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Dark green leafy vegetables are packed with lutein, an important brain antioxidant. #dailydozen

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @lizpimentel2566 says:

    Looks like I’ll be having a salad with my dinner tonight! 🥬🥦🥗

  • @aboutsupplies says:

    Low Fat Intake Linked to Increased Dementia Risk, Studies Suggest

    Several large-scale studies and a systematic review have found that low intakes of total fat, saturated fat, and monounsaturated fat are associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults. The Women’s Health Study, involving nearly 6,200 women, found a 70% higher risk of dementia in those with the lowest total fat intake compared to the highest. The Three-City Study in France, with over 8,600 participants, also found a significantly higher risk of dementia in those with the lowest intakes of total, saturated, and monounsaturated fats.

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of 17 studies, including over 40,000 participants, found that higher intakes of these fats were associated with a lower risk of dementia. The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging also found that higher intakes of total and saturated fat were linked to a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

    • @botzer8817 says:

      When you isolate saturated fat, it clearly increase the risk of AD and dementia

    • @lukeweaver9287 says:

      Several large-scale studies funded by…?

    • @wellthi says:

      who is your puppet master ?

    • @tinahelpme says:

      ​​​@@lukeweaver9287The funding sources for the studies mentioned are as follows:

      The Women’s Health Study (WHS) on fat intake and dementia did not have specific funding information readily available in the search results. However, the study is often associated with large-scale research initiatives that typically receive funding from governmental health agencies and research foundations1.

      The Three-City Study was supported by the Medical Research Foundation, Sanofi-Synthelabo company, and Inserm23.

      The systematic review and meta-analysis by Lee et al. on dietary fat intake and cognitive function did not provide specific funding details in the search results. Such reviews usually compile data from various studies, which may each have their own funding sources4.

      The Mayo Clinic Study of Aging has been funded by the Alexander Family Foundation Inc. and also received support from the National Institute on Aging56.

      The PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomized trial on the Mediterranean diet and cognition was funded by the US Federal NIA grant AG028506 and the Alzheimer’s Association grant IIRG-04-13537.

    • @JohnsonMJ0 says:

      So that’s why vegans get dementia

  • @lukeweaver9287 says:

    We have a dinner plate sized vegan meal salad 4-5 times/wk. with a side of protein. If we miss more than a couple of days without the big salad we have less energy.

  • @abdalrhmandabbagh6417 says:

    Thank you

  • @PlantbasedSilvi says:

    Da muss ich doch mal KI fragen. Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Barnard bekommen also alle Demenz😂😂

  • @seymourbutz6951 says:

    Correlation does not equal causation.

    • @prepcoin_nl4362 says:

      This is a phrase people use when they want to cast doubt on something said without actually knowing much about the topic themselves. Technically true (as we all know) but doesn’t contribute anything to the discussion.

    • @Inseldraws says:

      Yeah and even if it isn`t linked. Would it hurt eating mory green vegetables with its proven good side effects? Worst thing is it doesn`t do anything. I really appreciate Greger showing us things he knows so that we can draw our own conclusions. It`s up on you what you make out of it.

  • @oddipyloris5329 says:

    Dang that feels like a lot of salad

    • @egris00 says:

      It doesn’t have to be only salads. Steamed, simmered, in smoothies, chopped into chili con carne, there are hundreds of ways to est greens! Enjoy

  • @kelsycunningham8452 says:

    Coming from someone in their late 60’s, early 70’s? Nope. Greger is just….51. Dear Lord people look to him for dietary advice 🤣

    • @egris00 says:

      Well, I’ll disagree because his data saved my life. I’m almost 70 and medication free. 5 years ago I had a chronic illness and followed the evidence based info he disseminates and now I feel 6 years younger and have regained my energy! Oh, and the illness has receded. Thank you Dr Greger.

    • @oskariKN25 says:

      Did you know that people age differently with different rates with each organs and tissues maybe based on genetics or due to underlying chronic disease? I’m sure you don’t but judging someone’s nutritional and medical advice by how old one LOOKS is not exactly best qualifier for your own sake, if he looked sick, as in red skin known as a indicator of high blood pressure you could make that claim. by this logic, Hollywood celebrities that are predisposed to look good even at older age with all sorts of procedures that cost millions of dollars are the ones we should be listening for dietary advice.

      Also I’m sure you have the ability to read. read the damn study in the short clip and interpret it, or are you saying you don’t have the expertise for that? Well golly I wonder who does… maybe the nutritionist talking in the video?

  • @justcarineinparis says:

    Why don’t people know that?
    Why don’t doctors know that ?

  • @stefbmccoy8297 says:

    Cook your greens! There are so many problems with eating raw greens like E.coli and oxilates. I am sick of people pushing salads as they healthy choice. Have a soup!

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