6 Testosterone Killers Men MUST Avoid

Boost your testosterone levels naturally by eliminating these high estrogen foods from your diet. If you want to have more drive and build more muscle and strength easier then rasing your testosterone levels will help. One of the best ways to do that is by reducing estrogen dominance through a proper diet.
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Overtime food has the power to make you stronger and leaner with naturally higher testosterone levels but the wrong foods can do the opposite, by raising estrogen, lowering testosterone, and causing a wide range of cascading side effects like gaining body fat, losing muscle mass, and becoming weaker and more tired. So Many people try to raise their testosterone by eating foods like garlic, oysters, and ginger but the truth is avoiding foods that have the potential to raise your estrogen levels is far more impactful because naturally, we wouldn't be consuming a lot of the ingredients and foods that we have available to us today. So today I want to give you the 8 worst foods that are likely to disrupt your hormones by raising estrogen and lowering testosterone. By minimizing these foods you'll maximize your testosterone levels so you can feel more motivation, energy, and vitality. 

And first you want to take a look at the kinds of fats that you're eating. Historically, human diets were a lot higher in omega-3 fatty acids compared to omega-6 fatty acids, mostly because people mostly ate foods like wild-caught fish, seeds, and leafy green vegetables. However, modern Western diets tend to be a lot higher in omega-6 fatty acids. You can check the label on most prepped foods in your grocery store and you'll find that they're high in cheap vegetable oils like corn, soybean, cottonseed, and sunflower oils which are all high in omega 6. But it's not just vegetable oils even butter from cows, and eggs from chickens that are fed grain-based diets skew more in the direction of omega 6. Now the problem with this is that excessive intake of omega-6 fatty acids can lead to an imbalance of certain hormones like estrogen and testosterone, especially when the omega 6's aren't balanced with omega-3's.

This is because inside your body Omega-6 fatty acids are turned into these things called prostaglandins, which are essentially like messengers that tell our hormones what to do. If we have too many of these messengers it can throw off the balance of our hormones. Now on top of all that, omega-6 fatty acids can potentially disrupt testosterone-to-estrogen balance by causing inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been associated with alterations in hormone levels in many studies. So to reduce inflammation and maintain a more similar diet to our ancestors try to incorporate more omega 3's with fatty fish like salmon and sardines, butter from grass-fed cows, and pasture-raised or free-range animal products like pasture-raised eggs instead of regular eggs.

To help reduce omega 6's you'll want to stay away from most vegetable oils and you'll especially want to avoid our next food group that can negatively affect a man's hormones, processed foods. Men will often try to save time by eating meals that don't require much prep time. A perfect example of this is a frozen, microwavable meal. These include frozen pizzas, TV dinners, and frozen entrees. These are all usually high in sodium, artificial additives, and unhealthy fats, which can interfere with testosterone production. It's the same story with most fast food. Regardless of whether it's burgers, fries, chicken nuggets, or other highly processed fast food options, eating fast food too often can definitely disrupt hormones in men. Trans fats are extremely harmful to your testosterone levels, so they've been removed or at least limited even in most processed foods. But deep-fried foods like French fries, chicken nuggets, and fried chicken sandwiches as well as many pastries all still commonly contain trans fats.

Burgers are also commonly cooked in partially hydrogenated oils which are a big source of trans fats too. There are multiple problems with trans fats. First trans fats can have estrogenic effects, by mimicking or interfering with the action of estrogen in the body, potentially leading to elevated estrogen levels. Second, the consumption of trans fats have also been linked to lower testosterone production in men. Decreased testosterone levels can lead to a relative increase in estrogen levels, further contributing to hormonal imbalance. So do your best to avoid highly processed foods and mostly stick to single ingredient natural foods. 
Next, we have to touch on alcohol because it can have some of the most devastating effects on your hormones in 3 major ways especially if you consume too much of it. The first problem is that drinking too much alcohol can damage liver function, decreasing its ability to metabolize estrogen efficiently. This reduces the rate that estrogen

Leroy Johnson

  • @trevinormandy14520 says:

    Avoid sweet, salty, greasy foods drink lotta water am I close?

    • @Chris-kr7gg says:

      Salt is actually good for you! Stir frying with butter isn’t that bad, as long as you don’t deep fry! Drinking too much water can make you lose electrolytes/ other minerals and vitamins.

    • @turtletom8383 says:

      ​@@Chris-kr7ggelectro lights are overated metals, their are many different versions or forms of each electro light. Natural ones from food are best. What you get from food is all anyone really needs

    • @Chris-kr7gg says:


      I don’t really understand your comment! I’m going to assume English isn’t your first language.

    • @Anon_571 says:

      @@Chris-kr7gg Wrong, you get more than enough sodium from natural healthy food. Adding sodium not only makes you retain fluids, but it also makes you more likely to develop hypertension, which is one of the leading causes of heart and kidney disease. Obviously don’t drink excessive water, just drink water as your body asks for depending on your individual intake requirements.

    • @Chris-kr7gg says:


      I never said add lots of salt! Most people can’t handle salt because they are unhealthy. Some of the healthiest countries in the world eat a lot more salt than is recommended between 4-8 grams a day and they live long healthy lives please don’t twist things to your deluded perceptions.

  • @ruzimabonieck6908 says:


  • @R1pTheJacka says:

    1. The kinds of fats you’re eating – 0:49
    2. Processed foods – 2:30
    3. Alcohol – 3:52
    4. High sugar foods – 5:38
    5. Mint flavored products – 6:48
    6. Licorice – 7:30

  • @michaelsmith697 says:

    Great video! I’m trying to increase testosterone and get rid of stomach visceral fat and man boobs. I’m almost 70 so it’s difficult. I avoid all junk foods. Only use small amount of olive oil in cooking

  • @vozhdmeister5256 says:

    Didn’t know for mint !
    Thanks for the share

  • @arturcorreagomes says:

    Great Video: From Brazil

  • @personaldronerepair6141 says:

    Did not realize that I was in a battle with Estrogen……..until now.

  • @biggus3461 says:

    good to know that im avoiding about 90% of this stuff. seems im on the right way

  • @joshanderson1598 says:

    I can 100% confirm the mint flavored products. Specifically tea. Mint tea and Almond milk lowered my T in the overall range and active levels. I was consuming them multiple times a day for a few months. I could not figure out what was going on for a time period since my results were great with workouts and supplements, but my levels were abnormally off. Do the research and be careful how much of these you consume because it renders T inactive on a daily basis. Fat will accumulate and sleep will become inefficient just by consuming these two items as a male, all while you are eating pretty good and working out plenty. (I am 51 y/o, and fit)

    • @wolven777 says:

      Thanks for sharing. I am from Morocco, we drink mint tea everyday, sometimes 2 or 3 times, I knew our mint contains a lot of agricultural chemicals, but didn’t suspect an effect on testosterone.
      Maybe our diet counteracts the effects of mint on T, probably the big amount of spices we eat daily, but I believe there is truth to mint affecting T, we are starting to suffer from low T among people who live in big cities and work desk jobs.

    • @arodderz says:

      Thanks for sharing. What are you using as a milk substitute now? I understand regular milf and soy milk are horrible as well!

  • @LikhonaTyelo says:

    This is good guidance for men trying to bulk up but the thing is healthy foods are costly and what do you do if you can’t afford all the proper nutrition?

    • @scotthearts9634 says:

      That’s the thing stuff is gettin’ more expensive each day, even vegetables and fruits 🥲

    • @madhusudan says:

      Decide how important it is to you. If it’s worth the effort, get to know your local farmers, ranchers, butchers, etc. and buy directly from them. If it’s not all that important, just do your best at the supermarket and don’t stress.

  • @enelsonwilliam6377 says:

    Where have you been ? Long Time no post!

  • @adegbenroagoro5180 says:

    Nope. Drinking your daily average for a week in one night is binge drinking. The recommendation is to not exceed the daily recommended limit. I’m referring to alcohol

  • @tomallan5000 says:

    Thanx, keep up the good info. Didn’t know that about mint and licorice.

  • @Trapster99 says:

    Amazing video, thanks for it all

  • @s3p4kner says:

    The acid in Licorice mentioned here also blocks absorption of Potassium and in 1 mans case after he switched sweets on the construction site to 1 bag per day, resulted in a fatal heart attack in the cafeteria and couldn’t be revived. If I recall correctly he was middle aged and not obese.

  • @user-rd9uz9ho4z says:

    quality channel quality info

  • @Checkmate9moves says:

    14 drinks on Saturday. Got it

  • @WeItenspinner says:

    14 drinks a week is considered moderate? Holly f*ck. oO For me that is already a hefty addiction.

  • @ag135i says:

    I don’t drink but I can’t avoid all the other foods altogether because I don’t cook food myself nor top up the groceries by my choice and it also depends on the location on the availability of food.

  • @vSwampFox says:

    Good stuff. As always.

    Also plan to check into your links provided. I like trying out dozens of peoples six week programs just because I have the rest of my life to do them and then actually being able to speak from experience when the six weeks is over how they affected me.

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