Friday Favorites: The Best Diet for Weight Loss and Disease Prevention

The most effective diet for weight loss may also be the healthiest.

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This is just a taste of what’s on order in my New York Times best seller How Not to Diet ( ). (All proceeds I receive are donated to charity, as with all of my books.) Watch the book trailer ( ), and check out The How Not to Diet Cookbook ( ) for delicious Green-Light recipes.

For a deeper dive, see my hour-long Evidence-Based Weight Loss ( ) lecture.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @claremorley9845 says:

    Thanks for the video

  • @WenceslaoOgbebor says:

    What learning and self-education methods do you use to continuously improve in your profession?🧡

  • @hctim96 says:

    This doesn’t work if you like to brew “whole food plant based” beer!! I had to cut out the home brew to see any results…

    • @shawnmurphy6670 says:

      This is my vice – I’d love to see a whole foods plant based diet that doesn’t restrict alcohol.

    • @G-rig6969 says:

      Ha, most people know beer is fattening.

    • @eng.miroslavmanahilov1730 says:

      Who could have know this…

    • @normalguycap says:

      Alcohol is poison. smh people trying to protect their toxic addictions.

    • @G-rig6969 says:

      @@normalguycap They aren’t even talking about that, they were talking about calories.
      I think everyone knows alcohol is poison (ethanol) but a poison humans can handle none the less. So it doesn’t matter if it’s whole foods plant based beer or not, booze is booze (not sure they were after an intervention.

  • @dimik3855 says:

    I don’t know anyone who is a vegetarian and overweight, and they look healthier as well. As an occasional meat eater, this has been my biggest challenge. I still want to continue with beef broth with the fat removed.

    • @VeganLinked says:

      Once you immerse yourself in the awesome, vast array of whole plant foods like legumes, greens, grains, fruits, veggies, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices you have no room for body parts, organs or secretions much less any desire for them after you’ve’ve been away from them. People are just stuck in an infantile habituation toward consuming animals. But you can develop a sophisticated palate by just learning about these plant foods. And then you will be healthier as a result and in line with your ethics. Eating animals inevitably results in abusive concentrated animal feeding operations that are toxic to surrounding communities and create the most violent jobs while causing deforestation, desertification, aquatic dead zones, and zoonotic diseases. Everything about eating animals is gravely wrong, unsustainable, and detrimental to the stability of our future. Once you realize all of this it seems insane to want to foster a future that is so violent based on concentrating animal feeding operations and slaughterhouses instead of community gardens, Peace gardens, food forest, food not lawns, veganic farms, and greenhouses. Best wishes! I have hundreds of vegans on my channel that can attest to the efficacy for any walk of life whether it be the most studious, the laziest, or the most athletic, and especially if you’re wanting to have children. I’m going to be releasing a lot of videos about that throughout the year as it progresses.

    • @naldebol says:

      @@VeganLinked I don’t miss meat at all. Not a single bit. Given what I know today, the damage to the planet, the health risks, the negatives…. I SEE NO POSITIVES for eating meat when compared to Whole Foods, plant based, salt free diet.
      Taste buds ? Processed Sugar is delicious and make taste buds or brain happy , but that does not mean we should eat it

    • @susancooper7806 says:


  • @Habak0403 says:

    dman its hard to listen to this guy. why cant the talk like a normal human being and stop mumbling

    • @VeganLinked says:

      Considering the fact that most people love his personality, perhaps you should just try to focus on what he’s saying and enjoy his style and sense of humor, or is he to advance for you?

    • @Habak0403 says:

      @@VeganLinked Yes, as you mentioned it, he truly is too advanced for me. I guess I’m dumb, I knew something was wrong with me. Thanks for letting me know!

    • @user-il9tx9di4b says:

      He is a complete and total food/nutrition nerd and I for one very much appreciate his style. Maybe you can just red his books? Avoid YT? His info is straight forward and priceless!

    • @VeganLinked says:

      @@Habak0403 here’s an idea and something I do when I’m just curious or in a rush and don’t feel like watching a video. Just look at the transcript.

    • @VeganLinked says:

      @@Habak0403 then after you have read the transcript, interject something indicative of genuinely being inquisitive or at least appreciative of this man’s work. Just ideas to build community 😉

  • @janedough6575 says:

    Carnivore ftw 😂

    • @VeganLinked says:

      What is carnivore FTW? For the worst?

      Once you immerse yourself in the awesome, vast array of whole plant foods like legumes, greens, grains, fruits, veggies, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices you have no room for body parts, organs or secretions much less any desire for them after you’ve’ve been away from them. People are just stuck in an infantile habituation toward consuming animals. But you can develop a sophisticated palate by just learning about these plant foods. And then you will be healthier as a result and in line with your ethics. Eating animals inevitably results in abusive concentrated animal feeding operations that are toxic to surrounding communities and create the most violent jobs while causing deforestation, desertification, aquatic dead zones, and zoonotic diseases. Everything about eating animals is gravely wrong, unsustainable, and detrimental to the stability of our future. Once you realize all of this it seems insane to want to foster a future that is so violent based on concentrating animal feeding operations and slaughterhouses instead of community gardens, Peace gardens, food forest, food not lawns, veganic farms, and greenhouses. Best wishes! I have hundreds of vegans on my channel that can attest to the efficacy for any walk of life whether it be the most studious, the laziest, or the most athletic, and especially if you’re wanting to have children. I’m going to be releasing a lot of videos about that throughout the year as it progresses.

    • @wfpbwfpb says:

      Hahahaha. Sure🤥 it’s called data. Look at it. Carnivore is only a tiny tiny bit healthier than the standard American diet (refined carbs fat and sugar!) and is has the same death rate……..HIGHER RISK!!!!!!!!!

    • @teachertrx1204 says:

      Name one Olympic athlete that is following a pure carnivore diet for the win. You can’t. They all know they would lose on such a diet.

    • @janedough6575 says:

      @@VeganLinked Veggies are horrible. I never eat them.

    • @VeganLinked says:

      When I was at Mr America there were no carnivores around. I was interviewing as many of the about 40 vegans competing. We noticed and talked about how there didn’t appear to be anyone “carnivore” in sight. Competing against nonvegans though, the vegans achieved 41 medals; 32 of which being first place across powerlifting, strongman, cross fit, body building, and kettle bell. @@teachertrx1204

  • @danman3163 says:

    You da best doc.

  • @VeganLinked says:

    “A whole food plant-based diet achieved the greatest weight loss ever recorded at 6 and 12 months compared to any other such intervention published in the medical literature” meanwhile “studies on the effects of low carbohydrate diets show higher rates of all cause mortality” 💚

  • @mu999 says:

    Не знаю читаете ли комментарии, но волосы восстановить очень легко. Пьёте трибулус и делаете маску из бадяги это пресноводная губка. Ещё злаки уберите совсем все.

  • @qakk2000 says:

    doc are you a modern time Buddha or just reincarnated

  • @andrewpawley8883 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @mareezy says:

    Do a video on parasite cleanses. My hubby thinks they are true 😮

  • @aroundandround says:

    Surprise, the answer is octopus!

  • @centralfloridagmrs says:

    Wow. Not exactly a good look for a man that is 51 years old. Yikes

  • @PennyPowell-fr9ec says:

    Thanks for this excellent information! I’m listening to “How Not to Age” on Audible, and I’m loving it. Thank you, Dr. Greger.🥦🍓🌰🍄

  • @zoombinifleen9362 says:

    I’m posting this here since hopefully it gets some eyes on it, I can get informed from people who are familiar with the subject in the comments and maybe a series can be done on it since I think theres a lot to dig into here, and from what ive seen so far you could probably write an entire book on this topic alone.

    I was looking through your website/video library with the intent of finding out more information on the chemicals plants release in defense of being eaten, like solanine (found in nightshade foods) and glucosinolates (found in cruciferious veggies, this channels favorite type of veggie to push) and even heard celery juice was dangerous (contains psoralen, causes light sensitivty making one prone to getting skin cancer) and found it quite surprising that there was so little information found about these types of compounds on your website/video feed.

    Ive heard you mention to simply eat iodine to offset the glucosinolates but remain unconvinced that it’s just that simple considering how complex the thryroid is, as well as other issues the glucosinolates might be causing. Hopefully you start to do some videos about these types of compounds. Thanks!

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