Best Exercise for a Bigger Back

Build a muscular and ripped back by following the advice outlined in this short 60 second video. Whether you're trying to get a wider back, build bigger lats, or build a thicker back this exercise will help.

Leroy Johnson

  • @jojojos3194 says:

    I’m at the gym for 2 years now, and I’m too scared of this exercise bc I’m worried about doing sth wrong, I know people who ended up with a disc prolapse bc of incorrect execution

    • @chasemarkovetz1279 says:

      Start with lower weight and practice form and proper muscle engagement. Alternatively you can skip it and find other exercises that stimulate the same muscles. For me personally all I do for back are pull-ups, rows, and lat pull-down downs. Effective, time efficient, and simple.

  • @luisaguirre5771 says:

    He’ll get a seizure from making this video short.

  • @reidbryan30 says:

    Lol talks about building a big back with deadlifts and dude has zero back development 😅

  • @snazzycactus6748 says:

    This is the worst advice I’ve ever heard

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