Friday Favorites: Do Apricot Seeds Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure?

Do those who choose alternative cancer treatments live longer?

This reminds me of my video Black Salve as an Alternative Cancer Cure ( ), though sometimes I’m surprised like in Can Aloe Cure Cancer? ( ).

Stay tuned for Does Laetrile (Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17) Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure? ( ).

I’ve got tons of videos on cancer. Here’s an intro one to get started: How Not to Die from Cancer ( ).

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @keithlb1 says:

    Integrative is what I might consider. Reading Jane McLelland’s story is very inspiring.

  • @keithlb1 says:

    She talks about building a Metro map to attack cancer based on scientific research, low-dose chemo with things like repurposed drugs like Metformin from the Care Oncology Clinic in London and now the US, supplements like Berberine to name one, high dose intravenous Vitamin C, now offers a course on how to go about this One problem is that most Oncologists will not agree to low dose chemo. She wrote the book How To Starve Cancer which is very informative and inspiring

  • @andrewpawley8883 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @GivathBrenner says:

    Prevention….is a reasonable and credible method….of preventing Cancer.
    WFPB – Canada

  • @Alex-mp1zb says:

    The bitter apricot kernels sold in Europe are in fact very low in amygdalin (as low as sweet apricot almonds). I’ve been eating 24 seeds per day for 10 days so far and I’m not writing from the Other Side! You’ll get more amygdalin from Golden apple seeds.

  • @Mr.N0.0ne says:

    It’s a useful topic as cancer is now apparently increasing as of 2021, according to a leading British oncologist. He said he’s seen a sharp rise after a specific treatment was widely administered. Hopefully he is mistaken.

  • @chunkysneakerz says:

    I love these videos of debunking false and dangerous claims

  • @rayzerot says:


  • @janiceg7661 says:

    I admit i bought them. I dont have cancer, i heard they helped with cancer and thought it may help with some cell dysplasia. Now I’m rethinking eating them. I’ll stick with AHCC.

  • @maketshi says:

    Some guy came to my college to give a presentation to a class one day, and talked about the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” like it was some great informative book, so I bought it on Amazon.

    I started reading it, and… I soon had a strong sensation that it was complete BS, so I googled the author to see if he had written any other books. Yeah, he also wrote “World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17”. After a quick search on “Vitamin B17”, I put the book away and never read another word.

  • @brianjessen9925 says:

    Spicy food definitely kills cancer and so I’m adding 4 red hot peppers (blended with water in a high-speed blender) to rice & beans and I will feel my cancer just melt away.

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