Friday Favorites: Vegetarian Muscle Power, Strength, and Endurance

Randomized controlled trials put plant-based eating to the test for athletic performance.

This is the final video in my 3-part series on vegetarian athletes. In case you missed the other two, here they are: The Gladiator Diet – How Vegetarian Athletes Stack Up ( ) and The First Studies on Vegetarian Athletes ( ).

I was honored to be a scientific consultant for an amazing new documentary about diet and athleticism called The Gamechangers. Check it out at .

If you’re interested in more videos on athletic performance, see:
• Why All Athletes Should Eat Plant-Based Diets ( )
• Do Alkaline Diets Help Athletic Performance? ( )
• Comparing Vegetarian and Vegan Athletic Performance, Endurance, and Strength ( )
• Improving VO2 Max: A Look at Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes ( )

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @EthelBaranick says:

    What do you think about science and technology?💞

  • @pmw3839 says:

    Thank you for your honesty.

  • @erastvandoren says:

    Plant-based diet is anti-inflammatory; therefore, it should provide faster recovery.

    • @conradjohannes3211 says:

      but it doesn’t, otherwise the runners on the 1000km race would do better?

    • @jimenezarturo says:

      I does but there are other factors involved as well like good sleeping.​@@conradjohannes3211

    • @erastvandoren says:

      @@conradjohannes3211 yeah, I’d like to actually read the paper before commenting on that. I guess the regiment so completely overloads the system with inflammation that it doesn’t matter anymore.

  • @GGeloRob says:

    Thought if you eat blueberries 20 mims prior your max effort can go up ~20%

    • @erastvandoren says:

      There is a difference, what is normally sold in supermarkets is Vaccinium corymbosum, which has light colored meat and little anthocyanins. And there is wild European Vaccínium myrtíllus, which has intense color inside, and tons of anthocyanins. I buy freeze-dried Vaccínium myrtíllus, and put them into my oats or desserts.

  • @jimenezarturo says:

    Vegans power I’d say! Because vegetarian are still week eating cheese and milky stuff crap.

  • @Kevindavegan says:

    Vegetarian isn’t vegan

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Thank you for sharing <3

  • @ZmogusJaponija says:

    I’ll share my experience. I was almost vegetarian for many years, no meat, fish very occasionally, but eggs and diary daily as well as whey protein shakes (I do exercise a lot, both strenght and endurance). I vent WFPB, because I felt bad with such diet – energy level, tired after food. Also LDL 140. At first I was afraid that I might feel low energy or smth, but what surpriced me how much more energy and endurance I had, also recovery time and it seems that muscles absorb more protein than on vegetarian diet.

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