast

  • Proud American says:

    I love how you keep it short and to the point. Great job! 7:03 the fact!!

  • Mo Hazan says:

    I am 5’10 and before the pandemic I was thin and weighed 160 – and after working from home for the last 2 years I gained 28 pounds as of December 15, and most of it in my belly. I went from a 32 waist to a 40, and even wearing size 40 jeans is tight. Throughout the pandemic I got lazy with my eating and had a ton of processed food (junk food) and didn’t exercise much because of the lockdowns etc. I decided last month that I want to lose 25 pounds by summer and get back my 165 lb body frame. So far I’ve been doing 10,000 steps a day at about 4 mph which takes about 75 minutes a day. That’s about 520 calories burned a day. Also cut out all the junk food and joined Noom to log my food in calories which tracks my daily calorie count and try to stay under 1,500 calories a day with 15% carbs, 30% protein, and 55% fat (healthy fat). The keto diet actually says carbs should be 10% a day but that’s hard to do. I’m not a big guy by nature and not interested in building muscle at my age, maybe just lean muscle to stay fit, but the objective is to lose 25 pounds fast. By the way I lost 3 pounds in the last 28 days so far. From everything I’ve been doing this last 4 weeks with doing the 10,000 steps a day and eating a high protein and healthy fat diet while cutting carbs drastically, what else do you suggest I do to lose 20-25 pounds by summer? And finally, is it bad to pound the pavement with 10,000 steps a day seven days a week? My ankles are really soar but I keep pushing. Thanks for taking the time to read, and any further tips and/or advice would be much appreciated 🙏

    • Basil Eldose says:

      Daym bro congrats mans doing bits! 🙂

      I mean if your interest is solely on losing the 25pounds and so you don’t mind the muscle loss then going cardio all the way would probably be ideal, mixture of both HIIT and low intensity like the long distance walking my guy does. I would recommend at least make 1rest day of your choice to give ur ankles a break, but ur diet plan looks solid concerning percentages and congrats on losing the 3pounds, keep it up my drilla u got this 🙂

  • TeleJazzer says:

    Great content. I do full body workout now where abs exercises are simply part of the process, not the focus. I’m noticing that with my gradual increase in lifting weights, the more my core is engaged resulting in tighter stomach. I do HIIT/or Sprinting on single session weights and still do activities like running, walking or cycling on rest days with a full body rest once a week.

    Diet? Totally off sugar, no rice, bread (I do have protein bread) or pasta (trying chickpea pasta). Chicken and fish are the only meat with plenty of fruits and vegetables. One thing I found out is raw lettuce (maybe broccoli) might be making me bloat and there is a suggestion to ferment so I’ll be doing this.

    • Hᴇʟʟᴀ's Wᴏʀʟᴅ says:

      Hey! Thats good to hear, i just wanna say that sometimes you can eat a little dessert too, i remember when i was on diet, i was always starving and never full, i never eat anything that wasnt in my diet, i was like that for 4 months, i felt with no energy, so i changed my diet, im on calorie deficit now and im always full and never again starving. Sometimes i eat some little desserts, but with moderation.

  • Tony Rivera says:

    This gentleman knows what he is speaking about when it comes to this subject. For every experience that I have encountered while doing the exact things that he had described in this video, is exactly how I personally experienced through my journey of fat loss. If only I can maintain the course of what I am doing now.

  • Louis Cruz says:

    After following a strict diet and intense HIIT and weight training routine as recommended in this video for 2 months, I was able to reduce my body fat % from 15 to 14! Never doing it again 😃

    • Lyra :] says:

      matt honestly working out is so fun, you feel so good after !! it has so many positives too such as strengthening your muscles, increasing your stamina and it keeps your heart healthy

    • Khalis Yahaya says:

      @Lyra :] thumbs up. My mood improved so much more after I cut sugar+ go to gym and weight lifting.

  • Justin Carpenter says:

    The sugar thing is certainly true.
    Start of July this year i was at 260. I cut out ALL added sugar, pop, started eating a lot of grilled/chicken cooked in just a little oil and light dinners. Started forcing myself to go for walks, 10 m at first, building up to 45-60 minutes, started doing some light exercising that I’m now expanding on.

    Yesterday I weighed in at 205.8 lbs. Lowest I’ve been in 3 years. Need to keep it off and start incorporating strength training but I look and feel better than I have in years.

    • Danaé says:


    • nico says:

      UMMM? cutting out ALL added sugar is not healthy for long term. If you want a healthy lifestyle have a balanced amount of everything. I love that your exercising but please balance everything out. Cutting all “bad sugars” aren’t going long-term. and remember if your in a calorie deficit don’t cut down your calories a lot start from maybe a 100 calories or even 50.

    • Justin Carpenter says:

      @nico All added sugar was an exaggeration, what i meant is I stopped eating candy, chips, monitoring what I ate a lot more. I’ve lost all the weight I want to and have moved into maintenance mode. You are correct though it’s important to have a healthy balance of things.

  • Fredrick Eason says:

    This video is quite literally amazing for a teenager like me, It shows that you dont have to starve yourself to see results, thank you for PERFECTLY explaining how to lose belly fat!

  • 1ofakindyanna says:

    Well put together video & all so true! I adhered to all of these and lost over 40 lbs last summer

  • Drokar LDMM says:

    been able to hold out on my intermittent fasting for a few months now. with my work scheduel it works perfectly of eating one meal around noon to 1ish and then next at 7pm and i get off work at 11 and in bed by 1am and get up and wait out a few hours with a cup of coffee only and repeat cycle. been working wonders for me.

  • Aces says:

    This content is literally charity. Thank you for everything you do to put this information out for free.

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