Dr. David Unwin – ‘What predicts drug-free type 2 diabetes remission?’

Dr. David Unwin is GP based in Southport in the United Kingdom. After over 25 years of attempting to treat diabetes by conventional methods, Dr. Unwin was introduced to low carb nutrition through one of his patients and the website www.diabetes.co.uk

From this revelation, Dr. Unwin now ignores official advice and treats his patients with a low-carbohydrate diet. Since adopting the approach, his practice now spends £68,000 less each year on drugs for diabetes than is average for his area.

Dr. Unwin is the RCGP National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes, as well as a Clinical Expert in diabetes. In 2015 he won the North West NHS ‘Innovator of the Year Award’ and in 2016 he won the National NHS 'Innovator of the Year Award' for his work in treating diabetes with a low carbohydrate approach.

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Leroy Johnson

  • @michaelpagan3914 says:

    Our man in Southport.

  • @jimw6659 says:

    Dr. Unwin is wonderful – a rare source of truth in the modern world.

  • @larrysiders1 says:

    Scientists face extreme risk to their Careers…Loss of any more funding to “Cancelation” to Ostracism)…. IF Their Work DOESN’T SUPPORT what the Funding Source WANTS the Research to support.

  • @bobbylee2853 says:

    Meat, the original human food.

  • @bruce8443 says:

    Brilliant and heartening!

  • @sandramorton5510 says:

    Dr. Unwin should get the Nobel Prize.

  • @SweetSassyBull says:

    Around 10 billion spent on diabetes each year by the NHS and most of that is type II. Imagine being in hospital due to a health complication due to type II diabetes and in the next bed is a poor child fighting for their life from some rare disease or illness that not much money has been put into researching. I would feel so embarrassed and guilty. The good that 10 billion a year could do by targeting other “proper” illnesses (not lifestyle choices) is immense.

  • @Terrierized says:

    Thanks to 2020 we can see how careless doctors are, and thanks to LCDU I quit the ‘healthy’ grains, fruits and salads

  • @Terrierized says:

    How long after going carnivore should you be ‘safe’ from developing T2 ??

    • @georgegoodenough823 says:

      I was diagnosed T2D in March 2022. 50 mmol. I went low carb, threw away the prescriptions and went back in August. 36 mmol. No more T2D.

  • @toni4729 says:

    Well done Dr. Unwin.

  • @1timbarrett says:

    Another powerful yet reassuring lecture from Dr Unwin…! ❤

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