Resveratrol Tested for Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis

Resveratrol appears to triple the rate of age-related brain shrinkage.

This is the third video in a four-part series on resveratrol. If you missed either of the first two, see Does Resveratrol Make You Live Longer? ( ) and Does Resveratrol Benefit Our Metabolic Health? ( ).

The last video is coming up: Side Effects of Resveratrol Supplements ( ). (As if a tripling in brain shrinkage wasn’t bad enough!)

I’ve got a lot of other videos on Alzheimer’s disease ( ), arthritis ( ), and osteoporosis ( ) that you can explore.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @funth0m says:


  • @pickledbeaker5916 says:

    TLDR: no significant benefit

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @spoudaois4535 says:

    What about taurine? Lot of hype about it lately.

    • @CRM-114 says:

      As a vegan, I started taking a taurine supplement after looking into it. I also started taking choline (the most important of the bunch), glycine and carnosine. Not taking these can be harmful in my opinion.

    • @spoudaois4535 says:

      @@CRM-114 Choline can raise TMAO. Are you not concerned?

    • @CRM-114 says:

      @@spoudaois4535 It’s not that simple. How much TMAO is formed depends on the types of microbes you have in your gut which varies from person to person. Also, studies with animals in which they were given very high doses of TMAO (highly controlled lab settings) cannot be compared to what humans naturally get from food or supplements (if you’re vegan). Also the TMAO in your body after consuming a lot of choline very quickly returns to baseline. On top of that, higher TMAO levels were not associated with heart disease. So I’m not concerned about TMAO at this point. On the other hand, choline seems to be very important for the brain and plays a key role in epigenetics (which is the key to aging) so it’s important not to be deficient (especially during pregnancy and childhood).

    • @spoudaois4535 says:

      @@CRM-114 TMAO is and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It is also been found to be associated with various forms of arthritis. My arthritis went away for good on vegan nutrition. Maybe or maybe not your gut flora is good enough to stop leakage of TMAO despite the choline.

    • @CRM-114 says:

      @@spoudaois4535 I’m taking 500 mg of choline every day and there is absolutely no indication that this could be harmful. Vegans are simply not getting enough choline. If you want to be really careful, you can take 250 mg.

  • @justinhale5693 says:

    It has an effect via hormesis so the dose is very important.


    Alzheimer’s disease is all about oxygen deprivation whether that be from a fatty diet, sit entry, lifestyle, or dehydration after arthritis, and Parkinsons is heavily related to dehydration, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪

  • @chronart1 says:

    I heard recently that there was a study that if you had blueberries with a banana there was something in the banana that wrecked the normal benefits of the blueberries. Is that true?

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Thank you so much for the coverage <3

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Should everyone consider taking the anti-aging drugs metformin and rapamycin? Find out in my live 90-minute webinar on Friday, June 14, starting at 2pm ET. Register here (today is the last day to register):

  • @CRM-114 says:

    Lots of cherry picking going on here as Dr. Greger is pretty much against any supplements except B12, neglecting the importance of other supplements for vegans – such as choline which is critical especially for pregnant women and children. People should look into different sources on the topic of supplements instead of taking Dr. Greger’s word as gospel.

  • @samiryan214 says:

    Resveratrol increased brain volume loss. LOL

  • @marcopignone9386 says:

    I’ll stick to a couple glasses of red wine now and then and skip the pills.

  • @carolmartino1502 says:

    I finally had some hope after taking Polygonum cuspidatum for my VBD, since I can’t tolerate antobiotics, but I guess, you can shoot me now.

  • @sudd3660 says:

    only drawbacks with not significant benefit from a drug. an age old story.

  • @sugarplumk2381 says:

    Thanks Dr G.

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