Leroy Johnson

  • @ervinsmoviecorner8748 says:

    I love less sugar.

  • @andrewstanley7459 says:

    No sugar is better.

  • @laurachambers4092 says:

    What’s the difference between “sugar”and “added sugar”?

    • @cathi7610 says:

      What a yogurt would have naturally – for example, plain organic has 6 grams – and plain yogurt is bitter. A sweetened yogurt (added sugar usually is quite high – estimate 17-27 grams of sugar) to make it taste sweet! It is a lot of sugar in one of those little containers!

    • @boblangford5514 says:

      Sugar is what the food naturally has in it. Added sugar is tablespoons of sucrose (table sugar…scoops of sugar) added to the food so it’s more palatable/addicting.

  • @mktemple476 says:

    But most are loaded with so much salt they’re practically inedible.

  • @thatonedog819 says:

    Okay I’m not someone who’s afraid of sugar by any means (in fact I just finished for cinnamon twists with icing from Domino’s…yummy)…but I cannot stand sugar on pasta sauce. Why is it sweet???

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