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Your challenge this week is to add at least two servings of greens to your day. #dailydozenchallenge

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @morsemary says:

    How would you spend a day if you stumbled upon a treasure chest?😻

  • @JeffreyPeres says:

    La profondità della conoscenza mostrata in questo thread è davvero impressionante. Complimenti a tutti per aver condiviso la loro esperienza.😘

  • @UnniScaggs says:

    La ricchezza di conoscenze qui è sconcertante. È come avere accesso a una biblioteca virtuale di competenze.😛

  • @wellthi says:

    dino kale is my fav green for blending breakfast

  • @proudchristian77 says:

    Were vegetarian baby, we love veggies, yum ! & fish 🐟 💝

  • @bohditony says:


  • @Burgerklauer says:

    I’ve seen someone claiming that broccoli is bad for humans is that true?

  • @damequish says:

    Dr Greger is THE GOAT doctor and it’s so fortunate for us to be in the world with him 😎🙏

  • @Comenta-san says:

    Carnists: “I’LL EAT ANY BEAST”
    2 seconds later: *gets intimidated by 2 cups of leaves*

    • @AberdolphLinklr says:

      Intimidated? You mean knowing the uselessness of plants, for human consumption? Sure whatever helps you sleep at night.

  • @TonyTooTuff says:

    CAP: beef is way more nutrient dense and more bio readily available for the body to absorb.

  • @monicasong427 says:

    Never harm the vital weedy species that only grow in compacted soils.

    Weedy plant species are healthful to consume and vital for the soil to break up the compaction.

  • @vidar188 says:

    That is objectively not true. Regardless if you think its bad for heart health or not (i dont) red meat is OBJECTIVELY more nutriant dense

  • @diswhoiaml3470 says:

    There are just certain things you cannot get from plants in the amounts your body needs. As well as easily absorbed nutrients that are readily available in lean meats like fish and poultry.

  • @kntonks says:

  • @danstrayer111 says:

    here’s the bet: you and I each go into the wilderness, you with a gallon of water and a pound of leafy greens, I go with a gallon of water and a bag of seeds. Any seed, doesn’t matter. We’ll see who runs out of steam first.

  • @xeropunt5749 says:

    the way you speak is very digestible👍

  • @wayneliketowalk3740 says:

    Baby Leaf Spinach and Broccoli are my 2. Imma be like Popeye soon hahaha

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