How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath

After study participants took some garlic, researchers gave them whey protein, lemon juice, green tea, chlorophyll, 7UP soda, a raw pink lady apple, a cooked apple, parsley, spinach, and mint leaves. Which do you think worked best as a remedy for garlic breath?

Stay tuned for the next video, Green Tea as a Mouthwash for Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( ).

The other oral health videos I mentioned:
• Tongue Scraper vs. Tongue Brushing for Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• The Benefits of Gum Chewing on Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• The Best Mouthwash for Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )

For even more, see:
• How to Naturally Treat Tongue Coating-Associated Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Foods That Cause and Help Halitosis (Bad Breath) ( )
• Can Stress Cause Halitosis (Bad Breath)? ( )
• Effects of Tongue Scraping on Plaque, Gingivitis, and Cavities ( )
• Does Tongue Scraping Cause Cancer? ( )
• How Tongue Scraping Can Affect Heart Health ( )
• How to Clean Your Tongue ( )

You can also watch the recording of my webinar, How to Naturally Treat Halitosis ( ), which includes nine videos plus a Q&A.

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Leroy Johnson

  • @ClovettCC says:

    NF Youtube manager,
    You put “YouTube“ in the title of this video. That seems to be an error.
    Christopher Lovett

  • @MuhammadAfzal-ie7ie says:

    Thank you! I’ve started 2.5g raw crushed garlic twice a day & was worried about this.

    • @yvonnes7412 says:

      I put crushed garlic on toast then toast lightly in the toaster oven … tastes like delicious garlic bread but without all the butter, etc… just an idea…
      I also do this with potatoes 🥔 (cut baked potato in half, put garlic on top, toast lightly)

  • @veganchiefwarrior6444 says:

    Broccoli and lemon water lol

  • @QuocTaHoang says:

    I am addicted to Durian odour, its tastes delicious, smell delicious, how can you not like it 🙂

    • @Julottt says:

      lol not for everyone, far from it

    • @QuocTaHoang says:

      @@Julottt why yes? Im not deny it, there are peoples i see they cannot withstand the smell or taste of the durian, but my whole family love durian, taste good as hell 🙂

    • @duckcile3515 says:

      Too strong, also can be pungent. Can trigger migraine. My mum has this condition.

  • @kathrynlouise says:

    thank you

  • @doloreswinsbarrow1110 says:

    Thanks for the tips

  • @KJ-tq3sm says:

    drink black coffee > coffee breath is preferrable

  • @mchagawa1615 says:

    Fascinating! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  • @chunkysneakerz says:

    I’ve noticed using aged garlic (putting cloves in just 100% apple cider vinegar / quick pickling) cuts down as well as xylitol mints taken immediately after a meal

  • @user-kh1iz5vh4x says:

    Майкл Грегер, здравствуйте!! Сколько проростков или микрозелени льна и, брокколи можно употреблять в день без вреда организму?

  • @stavokg says:

    For years, I have eaten parsley to deodorize breath and body. If I notice any odor I eat a handful of raw parsley. It works every time.

  • @NutritionFactsOrg says:

    Check out the recording of my webinar, How to Naturally Treat Halitosis, which includes nine videos plus a Q&A:

  • @lawrencelawrence3920 says:

    Popcorn works for me, its dry abrasion helps srub the garlic juice.

  • @sallysailor5642 says:

    Easy: drink two glasses of cold water with the juice of half a squeezed lemon, one in the morning, one in the afternoon or evening.

  • @5t4n5 says:

    If people don’t like me smelling of garlic then all they have to do is eat some garlic. Problem solved.

    I once had a smoker moaning about me smelling of garlic while reeking like an ashtray. Priceless!!!

    • @duckcile3515 says:

      Garlic smell from body odour is so intrusive. I can smell you from far. And it fills the room. But I also agree cigarettes smells disgusting as well.

    • @lizpimentel2566 says:

      I’d rather smell someone who is garlicky than someone who smells like cigarettes 🤢

  • @eliasbach-ys8mb says:

    But wouldn’t eliminating the sulfur compounds like allicin also get rid of the beneficial properties vegetables like onions and garlic have BECAUSE these compounds?

    • @jshrw1427 says:

      Good question, hope it gets answered

    • @xcast1 says:

      The isothiocyanats (from mustard family / cruciferious etc) like shown in 1:00 react with thiol S-H groups of (likely gaseous / smelling) sulfur compounds like SH2 and CH3SH from the breakdown of S amino acids. Allicin and its metabolits (di- and trisulfids) do not so far expose ‘-S-H’.

      Some common recipes like coleslaw contain both, cruciferous and Allium plants. People had a good sense for beneficial nutrition before scientific nitpicking. Due to some vinegar / mild acid in those recipes, the low pH likely reduces / delays the isothiocyanate reactivity and improves overall stability of such salads regarding all kinds of degradations before consumption. After all, you can still taste the sharp taste of both …

  • @AndrewPawley11 says:

    I love this channel!

  • @koreyb says:

    In my opinion, garlic breath is not nearly as bad as rotten tooth smell. Missing a dentist appointment is the worst thing for your breath.

  • @inigo137 says:

    Could we get some recommendations for people with chronic gastritis?
    Thanks 🙏

  • @RealDealy says:

    An apple works for garlic breath, preferably green apples. A nice tongue scraper, and a cap full of hydrogen peroxide mixed with a little bit of water, is the best mouth cleaner. I only spend about $2 a month!

    I make sure I rinse with clean water after each mouth wash with the Hydrogen peroxide/water mix cause left over hydrogen peroxide can slowly irritate your mouth, and burn it

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