Why Do Milk Drinkers Live Shorter Lives on Average?

Galactose, a breakdown product of the milk sugar lactose, is used by scientists to accelerate aging in lab animals. How might we reduce the risk of premature death from dairy consumption?

The videos I mentioned are:
• How Well Do Medicines Like Fosamax Work to Treat Osteoporosis? ( )
• Is Milk Good for Our Bones? ( )
• Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( )

You can also try switching to soy milk. Check out Is Soy Milk the Most Nutritious Non-Dairy Milk? ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @oskariKN25 says:

    “What’s a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.”

  • @Hyperion1040 says:

    WhatsApp about lactose free milk?

    • @ApparentlyIamAaditya says:

      Lactose in lactose free milk is simply broken down to glucose and galactose by addition of enzymes such as lactase / B-galactosidase. As galactose seems to be one of the culprits, I don’t think lactose free milk would be any better plain milk

    • @carmadefries3729 says:


  • @KonradNielsenDK says:


  • @EUCjay says:

    This is crap.

  • @mindbomb9341 says:

    Always great videos Dr. Gregor.

  • @ethicalphytophage9383 says:

    Doc – thank you for all the work that you do. This is much appreciated. 💚

  • @umesh3077 says:

    Sir in this study having high consumption of yogurt and fermented milk has hazard ratio of .8 .means milk products shows better result.

  • @apriljohnson6191 says:

    What about people who have eliminated dairy from their diet? Have there been any studies shown a reversal of effects (similar to people who stop smoking have similar risks as non smokers after 10 years of smoking)?

  • @Rajtamizhan says:

    This video is for Those who eat dairy milk not real milk

  • @brandont4693 says:

    We live shorter but happier lives

    • @pdblouin says:

      Interspecies breastfeeding brings you joy? That’s…I mean, there’s a word for people who get joy out of sucking the nipples of animals.

    • @CRM-114 says:

      Keep telling yourself that 🙂

    • @brandont4693 says:

      @@CRM-114 I will ☺️

    • @Just4AZ1 says:

      I’m a fan of Dr Greger but if you listen to him long enough you realize everything leads to a “premature death”. So enjoy your milk as life is short enough as it is. I know I will.

    • @KasKade7 says:

      My 102 year old dairy farmer grandpa probably had more milk, cheese and yoghurt then 10 people combined. He lived and breathed it. Was a very happy man. That’s probably way more important then what you eat in the first place for health and longevity.

  • @CRM-114 says:

    Animal abusers getting sick and living shorter lives? Sounds like justice to me.

  • @Jeffs60 says:

    One serving of dairy per day is acceptable.
    Jim Arrington, 90, Guinness world record oldest bodybuilder eats daily, cottage cheese, beef, chicken and fish, also has raw salads with each meal, consumes about 1 liter of olive oil per week and has moderate carb intake. Herbert P. Douglass Olympic Medalist, age 101, favorite foods are ham, spinach, macaroni, eggs, milk, Italian bread. Dr. Fred Kummerow age 102, consumes dairy every day, Leita Hayden age 103, drank milk or cream every day and always did lots of exercise, Yukichi Chuganji age 114, He didn’t like to eat vegetables, but liked to eat beef and pork. He only consumed alcohol in moderate amounts and drank milk every day, Ebby Halliday age 104, likes farm foods and lots of milk but never any junk food, Filomena Taipe Mendoza age 117, likes potatoes, goat meat, sheep milk, goat cheese and beans and never any junk foods, Dr. Zheng Ji age 110, for breakfast he eats 1 egg, 250 ml of milk and oatmeal, and two slices of bread; for lunch, he eats meat and vegetables, with a bowl of soup before meals; dinner is mostly porridge, Guinness World record highest IQ Marilyn vos Savant 5’8” 125 lbs favorite foods are burgers, fish, vegetables, potatoes plus bread with butter, Louise Levy age 112, eats yogurt everyday for lunch, Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara age 105, drinks one glass of milk with one tablespoon of olive oil every day, Colette Maze age 109, a pianist ate 3 eggs per day and brie cheese, Manohar Aich, age 104, 1952 Mr. Universe, he credited his good health with a simple diet of milk, fruits and vegetables along with rice, lentils and fish, Dr. Bessie Delany age 104, the second black woman licensed to practice dentistry in New York State and Sadie Delany age 109 the 1st African American to teach domestic science in the NY public schools, eats every day an egg, fruit and oatmeal, cod liver oil, chicken or beef, vegetables and a big vanilla milkshake.

    • @tamcon72 says:

      Anecdotes don’t belong in serious discussions about nutrition, and you must be new here if you don’t know this.

  • @mowthpeece1 says:

    My mom lived to 97 drinking full fat milk daily. My father would have but alcohol cut him short at 91. We’re Spanish. Is there a genetic component? We have longevity genes and milk doesn’t seem to hurt anyone in my family. I myself don’t drink it, don’t like the nasal drip.

    • @myrhev says:

      Cohort studies are better than nothing but they aren’t great either. The gold standard is double blind randomized control studies, but that isn’t feasible on something that will take years and years. The cohort studies often depend on asking the participants questions and depending on their honesty and memory. For example, the milk drinkers might also be alcoholics or smokers. They then try to subtract and average out to account for those factors, but it hurts accuracy of the study.

      I personally avoid dairy due to allergies to casein as well as lactose intolerance. Since I already have the dairy issues it made doing whole food plant based an easier option. However, I have ran into blood sugar issues with it so we will see if I continue it.

  • @Susanonwow says:

    I drank a ton of milk growing up, but it was one of the foods that made me outrageously nauseous during my first pregnancy at 23. I was never able to drink milk after that. Lucky me, I guess.

  • @tammyhardy2810 says:

    Does this also mean any dairy, like cheese?

  • @KryptoCosmo says:

    Moral of the story, go 100% plant-based !

  • @raginald7mars408 says:

    They get to HEAVEN MUCH Faster!
    The others go to Hell
    much faster

  • @Albopepper says:

    I still cringe thinking of all those years that I used to gulp down bovine lactations. > ugh < 🤢

    • @brettfisher292 says:

      Same here, just gross! You never think about it at the time either. It’s ridiculous how normalized it has become in our society.

  • @olgakim4848 says:

    I went vegan in January. Before I went vegan, I used to suffer from terrible muscle pain, tightness and inflammation for thirty years. After I cut out all animal products, 95% pain, tightness, inflammation GONE, and my chronic hemorrhoidal symptoms haven’t flared up since I’m pretty sure it was the dairy. I feel awesome and normal!

  • @jdmarin1965 says:

    Dairy is a wonderful and necessary food for all mammalian Babies.

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