Onions and Tomatoes Put to the Test for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and diet: Beyond the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alkaline-forming qualities of fruits and vegetables in general, are there extra benefits our bones can get from particular produce?

If you missed my previous video, see Three Reasons Why Fruits and Vegetables May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk ( ).

Here is the prune video I mentioned: Prunes for Osteoporosis ( ).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @funth0m says:


  • @andrewpawley8883 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @urban9361 says:

    Thank you 😀👍🏻. Great information as always, delivered with a pinch of humour (blended not stirred please) 😁🙏

  • @misterx3188 says:

    1:38 – Oats… wtf?

  • @eelkeaptroot1393 says:

    Well at least unions also add flavour and store well! Thanks for the info doc!

  • @trevorregay9283 says:

    Wait……..so, essentially these help but no better than just eating any form of fruits and veggies??? Is that the takeaway from this or am I mistaken. It still seems like tomatoes and onions do have a beneficial effect against osteoporosis more so than others……..or did I just get gaslit by all these studies that he preluded before the final Australian study???

    • @GiusyAloe says:

      Al final una dieta plant-based es la verdadera clave para el osteoporosis.. entendiste bien 👍

    • @jaimeayala4231 says:

      This is my interpretation of the data; in order to decrease your risk of bone fractures if you eat from 6 to 9 or more servings of fruits & vegetables, you don’t need to look for specific plants. However, if you eat less than 6 servings then you need to focus on those vegetables that are more helpful like alliums (onion, garlic), cruciferous (arugula, broccoli), tomatoes, prunes and some herbs (rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley and others). Of course, in the biological sciences there’s always something better (or wrong) to be found later.

    • @JudiintheKitchen says:

      @@jaimeayala4231 Well said!

    • @oskariKN25 says:

      The takeaway from this is that, while tomatoes and onions might be more helpful than other common vegetables, you should not favour them specifically just for hyper focusing on bone health. Vegetables are good for your bones either way so eating all kinds is for the best benefit and already known plants to have powerful beneficial health effects like garlic and cruciferous vegetables plus leafy greens like kale should be eaten for the safe assumption of giving the biggest benefit. They also didn’t control the overall diet in the onion study so it could be that they benefit from the extra plant compounds in somewhat animal product filled diet. a whole food plant based eater might not see any special benefit from onions (not that you should not eat them).

  • @deepakhiranandani6488 says:

    Fascinating especially the ending. Thanks.

  • @Jens_1978 says:

    So are Shallots good too ?

  • @peaceloving5298 says:

    Cooked or raw onions?

  • @Scottlp2 says:

    Almonds have been mentioned here previously.

  • @lous3772 says:

    PLEEEEEEEZE: IDEA FOR FUTURE EPISODE. Would you present an episode on the pseudoscience of nutrition! I am especially interested in the concept of Metabolic Typing (Walcott and Fahey)that is promoted by many nutritionists. I saw a nutritionist who gave me an obviously poorly constructed and apparently unvalidated written self report assessment, and based on that, concluded that I was a Mixed Oxidizer and am supposed to eat a certain way. I scoured the peer reviewed published literature and the only thing I could find was an article debunking it. A lot of “nutritionists” are promoting this on their on-line web pages and YouTube channels. They sound smart, because they’re using scientific words, but reading/listening with a critical eye, it sounds like a bunch of bull, and not one provided legitimate sources. I absolutely believe that there is a wide diversity of metabolic processing, but the specificity of recommendations doesn’t seem to have a basis. Maybe it’s good stuff. But if not, these types of claims create so much confusion in a field that’ they need to be called out. It would be a valuable public service to focus on this topic of pseudoscience in nutrition in an episode or two.

  • @pmw3839 says:

    So, the take away is: onions and tomatoes do not help more than any other plants. Am I right?

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