Friday Favorites: Is Sorghum a Healthy Grain?

How does sorghum compare with other grains in terms of protein, antioxidants, and micronutrients? What are the benefits of red sorghum compared to black and white varieties?

Check out The Health Benefits of Sorghum ( ).

Should we all be seeking gluten-free grains? See:
• Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? ( )
• Gluten-Free Diets: Separating the Wheat from the Chat ( )
• How to Diagnose Gluten Intolerance ( )

You might also be interested in my videos on millet: Studies on Millet: Is It a Healthy Grain? ( ) and The Benefits of Millet for Diabetes ( ).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Join me for my live webinar on March 15 at 2pm ET to find out what randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have to say about the pros and cons of getting vaccines:

  • @matthewdelbelbelluz6266 says:

    Can’t handle these human study cliffhangers lol

  • @allencrider says:

    Use sorghum in your smoothies instead of bananas.

    • @audither says:

      Interesting but what would be the point beside being less calories and less sweet please explain

    • @Yzyxdolorza says:

      @@auditheranyone sensitive or allergic to latex can’t eat bananas… which is more common than celiac.

  • @user-zg1zn5tf7o says:

    I have celiac and sorghum causes even worse reaction than gluten.

  • @audither says:

    I see red sorghum on Amazon, but was just wondering whether sorghum would be less expensive if you buy it from a feed store

  • @techgayi says:

    It will be nice to tone down the intro bgm! Too loud and irritating!

  • @rebk5331 says:

    Delicious but makes you poop!!

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Sorghum is so delicious 🙂 thank you for sharing <3 (so sad with the studies on the mice, though :/)

  • @NanaPiper says:

    Wendy on Show Me Mo Vegan YouTube Channel is where I first heard about this grain.

    Thanks for all this good info👍

  • @opad422 says:

    Just finished bowlfull of shorghum poridge

  • @JMo268 says:

    I would really like to find a new sugar substitute after discovering brown sugar is 90% white sugar with a little molasses. So which is least bad for you, sorghum syrup, honey, black strap mollasses, date syrup?

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