How to Delay the Age of Menopause with Diet and Lifestyle Factors

Approximately half of the variability of age of menopause among women is explained by genetics. What behaviors or circumstances can help explain the rest?

For more on menopause, see:
• The Best Moisturizers and Lubricants for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Hormone Treatment (Estrogen Pills and Creams) for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Soy Milk for Vaginal Menopause Symptoms ( )
• Dietary Approach to Naturally Treating Menopause Symptoms ( )

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @broccolipropaganda2838 says:

    Thank you, Dr Gregor. Reading your book now on aging. Big fan.

  • @claudiafinelle7252 says:

    This is bad news I had my kids late but I definitely rather they live longer😢

    • @claudioalmeida5444 says:

      Esse risco só existe porque mulheres mais velhas tem maior probabilidade de gerar filhos com cromossomopatias, como a trissomia do 21.
      Informação pela metade é perigosa e o doutor Greger deveria ter explicado melhor.

  • @bubblybull2463 says:

    So, if a woman wants to postpone her menopause and live cancer free, she would need to be a vergetarian as early as possible, or switch to a veggie diet before she turns 40 to have a chance of reversing the bad effect of meat consumption…

  • @betzib8021 says:

    Sooo…being vegan does?…does not? …change the age of menopause. Help me out someone with better comprehension than I please.

    • @scienceislove2014 says:

      Listen up girl.. it’s a combination of stuff like-
      Good whole vegwn food (eat more beans and lentils , nuts and seeds, greens {collard greens for good} and veggies..and fruits… Eat mostly organic atleast the ones you don’t peel!)
      Qualuty Sleep 💤 (7/8-8hours of quality sleep)
      Stress management
      Supplement with b12 and d3 and omega 3s (tske a multi if necessary..)

  • @pdblouin says:

    That’s a ton of data and I’d have to re-watch or read the source papers to really understand, but I’ll just say that as mid-30’s millennials, my wife can’t wait for menopause. I would be impatient, too, if I had a uterus that kept painfully shedding chunks of flesh for roughly 10-20% of my life.

    I guess just like exercise, there’s a tradeoff between longevity and comfort.

  • @williamhartman9 says:

    A whole lot of nothing. Thanks, Gregor.

  • @JohnSmith-lk8cy says:

    Does it depend on how many eggs a woman has? When they run out no ovulation? What determines how many eggs a woman has?

  • @mowthpeece1 says:

    Why would you want to extend time under estrogen?

  • @biancanicole6290 says:

    I always enjoy these videos but this one in particular was too much all over the place and didn’t really answer the question. Also I don’t buy into idea that having a child later will cause the child to have a shorter lifespan from an older mother. Ugh, Dr Gregor I expect better videos from you, especially since this is an important topic for women.

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